Which is more important?

July 25th, 2010
Ok, so I sometimes have this problem where I take really bad pictures all day and have really good pictures left over from previous days. So I am curious what you guys think. Do you think it is more important to be fair and honest and use only pictures you took on that day, or do you think it is more important to upload good pictures even if they were taken a while back? Hmmm, let me know. Thanks
July 25th, 2010
I'm in the "only post something you took on the same day" camp :)
July 25th, 2010
I think it is more important to be fair and honest. This project isn't who can take the best photos.

It is to document your life, as a person, as a photographer, as however you want.
And if a photo is bad, then it is just a reflection of your day in general. Not all photos are perfect, just like each day isn't perfect.

And the same I think goes for if you miss a day. If you missed a day you miss the day, you don't fill it in with a photo from your Roman holiday 5 years ago. You skip it and just keep going.
July 25th, 2010
Its all down to courage me thinks lol. I'm such a beginner I cringe at most of my photos. I will aim to have more courage though but I do need to fill those gaps Chris because it would annoy me seing those spaces on my calender ;)
July 25th, 2010
If I've taken photos on a day, I'll use one of them. I don't like gaps though, so I fill in other shots I've taken if I don't take any. I'm trying to get back into the habit of taking some each day though, but I don't see the problem in posting a photo you're proud of if it's from a similar time.
July 25th, 2010
I think for the most part you should post the pictures that you took that day. If you don't have a chance to take one that day then I wouldn't see why it would be a problem to use a filler pic that you have taken before. I think its just a personal
preference though. I really don't see it as cheating though if you post a picture from a different day. I feel that this is your project and you should be able to do what you want with it. I use this project as a way to get my camera out everyday and use it and practice so I can become better at taking pictures. I don't want to just pick out all my favorite pictures that I have taken in the past and post them because then I wouldn't be getting that practice that I need and then the project would be kind of useless to me. I think that there are a lot of people on here that do things different and use this project for different reasons, so I think its up to you and what you want your project to be about.
July 25th, 2010
i definitely agree with Chris..that's why. it's called 365 days project...Unless,there's really a good reason why some days were skipped..I am also a beginner, i'm not doing this for any reasons, but just to have fun-fun and joy to fill up my sometimes boring life.Hahaha!! and i just LOVE looking at those amazing photos taken by these amazing,talented and gifted artist..like you guys.. Thanks for learning from all the 365 members..PEACE !!..
July 26th, 2010
I'm in the "only posting something on the same day you took it" camp as The Steve.
That said, this project is for you and for you only . . . not for everyone else. So . . . it is on you to create this project as you choose.
I often take pics of things that reflect my day . . . they may not be visually stunning, but, when I look back it is my hope that I will remember something about that day because of the photograph I used.
Take pics of things that please you, make you smile, make you cringe even . . . use pics that represent that moment/space/day in time.
July 26th, 2010
The court is still out on this subject for me. I see the point that it is called 365. But if you are a beginner and learning the basics, I can't see that it would be so wrong to fill much earlier calender pages and leave the original date so everyone knows you are not trying to cheat. I would not pull up an older pic and enter it into the weekly theme. I think that for sure is wrong. But to me and I'm sure many like me, feel I am not good enough yet to worry about it. Now after I have said that, I do try to take pics every day. And as you can clearly see, I have a lot of blank dates on my calender. Not trying to fool anyone. And I do appreciate all of you who can do one every day. It is a goal for me to be that good. So I look at it as I am doing a practice run this year, and next year I will try to stay on schedule when I have learned more.
And thanks to all of you that do answer questions and help all of us new ones.
July 26th, 2010
i think you should try to be as fair as YOU possibly can:P i try to be fair but everyone likes to do it different, and its your project:)
July 26th, 2010
I only take post photos from that day. It's called the 365 project. If was just to post pictures then it would be called something else. You can see plenty of crappy pictures on my calendar (i.e. this Friday). If you had a bad day, then share it. It's a document of a year of your life, be honest.
July 26th, 2010
its your project so do whatever you feel like doing, but my preference is post whta i take on that day only.
July 26th, 2010
I take and post on the same day - that's why I'm doing 365 - to record my days this year. For me it isn't about perfection or wanting to show off something good that didn't make it yesterday - it is about the moment today that I want to remember. But 365 can be whatever you want it to be for you though it isn't a "school" or a "competition" - just a bunch of photographers taking pictures.
July 26th, 2010
I do make an effort to post pictures from that day. There are days, though that I can't make it happen so I'll post something from a different day. I'll usually confess it in my caption. Again, it's a personal decision to use the 365 project as you like. Some like to stick to the letter of the 365 idea and some flit around it to make it work for them.
July 26th, 2010
I'm with Rachael. I try to post one photo from each day, but I hate the gaps (I do have some!), so here and there, I'll post one from around the same time just to fill in a day I didn't take a photo. I guess it's simply your own personal preference and how strict you are with yourself.
July 26th, 2010
At first I tried the pic-a-day approach, but with my schedule I don't always have opportunity for picture taking. I always try to post something that has been taken recently, and whenever possible try to post a pic on the day that I take it. But every so often I "cheat" to fill in gaps etc.
July 26th, 2010
definitely stick to something taken on the day...for me it's about the day I've had rather than showcasing the best pictures (although I hate posting pictures I'm not proud of!!)
July 26th, 2010
I'm with use something that was taken that day. I dont necessarily have a problem waiting the next day and THEN posting the photo - as long as the photo itself is from the day. I figure i'm using it to document my year and also to better my photography.

I understand that there are days when its just all pear shaped but I think of it as a challenge - just shoot something. As i've done this i've realised that things that you'd walk past EVERY day are interesting and you learn a lot more about your surroundings. Lastly, you WILL get better... what better satisfaction is there than looking back at your year, seeing it start with average type shots because you dont have time and then seeing the progression to better shots as the year goes on?
July 26th, 2010
I think it depends on why you are here. If you are here to do the 365 projectof taking a photo every day and all that, then post the pic you took that day regardless of it being not your best.

If you are using this site like flickr, photobucket, etc and just want to share your photos then put whatever you want up.

July 26th, 2010
Definitely only post photos that were taken that day. In my opinion that is what the project is supposed to be about. One time I used a photo from the day before but only because I hadn't taken a photo for that day. I don't think I would do that now though. I would just leave that day blank if I didn't get a photo.

I don't have a problem uploading the next day or more either, as long as it was taking on the day that is marked on your calendar. I'm going on vacation soon and plan to take my daily photos, and drive everyone nuts uploading them when I return LOL.
July 26th, 2010
Okay, i dont know about you- but ive cheated. im pretty sure we all have. if you absoutely HATE all your pictures andHAVE to post an old one, then do it. nobody will notice! but it truly is more fun to document your pictures correctly. Dont you think?
July 27th, 2010
Post what you want and don't tell us what day you actually took it on. We'll never know.... ;D Actually I try to post it the day I take it but don't always have time for photography. Do your best but don't feel guilty when you have to cheat on occasion.
July 27th, 2010
@ Haley RE: "Okay, i dont know about you- but ive cheated. im pretty sure we all have."

You'd be wrong on that assumption.
July 27th, 2010
i think its super important to keep it honest. After all, you would be lying to yourself too and what's the point? I have at least one picture I don't like in my album already, and just had to skip 2 days cuz I moved. The entire point of the project is to take a picture every day. And because of this, I have pushed myself and taken some really awesome images. I just get frustrated that I can only post one! lol
July 27th, 2010
Thanks for the replies everyone. I usually post day to day but every once in a while an old one may slip in. And I absolutely HATE gaps so even if it is a lie they must be filled. Im glad to know what you all think.
July 27th, 2010
I'm in the post a pic from each day every day most days (but not always) group.

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