My son is doing better

October 18th, 2010
It is hard to believe that it has been so long since I updated my son's condition. Kevin is doing a lot better, and I do mean a lot. Friday they started weaning him off all sedation and Saturday he was more alert but still kind of foggy. Then yesterday, Sunday, my wife and I went to the hospital in the morning and walked into the CICU and found him totally alert. Finally I saw in his eyes that he was really there. He still had a breathing tube in so he couldn't talk to us but he was nodding to questions and rolling his eyes at comments. He squeezed my hand as we talked to him and we "shook" hands and clasped hands. He was obviously frustrated that he couldn't talk and the nurse said that they were going to extubate him that morning. But since we both had colds she said that it would be better if we weren't there after that because he would then be breathing the air in the room instead of off the ventilator and more susceptible to germs. So we only had til they were ready to extubate. Then we would leave and my daughter-in-law would come down to the hospital. We talked to him and he tried to write a question but his arm is a bit weak and his handwriting was never really great so it was nearly illegible. Then the nurse brought in a paper with letters on it so he could point to the letters to spell out words but this still didn't work to well. I finally got it going by doing the pointing and asking which row the letter was in and then going through them til he shook his head yes. Still frustrating. I then asked how many letters and was holding up my fingers and he took his hand and held up one finger. Yes, he flipped me the bird. That was as good if not better than his nodding because I knew his sense of humor was there. In a little while the nurses said they were going to extubate him and we would have to say goodbye and leave. Which we did. We went back to the house and my daughter-in-law went to the hospital. We were so happy that he was so alert; that he is back. We missed him so much this past week and a half and can't wait to have the chance to talk with him. My daughter-in-law got to the hospital after he was extubated so he could talk to her. We got a call at the house and my wife answered the phone. it was my daughter-in-law. She had her phone on speaker and Kevin said hello to my wife. After a minute she handed me the phone and I got to hear Kevin's voice. It was raspy and soft and somewhat unclear but I heard him. Then I put our phone on speaker so Kevin could say hi to the boys. With the phone on speaker Kevin was a lot clearer and the boys said hi and told him that they loved him, as did he to them. It was truly the best phone call we ever got.

Today is Monday and we are not going to the hospital because we both have colds and since his immune system is not up to par they won't let us visit. It seems so unfair, after all the waiting and worrying, and now that he is awake we can't even see him. Today he will be given some solid foods and then they will get him to stand up. When my daughter-in-law visits later today we hope to get to talk to him again. Maybe tomorrow or the next day, with a mask on, they will let us visit him but not get too close.

We still don't know what the future holds; whether his heart will heal or he will need a transplant. But taking it one day at a time has brought us to this point where we are truly ecstatic at his being awake. Again, thank you to everyone who has sent prayers and good thoughts our way. It is truly appreciated.
October 18th, 2010
I am so pleased for you all - thank goodness he is on the up and recovering. Yes - you just need to make the most of each day and enjoy what you have when you have it. I understand the joy you are feeling right now!
October 18th, 2010
Wow what a way to start the week.. Tears of joys flowing as I Type. Your son is a survivor, hoping for a quick recovery now that the tubes are out.. You said the future is uncertain for your son, so good vibes going his way that is a great future..
October 18th, 2010
This is wonderful news, Ray! I've been thinking of you all every day, and I'm so glad to hear that Kevin is continuing to improve. This update brought happy tears to my eyes. I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts.
October 18th, 2010
Such wonderful news. Thanks for keeping us updated. You have my continued thoughts and prayers.
October 18th, 2010
That's fabulous news. Ray! He will heal--I know it. Hang tight, I know it's probably so difficult because you do want to run in and see him, but the time will come. Sorry about your colds--rotten timing, but temporary! My best wishes go out to all of you (:
October 18th, 2010
This is wonderful news! I am so happy he is pulling through! I got a little choked up reading this! Just so incredibly happy for you & your family! Continuing to send positive vibes your way!
October 18th, 2010
I was so happy to see this post today when I logged on! I hope your son continues to improve! Your family continues to be in my thoughts!
October 18th, 2010
Wonderful news that he's pulling through slowly, and that he has his humour!I Flipping the bird is just ace :-)
Hope your colds go fast..
October 18th, 2010
Great news! I hope for his continued improvement and eventual recovery. Take care of yourself and your wife as well.
October 18th, 2010
Absolutely great news. Hugs and prayers for continued support and healing during this process.
October 18th, 2010
That's really wonderful - I'm so glad that you have been able to communicate with him and that's back for you. I've been following your story and wondering how things are going. I'll be thinking of you all....
October 18th, 2010
That is such great news.... thank you for the update.... and we'll still be praying. God bless.
October 18th, 2010
so glad to hear that your son is doing better- I will continue to pray for his FULL recovery, and for you and your wife that your colds go away so that you visit your son soon! Thank you for taking the time to update us all on his condition :D
October 18th, 2010
I can only say, "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!"
October 18th, 2010
I had to look again and when I saw your update I couldn't wait to get to the bottom reading and taking it all in. I'm so happy that your son is finally awake and that you had a chance to see you and your wife must take good care and get over the cold in a hurry..".Buckley's works wonders". so hopefully next time you go visiting you will be able to really have a one on one conversation with him. We all keep on hoping and praying for your son.
October 19th, 2010
So good to hear, it brings tears to my eyes. I love that he is feeling well enough to give you the bird!!! (probably the only time you think it is a wonderful thing hehe). Still sending our positive thoughts your way for his continued improvement. Thankyou so much for giving the time to write your updates as he is often on my mind
October 19th, 2010
Great news, I hope and pray that his heart will heal on it's own.
October 19th, 2010
Good news! Thank you for the update! I've been thinking of you! More prayers coming your way! (And remember to take care of yourself as well!)
October 19th, 2010
Thanks for the update. You have often been in my thoughts. I am so glad to hear he is up and alert and has his sense of humor!!
October 19th, 2010
So glad to hear this much better news! Prayers are still with your family and that you and your wife can get rid of those colds and not have that worry hanging over your heads.
October 19th, 2010
Great news!! Just made my day
October 19th, 2010
So pleased to read this update. The 365 community is a wonderful place to share your news. We are all thinking of you and your family.
October 19th, 2010
What a beautiful news, Ray. Glad to hear he's getting better. Thanks for keeping us updated. Sending your son and everybody positive thoughts and prayers for his fast recovery.
October 20th, 2010
good news... fingers crosssed
October 20th, 2010
Great news. I hope that you will be able to visit him again soon.
October 20th, 2010
So happy for you. Wonderful news. Keeping everything crossed.
October 20th, 2010
I'm so happy for you! Still praying for his recovery!
October 20th, 2010
I am so happy to hear that, Ray!!! It's wonderful that your son is doing so good! And it's great that his sense of humor is there - this will help him to recover quickly!
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