flim cameras

October 20th, 2010
does anyone still use film?

if yes/no why?

just curious

October 20th, 2010
Some times I do. The major con in my mind is the cost. Digital has obvious advantages (ie - instant results). The main reason I try use film, is because I find myself constantly trying to recreate the look of film in post. Plus, I don't want the cameras to collect too much dust. :P

This is one of the photos for my project shot on film.
October 20th, 2010
I have an SLR but I don't use it anymore not that it's defiinite, maybe one of these days.

Digital photography is very, very interesting and I have so many things to learn and explore. I can only do this by making tons of trial shots, see the results just by downloading them in to my computer WITHOUT spending money. That's one big difference I'd rather opt for non-film.
October 20th, 2010
My Pentax K1000 film camera got stolen last year, but I plan on getting another one to shoot B&W ! I just can't get the film look in Paint Shop Pro X2 !
October 20th, 2010
I really like digital more in most aspects than film, but my photo 2 class is traditional 35mm only. After I finish up with photo 3 I highly doubt I'll ever use a darkroom again.
October 20th, 2010
I still use film! I love medium format, but have been shooting some 35mm Kodachrome in my F5 as of late (gotta get that out of my system before processing is cut off on Dec. 30th). I strongly feel that film made me a 500% better photographer because it slowed me down and taught me how to get a great shot out of the camera. It greatly reduced how much editing I had to do on my digital images, and the mere number of shots I took.

I have yet to get the colors of Velvia slide film on a digital image without heavy photoshopping. I dunno, I just love the look for film. I cannot wait until I live somewhere big enough where I can have a small darkroom. I'm a nut for the smell of fixer!
October 20th, 2010
I do!

A Nikon EM with a prime 50 1.8 and Kodak ISO 200 film!

I use it mostly because of school and my photog. class is mainly film based, so I need too.
But, I try to use it for personal reasons as well!
October 21st, 2010
i do. in fact, i'm considering quitting my project because my love for film is urging me to give digital the cold shoulder (and i don't want to deal with the costs and organization of doing this project with film).

film is the bee's knees.
October 21st, 2010
oh- and i still use film because film images make me shiver in a way that digital never, ever could.
October 21st, 2010
I do, too. Though I haven't used mine on this site yet because I need to replace the batteries.

I have a pentax, though, that I love. Of course, the convenience of digital is unmatched, I just think film photos looks better. Maybe I am biased. But film seems to capture a more crisp image. And more colors.

Maybe it's just me.

But, yes. I love my film camera dearly.
October 21st, 2010
Yeppers! I have 2 Pentax Spotmatic SLR bodies and a flock of Takumar lens that I love (28mm, 35mm, 50mm, 135mm, 75~230mm Zoom, 2X and 3X teleconverters, filters, ect. Also have 5 35mm Rangefinders, 2 Zorkis, 1 FED, and 2 Kievs, with assorted glass for them. Most of the time I keep the SLRs loaded with 200 ASA color, and the RF's with 200 ASA B&W. Why? Because I like film and I like the smell of Darkroom chemistry!
October 21st, 2010
Yep, I love film. I shoot 120 through my diana which gives surprising results sometimes with no need for editing. In my old NIkon FG I love the depth of colour it gives and the contrast in the B&W. I also use PS to give my digital shots a film like feel sometimes. The downside is the printing cost and the unpredictability can be a pain, the last roll of 120 only gave me 2 shots out of 16!
October 21st, 2010
@jennalcp i agree with you. and nothing beats the emotion you can capture with film, in my opinion. i know not everyone would agree with that.
October 21st, 2010
@oldvoltage - can't give up on digital. Its two different animals. You can really hone your skills (technically) using digital for little to no cost. This way when you are using your film cameras, you aren't fumbling with settings. Not saying you need too. I'm just amazed at how digital really helps to enforce principles of exposure in real time.

I think its a great time to learn photography in school. Digital allows you to immediately see the changes each setting has on a photo (ie - ap, iso, shutter). When I first learned you needed to create a shot sheet, develop and then see how it all worked out. I love shooting film, the cost is really the only deal breaker in my mind.

And yes, the chemicals of the dark room have a really great smell.
October 22nd, 2010
@hmgphotos I hate you... there I said it... Kodachrome... sigh... every week for the last six months I have said, there is not enough time to buy some and shoot it!

But seriously my Darkroom fits in a small box (on my enlarger) a bag, some clever stand up developing trays... all you need is a sink and some running water...
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