Is it just me...

October 27th, 2010
Or is someone missing? In the same way Malena disappeared off the list of followers and those I follow when she deleted, there seems to be someone else now, but I can't figure it out. Unless I'm just delusional and accidently unfollowed someone. It's happened -_-
October 27th, 2010
Haha, know, I find myself missing peoples photos. I can't put my finger on it. But it could just be me. :P
October 27th, 2010
Tracy Watkins has not been around in ages and I miss her greatly! She was always commenting on pictures for all of the 300+ people that she followed, as well as sharing some beautiful and moving shots. Not sure if this was who you are talking about, but she was a huge part of this community and I have been feeling her absence for quite some time now. : /
October 27th, 2010
I've also noticed Tracy hasn't been around - she's had a lot on her plate though, from what I remember. Work, kids, home, school... that's overwhelming as is.

But naw, he profile is still around. I'm talking about someone disappearing off the list of those I follow... I noticed because usually Emily is on her own line at the very bottom
October 27th, 2010
I lost somebody today. It happens, usually because the user has un-followed you or their account has been closed
October 27th, 2010
@vikdaddy I was following them, though. So I figure they deleted their account. I just don't know who it is, which is odd.
October 27th, 2010
now.... that's "SPOOKY" .......
October 27th, 2010
@gavincci Haha, perhaps I'll screenshot my profile and upload that :)
October 27th, 2010
Ok so weird things do happen with the followers lists. I know for certain that I was follow Bill Dodsworth because his stuff always showed up on my home page, but yesterday morning I clicked on a pic of his on the PP and it brought me to his profile which showed I wasn't following him. I don't know maybe Ross is playing spooky tricks on us to fit the theme/season LOL.
October 27th, 2010
I do feel like 365 is shrinking a bit generally :( Although there have been a few new arrivals :)
October 27th, 2010
I lost someone too yesterday and have no idea who it is??? AND my upload for today isnt showing up on my home page like it normally does AND when I browse the latest photos for today its bringing up lots of the same pics?? Spooky mystery :-)
October 27th, 2010
I'm still figuring out how to keep track of EVERYthing in here :)
October 27th, 2010
cue the Twilight Zone theme..
October 27th, 2010
Is anyone else having problems with their home page refreshing with other peoples uploads or their own upload for today not appearing on their home page?
October 27th, 2010
I haven`t encountered any technical problem yet,but I want to add that probably one of the coolest guys around here,Stephen Smiley,gone a-wall for a while now,and I don`t think it is a habbit of him doing so.Yesterday I stumbled upon his Flickr account too,and he did not log on there ass well,since his "dissappearance".
Anyone else here noticed he is gone,or I`m rambling like a fool?
October 27th, 2010
Sometimes I find that I un-followed someone without my permission too! It happens. But you know what I find creepy? People that follow you and never post any photos of their own....and have no Profile info...and never make that's just creeeepy.....
October 27th, 2010
@clarissajohal Haha, those don't really bother me too much. I figure they're still trying to get into the swing of things before actually starting theirs... or maybe that's my rose-tinted outlook taking effect :)
October 27th, 2010
I constantly have problems with people's work not showing up on my home page/feed for a while so it seems like they may have disappeared. When I end up on their page I find they have been uploading all along, I am just not seeing it. So sorry people if I am missing your good stuff. I'm not being a jerk and ignoring you, I just haven't seen your stuff.
October 27th, 2010
i just tried to go to Kelly's (oldvoltage) album, cuz i noticed she hasn't posted in a little while and it wouldn't let me! oh noz!
October 27th, 2010
@laceyjogautreau You're right, Lacey :( it is Kelly!
I was following her and she followed me and she seems to have deleted her account.

That was so out of the blue :/
October 27th, 2010
bummer. she was one of my favs on here. :(
October 27th, 2010
@laceyjogautreau :(

She has been a bit quiet lately but it's understandable that life gets in the way of uploads...
October 27th, 2010
@clarissajohal ... that is creepy... D: Happened to me once!
October 27th, 2010
@pocketmouse I have three of them right now??!!
October 28th, 2010
Wow...I don't know how you people keep track of all this!
October 28th, 2010
@naomi unfortunately, i have one of those brains that remembers minute details about random things, but can't remember how i get somewhere that i've driven to before. :/
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