How the heck do you follow more 100 people or more?

October 28th, 2010
I`m sort of new here,I joined on the 2nd of October.Anyways,I got to "know" some people by their work,therefore I became a follower of them.
But I notice a lot of 365-members follow so many other people,maybe even hundreds.For me,it would be such a difficult thing to do.Doesn`t that mean spending hours after hours a day only to be up to speed with your friends? Or maybe a lot of people just "follow" without actually doing so?

(sorry about the mispelled title,I can`t edit that any more)
October 28th, 2010
I don't follow very many by 365 standards and I'm barely keeping up. It is a lot of work to *actually* keep up with everyone's shots regularly. I tend to follow people who I've actually interacted with, otherwise I feel kinda awkward just 'following' them out of nowhere (although there are exceptions, where I MUST because I enjoy their work TOO much). But with that said, I also follow loads of people without 'following'- in that I'll check on their project without actually becoming a follower. Besides, I like to think of it as quality control :)
October 28th, 2010
I'm following 41....any more than that and I'll probably not see everyone's posts ! It gets rough sometimes ! A lot of people only post once a week or so, that means they'll upload 5 to 7 pics at a time !! If 6 people do that, you'll have about 30 - 40 pics to look at !!! It can take up some time !! But I understand a lot of people are busy and don't have time to be here constantly ! I don't think following hundreds of people does any good for anyone ! You wouldn't have time to look through all the daily posts and might miss some great shots...of which there are many on this site !!
October 28th, 2010
I follow 110 friends as of today and it may increase as the days go by. My rule is, following doesn't mean I have to check their every photo every day and comment on them. It simply means I index their accounts and WHEN I have the time I go visit their albums. Visiting doesn't mean I require myself to go through All of them, that would logically require me one whole day to do so. Randomly I may choose or whatever, depending on my free time, etc.
October 28th, 2010
Of my 108 only 73 are actually active (at most), and I login once in the morning and... several times most evenings, so I cope just fine.

How many times someone like @daliadestructo must login though in orer to keep up I have no idea ;)
October 28th, 2010
yeah, I totally can't keep up. lol. I just hope they understand that I'm a busy mom with two small kiddos. So, my computer time is limited.
October 28th, 2010
@eyebrows I don't know if Dalia sleeps - sometimes she says she's going to bed but then I see her comments on new photos O_O

Unless Dalia isn't actually one girl, but an organization?
October 28th, 2010
@indiannie_jones ...Lol !
October 28th, 2010
I follow lots but about half are regular posters. The others don't post regularly or upload once a week or so. Since I'm on everyday uploading my own pictures, I just run down the home pages and comment on several but not all. In fact, I often don't even see most of the posts until something comes in when I'm on and then it's .... hmmm what else did I miss.

I don't comment on everything but do try to comment with the regulars at least once a week. I've dropped off from following some people who never responded to anything from me, even direct questions. It was kinda frustrating and I can't say why some and not others bother me but I am happier not following everyone that comes along. I do follow a few people whose work I like knowing they will not comment but it's because I really enjoy what they are posting. Weird, I know but it seems to be working for me.
October 28th, 2010
@bugik, i'm totally with you! :))
October 28th, 2010
I agree with @bugik I think I have a greater chance of remembering whose pictures I want to see, and am more likely to see them if I am their follower. I can scan the homepage and see what pictures strike me as worth clicking on, and which ones are worth a comment. It doesn't mean that the other pictures aren't worthy, it just means that due to the amount of time I have, I follow through with the ones that strike me at that moment in time.

I still miss a lot of pictures, but my other option is to get random people from the latest and popular page, which means that I don't form a friendship with people.

Besides otherwise, I would have to form some criteria about who is and who isn't worthy of following.
October 28th, 2010
I follow a lot of people and I do see their photos, only the one I'm really interested in I open them in a new window and probably write a comment.
Not all the people I follow, follow me back and the reason why I'm following so many is because I want to see their ideas and I find their photos really good and interesting.
October 28th, 2010
I kept up better over the summer, but during the school year I just can't. I really do follow too many people. I just dont think "unfollowing" people would be right... plus I really like everybody on here. I just dont always have the chance or time to show my appreciation...which upsets me, but I can't help it :(
October 28th, 2010
I follow about a hundred people and find it manageable.
October 28th, 2010
i follow and make remarks/comments for the followers who also do the same thing for me..sometimes i spend time looking and appreciating at their works and making good comments and in return ...NOT even simple thanks. from i just delete or kill those lazy bums.!!haha.:)I personally i like small-sincere followers ..and i totally agree with BugiK's attitude..
October 28th, 2010
Agreed with Lauren, in the summer it was so easy. But now I haven't even had time for real photography let alone being able to comment. My last two days were photos of me writing an essay, and today will most likely be the same!
October 28th, 2010
I follow about 120 people, and for the first time today, I went through every single person (who was active) and commented on at least one of their photos, and it took me over an hour! But like Lauren I just don't think I could "unfollow" a bunch of people, it just seems mean.
October 28th, 2010
its not easy .. i try and visit as many as i can each day, but if someone multi uploads it easy to miss someones picture for the day . I try & check in on most people every few days.. & to be honest i try to reply to anyone who visits me.. perhaps its all done to how much time you have in our busy lifes ..
October 28th, 2010
I have only joined recently. My intention to add meaningful comments is slowly going out of the window, as I am following 65 people. Also, i am not commenting on every pic. I'd have to go full-time to do that! It is really their pics that catch my eye at the time and then, from time to time (so far four times in five weeks) I go through them all to try and link up on at least one picture in a week. I'd say that means those I'm following get 2-3 comments a week, sometimes more. Of course, I am forever seeing pics of those I don't follow on the 'recent popular' and on the various 'topics' and there are some individuals from this who get as many comments as those I officially follow! I might have to rationalise that further when I get more work. It's got to be a case of doing what you can to participate and contirbute, especially when so much is gained from knowing how others react to your work.
October 28th, 2010
I had to drop most of the people I followed (so sorry everyone!) I couldn't keep up anymore. I had been following around 200 people I think! I got so busy this fall that I'm having a hard time keeping up with the twenty or so that I have left. I have found the worst part of the whole thing is when you can't comment on a lot of people's work, it is impossible to get people to see yours! I miss that. Unfortunately my schedule won't be getting any less busy until I've finished the project. I've contemplated quitting but can't seem to do that!
October 29th, 2010
I believe in giving the newbies a chance and look for those who don't have many followers and begin the link there. I cut those who are irregular posters, who have gaps in their calendar and I wish those people (some who 'follow' me) would do the same. Sure I want the whole of 365 to see my work but really that would mean I have to do the same to them and my time doesn't stretch that far.

I do love the work of those 'at the top of the PP hierarchy' and I go to their pages but seeing how many followers they have and then follow I figure they don't need my attention. I do leave a comment hoping they'll 'reply' or pop by my humble place but that doesn't happen very often.

Thus I try to support the upcoming 365er's to give THEM a sense of community and of course thank @Scrivna for this opp but he's never replied to any question I've put to him through email or here. Obviously one very BUSY lad!

Long live 365!
October 29th, 2010
Q. How do you follow100 people or more?

A. Sheepishly.

October 29th, 2010
what Bugik said. and LOL @ mullins.
October 29th, 2010
@bugik that's a good point!

October 29th, 2010
I really like to look at the photos and read the descriptions when I follow someone, and I also like to go into my followers list and check out their photos as a kind of "thank you" for following me.

So in reality, while I follow a certain number, I actually check out even more than those people. I also like checking out new people that I find, and people whose work I see in discussions. I especially like looking at new members (if I find them) and give them encouragement.

It is a bit difficult to maintain, and recently I have been falling behind but I always like to go back to the photo of theirs that I last saw. I may not look at their albums everyday but I make it a point to look at all their photos :)
October 29th, 2010
I definitely respond with a comment to everyone who comments on something I have posted. ( whether I actually follow them or not) Then about once a week I try to click on everyone I follow to touch base. I follow about 90 people and sometimes I feel I have missed someone's work for a few weeks because our times on the computer aren't synched.
October 29th, 2010
Not hours, maybe half an hour. I always like to look at all the shots posted since I last logged on when I come to upload my shots.
October 29th, 2010
I'm following over 130 now but really most of the time I only see who's posted recently via the homepage thumbnails. That said I do most of 365 on my phone so I do check in lots at random times. I've noticed that due to time differences I don't see several peoples uploads as I'm asleep when they're busy. There's a few people I will make a point of checking in to their project if I haven't seen them for a while but they're usually the ones I've been following the longest.
October 29th, 2010
When I started--I made a pact with myself to look at everyone's photos (that were following me) and comment. Unfortunately, once you get past 100 followers or so, the time factor involved with this is impossible. Now, I will look at and comment on people's photos that comment on my photos. Once in awhile, I will go through all my followers and see what they're up to if I have the time. It sounds terrible, but unfortunately, there just aren't enough hours in the day.
October 29th, 2010
There are people you will develop a rapport with once you've been here for a couple of months--which is nice too. (:
October 29th, 2010
Honestly, I can't keep up with everyone but I do try and pop in and comment and say Hi. There are a certain portion that are no longer active and there are some that I have become friends with so we communicate more often. Honestly, I just do what I can. If I follow you, it is because I enjoy what I have seen and would like to see more but that is read as "see more when I have the time". =)
October 29th, 2010
@bugik : I ditto Bugik. I have over 100 followers. Many of them I do view almost daily. The others I do like their work or just like them as people. I keep up best I can. Some weeks that is little other days it is quite a lot.
October 30th, 2010
With great difficulty!!! I'd love to be able to see and comment everyone's photos, but it's just impossible.
October 30th, 2010
I joined to get ideas and to look at all the pictures I can to learn about photography. So I look at the "populars" and top twenty, click on the ones I really like and usually follow them. And also if someone follows me I'll usually follow them. I certainly don't expect everyone to comment and I hope they aren't hurt that I don't comment all the time. There just isn't time. I go down through the home page and look at everyone's photo and open some in another window and comment sometimes. I do feel bad when I can't respond to everyone who comments on my photos but, again, I don't expect others to and I think people understand that it would be difficult for anyone to do that. TO EVERYONE READING THIS - I love looking at all your photos :D
October 30th, 2010
I usually follow photographers whose work I like, without looking at each of their photos everyday because I simply don't have the time. For me clicking follow is more of a bookmark so that I may go back and check out their work when I have some spare time. Unfortunately, I don't get to view/comment on many photos each day, but I hope that eventually I'll be able to catch up on what I've missed.

I wish that there were a way to click through the full-view of each photo on my homepage. I like to view the fullview of each photo and reading the full caption before commenting, but with the way the homepage is set up I have to go back to it each time to look at the next photo.
October 30th, 2010
If I see outstanding work that speaks to me, I follow because it inspires my own photography, and hope it eventually helps it, too! I know there are many, many people who are amazing..and if I'm lucky enough to come across them, I hit "follow", whether I've had interaction, or not. I just love seeing quality work show up on my newsfeed before I get down to my project. :)
October 31st, 2010
and with that I would like to call on the following 365er's to remove me from their following list - here's hoping they are still doing this project or reading their emails so they will get notification from here:
@sensible07, @dirtydurkee, @lethario, @absfab, @seungjun, @arpitgupta, @kaizuniga, @awika

Hope your project was all you wanted it to be.
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