
October 28th, 2010
i was looking through my homepage and all the titles were thing's like "___ again" and "more of ___" and i started thinking....and i think people are uninspired. which i find REALLY sad. so what inspires you? maybe if you think about it you'll be 're-inspired'. :) haha just a thought
October 28th, 2010
nature, the sun, and looking at amazing pictures inspire me :)
October 28th, 2010
First and foremost my son, and secondarily the extraordinary talent of others!
October 28th, 2010
If I get uninspired, I go to Flickr and look around...or just look at albums of the people I follow here !
October 28th, 2010
Making things look different with a camera from how you see them in reality :)
October 28th, 2010
@stationary315 - maybe it's not that people are uninspired in their photos, maybe just in the naming of them. I know I find that I take a lot of pictures of similar items, simply because I'm trying to capture how different they can look, how the perspective changes the appearance, or how the lighting affects the image. Each photo tries to tell something different, i just don't always know how to name them.

Simple example:

Each photo is of the snow - but each tries to change how I present it. That being said the titles are pretty bad.
October 28th, 2010
Ha! Those must be my recent shots you're seeing on there ><

Yeah idk, to be honest. I LOVE the photos on here but I don't really know how to seek inspiration from them because I'm mostly drawn to sunsets and flowers and puppies and all things happy, which isn't always easy to recreate, ya know? To get something I'm happy with, I literally have to go outside and I don't always have the time, energy or motivation to go shooting outdoors.

I don't find anything inside my apartment to be all that interesting either, so that seldom works out... I just have to wait for it to pass, I guess.
October 28th, 2010
you :) you inspire me, i love the way you take photos, you see the world in an absolute unique perspective!
October 28th, 2010
I haven't really had this issue yet, but I do have a problem thinking up catchy titles!

Nature inspires me, rural settings, rust, barns, weather, sometimes the theme of the week here.
October 28th, 2010
Editing inspires me. I like to take the ordinary make into something uniquely different. The dailyshoot.com always has something to focus on too.
October 28th, 2010
I know I've been uninspired lately and I blame it on school. I feel so pressured by all the deadlines that have recently popped up that it has stressed me out so much it has taken the fun out of everything I love, including photography.
But enough about stress and what uninspires me.

What inspires me is action photos of people skating/BMXing. Black and white street scenes, and anything taken with a 50mm lens. And the funny thing about all that to me is that a very small portion of what I shoot is what inspires me.
October 28th, 2010
I actually find inspiration in seeing images on 365 that make me stop and say "how did he/she do that?" Then, if the person explains the technique, I can't wait to go to try it out. I really enjoy the photographers on this project that share their unusual techniques. It's energizing.
October 28th, 2010
I go out and try to take a picture of something that I should take a picture, then turn the other direction and take a picture of what ever is there. Only one picture, without thinking about it, click, looks great.
October 29th, 2010
@rossco088 I agree with Ross. There are things that interest me, or are otherwise convenient shooting objects, and I take lots of pictures of them. Naming them is harder. Here's a pretty landscape. And another. It is the naming that makes it harder. I think that I am uninspired, I try to take a picture of something different. Sometimes it works out wonderfully, and other times people think, what the heck?
October 29th, 2010
I don't like taking photos of the same things all the time, i like to try different subjects, be it people, nature, animals, whatever. I was lacking in inspiration and trying to think of something new and creative. Today I've started a series of Classic Disney inspired shots. We'll just wait and see what I think of when I run out of ideas for that one!
October 29th, 2010
i try to shoot and post photos of different subjects.
in general, nature and my mood inspire me, and i like to experiment and play. :)
usually my photo will reflect something of my day, so if it was a "blah" day, it could be a "blah" photo. :p
October 29th, 2010
This week, I'm drawing inspiration from my daily commute. There are so many things that I've become accustomed to seeing every day, things that are so routine to me, that when I step back and think about it are really things that a lot of people never experience. So this week I'm highlighting a slice of life, NYC style.
October 29th, 2010
I find that listening to some of my favorite songs definitely inspires me. I also look back on my favorite paintings or other works of art and draw inspiration from those. Some day, though, there just is no inspiration and my photo ends up being quite dull. I've learned to deal with it. And I still try to find meaning in every picture I take -- no matter what is!
October 29th, 2010
Inspiration comes in phases, and it can be hard to get it back.
Brainstorming works for me :P
October 29th, 2010
I'm inspired simply by the desire to learn. Trying to figure out how to make decent photographs (and it is a struggle) pushed me to photograph more.

October 29th, 2010
@lauren211- Me too actually :)
@lynnmwatson: That's so sweet :)
@nyweb - that's a really good idea!!!
@naomi - that's really cool and unique :) i love it!
@rossco088 - so true. good point!!!!! i didn't think of that ;) haha
@indiannie_jones - i tooootally get it! i love taking pictures outside too - the lighting is almost always perfect :) (as long as u can work with shadows. haha) and i get the uninteresting surroundings too. haha i'm pretty sure i've taken 50 pictures of everything even remotely interesting in my house or backyard. hahaha :)
@starrleafe - ahhhwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'))) i love you!
@chevymom - alot of that inspires me too!! the rust is really unique! what about it inspires you?
October 29th, 2010
@dmortega - haha :) i do that alot. i just never post them the way they end up :)) so it's cool that you do that!! and i'll definatly check out that site!
@cadair8 - oh my goodness i know right!!!! school is SO overwhelming!!!!! it's definatly something that get's me really lazy and uninspired. you should start taking more action pics like that then!!!!! i like your style already though :)
@smithss_27106 - hehe i've done that sooo many times it's rediculous :) what my favorite part about that is though-- people on here aren't jerks! haha they don't mind if you get inspired by their work and try out their ideas (or if they do they don't say anything.... o.O) lol so there's a big sense of freedom with the whole project :) that's one of my favorite things about this website and all the people on it!
@byrdlip - THAT'S SO CREATIVE!!!
October 29th, 2010
@byrdlip (i pressed enter on accident. lol) i loove it!! i wanna try :))
October 29th, 2010
@shelina - haha sometimes a "what the heck??!" feeling in itself can be really inspiring! ih aven't seen any of your work yet but i can't wait :)
@amz87 - that's a really good idea!!
@taleweaver - haha i find that my mood inspires and reflects in my photos SO MUCH :) it's a hard thing to not let influence you!
@melissapike - aa! i wanna see new york city!!!! :DD i can't wait :) haha that's soo true! since you life in NYC you probably don't see deer alot huh? ahaha :) i'll try to get a shot of the deer that cross the roads here alllll the time and share it with you and the rest of my friends :)
@eliserose781 - so many of my more recent pictures have been inspired by songs!!! they're great :) and they're more personal, too because if you take a picture and it goes with a song that means alot to someone that picture can mean so much more to them then the next person who see's it
October 29th, 2010
@fortworthbret - that's a great thing to be inspired by. :) haha any desire i might happen to have to learn is sucked up and hoarded by school.... haha photography is my de-compresser. lol :)
October 30th, 2010
@indiannie_jones - I know exactly what you mean. If I don't get a good shot at work, or one my way to or from work, I have a really difficult time getting myself back outside to find a good shot. Yet my apartment is extremely boring and the lighting is horrible.

I find that simply holding my camera in my hand helps me find inspiration. I walk or bike home the same or similar route almost everyday but oftentimes I don't even see a shot until I've pulled my camera out for something else. I should just get in the habit of carrying it in my hand everytime I walk somewhere. I look at the world with different eyes when I have a camera in my hand.

Titles, however, are another story. Very rarely do I have an inspirational/unique title. I always hated titling papers in college, stories I've written, or photos I've taken.
October 30th, 2010
Rae, I have lost my inspiration as well. Seems it has deserted me at the worst possible time! I have taken photos, I just cant seem to like them enough to post.

Perhaps seeing all the kids dressed up will lure Ms. Muse back.
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