Views vs. Followers

October 29th, 2010
I'm not sure if there is a thread like this already, I haven't seen one so I thought I'd bring this up

It's crazy having 150+ followers, for starters. It's crazy to think of how many people's dashboard you pop up in.
But has anyone noticed that even when you have that many followers, that doesn't necessarily mean you get even 30+ views on your photos.
I'm getting close to 300 followers and that's what I'm noticing that I get 30 views on average now (although I've peaked around 300+ views on a single photo).

It's not like I'm whining, I'm so surprised and flattered that so many people like my work. I just noticed this and wondered what people thought on the matter.

October 29th, 2010
I think when you see a thumbnail on your home page, it doesn't register as a view? It's when you click on it to see it bigger, that it counts. I personally love looking through the thumbnails, but I don't click on every one to see them in full, sadly no time. But i AM viewing everyone's pictures...should count eh?
October 29th, 2010
Yeah that's what I think. It would be cool to show thumbnail views as a separate view count
October 29th, 2010
yeah a lot of people with huge lists just scroll through and click on something that catches their eye from the thumbnails..
October 29th, 2010
I wondered the same thing a while ago :)
October 29th, 2010
yea i was gonna say you should see @eyebrows handy dead followers tool. Likewise i dont view every photo sometimes just thumbnails my home page.
October 29th, 2010
Yes i think that i get even less views and comments now as i get more followers. But i also find i have very little time to comment on other peoples work and therefore i get less comments. I am also less inspired and have been for a while so my photos are probably not at their best! Lol. But also i appreciate the comments more when there are fewer because i realise that people are commenting on the photo because they personally like it not because i commented on their photo first!
October 29th, 2010
am pretty sure that for the most of us, especially those who are following a lot of people, to keep up and leave comments on everything.... I mean am not even following a lot and already, am finding myself always one or two photos behind... hahahahaha what I do is basically really go for the shots that catches my eyes and make it a point to comment.... and somehow find time to check out the latest UPLOADS to see if there are photos that speaks to me from none contacts....

the only thing I can i say i find awfully WEIRD is, why would some people ADD and FOLLOW you and NOT ONCE do they bother to even comment on anything of yours??? LOL....
October 29th, 2010
I think if you took the time to comment on all 300+ Follower's photos, your photos would get more views. Which is impossible, of course! I think this happens with everyone. Plus, as Rudi said--there are people that Follow but just don't comment.
October 29th, 2010
I don't get time to comment on everyone's photos, but I make a point of opening every single one in my feed. I also try to comment on photos of people who have started watching me, or who comment on my photos (especially if they do it regularly, but I try to reciprocate on all). That said, I know not everyone is going to click on my thumbnails, and I don't always put a big effort into a shot - some are just shots I like, or that mean something to me, or that will only appeal to a select few because of the subject matter. I also shoot a lot of black and white, and have noticed that it can be difficult to get views on those unless the image is very high contrast and instantly identifiable.

Personally, I don't think the thumbnails should count as a view, because your viewcount then would be indicative only of how many active followers you have. It would also affect the popularity algorithm which, if I had to guess, is a function of views, comments, faves, and followers, and the result would be that people with a large follower count would be the ones always on the popular page and, if that aspect of the algorithm was then ignored to compensate, it would be far more unreliable due to relying upon comments, faves and follwer count only. That is, if anyone cares about the popular page. I do, but only because I get a kick out of seeing a photo on there every now and then, and it is interesting to see which ones make it and which don't (and it's often surprising, too).

Well, I'll be quiet now. ;)
October 29th, 2010
I have noticed that there are many people that I follow who load their photos at a much different time than when I'm online (like the middle of the night). Their entries get buried very far down my Home Page and I never get around to seeing them. I have also noticed that I have around 20 to 30 views a day, if I'm lucky, although I leave many, many comments and have around 170 followers. I think we've all become a bit overwhelmed with the number of wonderful photos to look at everyday and some of us, myself included, have had to make some people who are more consistent visitors to our page(s) a priority over others...especially over those who NEVER leave comments.
October 29th, 2010
I love to look at pics! It's a lot of fun seeing into people's lives and many times the photos will reflect something about them. I can't keep up but I like to try! I appreciate folks "liking" my pics. I hope to go into business someday and I watch what folks like and don't like.
October 29th, 2010
Yeah, i find it very difficult to comment on photos, either I don't have much to say, or not much time in which to say it. That being said, i'm more likely to Fav a photo, it's easier to come back to and see the great ones again that way. You can see my favs here...

P.S. Ace members can see exactly who Favs there photos
(note to self: i should really put up some screenshots of the Ace member stats you get)
October 29th, 2010
@rudit wondered the very same thing myself LOL- great minds think alike :) usually if I follow someone it is because at least one or two of their pics catch my eye enough to stop and look- why not take the time to write a short comment ? IDK-

As for the thread I find that although I have several followers who I follow in return, and those are the people who tend to leave comments on most if not all of my shots. There are some people I'm following who have never left a comment on a single picture, I have actually removed people from my following because somedays it just gets overwhelming to comment back and forth with the ones that are very active commenters - let alone those who are not.
October 29th, 2010
@Swazzette totally agree- well said!!
October 29th, 2010
@valentinerose I hear ya! The same is going on with me.
October 29th, 2010

I think I like the philosophy of adding FAVs, it seems I am much better at that then commenting on all the awesome photos on here. I have a ton of favs.
October 29th, 2010
I view all my followers pictures and comment on the people that comment on mine. If they are not a ''regular' commenter on my pictures, I comment on the picture whose thumbnails catch my eye. It is time consuming to comment on every picture. I do wonder why I get a view but no comment. The people that comment on my pictures most of the time are the ones I feel a bond of friendship. I know that these people do not always comment and we have had discussions amongst us to why, but like good friends we understand each other and know that we can "talk" and comment on each other when we need to do so. This is a wonderful project and I will be continuing at the end of this year for a second year and hope all or most of the people I follow do the same.
October 29th, 2010
I almost always view the shots of the people I follow. I'm also limiting the number of people I follow because of this. There are some 365r's,that I don't follow, but make it a point to check their recent work from time to time. Although I really like their work, I almost never comment because they tend to have a lot of followers & a lot of comments. Just scrolling thru all the comments takes time & I probably don't really have anything to say that hasn't been said many times over. Perhaps I'll change my ways. Sometimes I'll have a pic that shows more comments than views, I guess my followers are commenting on what shows on the dashboard & not "viewing". If I have time, I like to browse the days photos & comment on what jumps out at me as a thumbnail & comment.
October 30th, 2010
I think people just get too busy. I notice that as well... but I'm guilty of not commenting or viewing sometimes :X which makes me sad but sometimes life gets in the way! :)
October 30th, 2010
I hardly have any followers, or views on my pictures. And while it feels great to see the supportive comments (and views), I also like doing this project for me : )

I view all of the photos of the people I follow--that's why I "follow" them.
October 31st, 2010
in a previous link I've called out to 'followers' who appear to be dead to remove me!
November 1st, 2010
I wish we could somehow all agree to not put pressure on people if they don't comment (I don't mean that to sound rude). I love to look at everyone's pictures and I feel like I'm learning a lot and am inspired just by viewing. Of course, it is very nice to get comments but it is just not possible to comment on all of the great photos - and I think it's the same for everyone. I push the follow button when I see a photo I like (from popular, browse and pick, blog, or wherever), go to that person's page, and like what I see. I hope you'll forgive me if you feel slighted by no comment - it sure doesn't mean I'm not enjoying your photos! :)
February 2nd, 2011
just wondering why i get more comments then the counter says viewed my photo? any one know about this?
February 2nd, 2011
people comment on it from their homepage I guess @glendq
Meaning they didn't do a full view.
February 2nd, 2011
oh i see
that explains it
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