
November 12th, 2010
I was wondering how long does a pic stay on the popular page? Is it a definite amount of time, or until de monkeys find one more to put there? I DON'T want to talk about which pic get there and how it get there. I'm just wondering how often I should check the page to miss as few as possible.
November 12th, 2010
I think new ones get added often, so I guess once or twice a day should suffice, as they seem to be there for several hours, at least.
November 12th, 2010
I wondered the same thing. I've had a couple in there but for only a day st most and others I've seen in there for many days. I'm thinking maybe it depends on how many times they are faved?? (because mine were only faved 1 or 2 times).
November 12th, 2010
I had one on there a couple days before it was squeezed out . . . I'm sure there is a formula but I agree, once or twice a day should suffice. When my one and only made it a couple of my followers tipped me off . . . people here are nice like that!
November 12th, 2010
It would be nice to have the stats, number of pics that made the recently popular page.Just a thought.
November 12th, 2010
I have seen some in there for days on end..couldn't figure it out as to why. rechecked the dates to make sure I was in the right page for the right day and yes there they were..i give up..will not look at it again unless someone is nice to tell me they saw my picture there..which has happened.
November 12th, 2010
I'd assume that if they get more favs and comments, they stay up longer, instead of just more views. Some of my pics have had loads of comments and several favs and only been on a few hours, whereas one with something like three or four was on for maybe 4 days
November 12th, 2010
I mainly check it to see great pictures I wouldn't see by just looking on my home page. Yay! New people to follow....
November 12th, 2010
Thanks for our anwers! @pfmandeville lol. I have to be careful with that, if I want to keep my following list under control.
November 12th, 2010
2 or 3 days maximum
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