Your favorite "visual" movie-director?

November 14th, 2010
I`m sure many amateur/professional photographers around here apreciate cinema,too,and the visual aspects of it.
Who is your favorite "visual" moviemaker? I hope you know what I mean.

Some of my favorites are Terry Gilliam,Darren Arronofsky,Tim Burton,Gaspar Noe and Zack Snyder.
November 14th, 2010
Tim Burton for sure!
November 14th, 2010
Tim Burton rocks my socks!! :D
November 14th, 2010
-Tim Burton
-Terry Gilliam
-Chris Nolan
-David Fincher
-Rob Zombie
-Joel Schumacher when directing Batman movies.
November 14th, 2010
Definitely Tim Burton!
November 15th, 2010
Tim Burton . . . always and forever!
November 15th, 2010
Aaaah I can`t believe I forgot to mention Fincher!
November 15th, 2010
Kubrick was the master! But there's so many others... Akira Kurosawa, David Fincher, Scorcese has to be in there, Oliver Stone has done some excellent visual work (Natural Born Killers), Christopher Nolan (although to be fair that credit has to go to Wally Pfister, his cinematographer), Terry Gilliam has a unique wacky style that I admire informed by his animated work, I could go on... I love films!
November 15th, 2010
Michel Gondry, Spike Jonze, David Lynch, Guillermo Del Toro, Early Tim Burton, Jonathon Glazer...all geniuses
November 15th, 2010
Tim Burton, hands down.
November 15th, 2010
sofia coppola and Baz Luhrmann are two of my faves.
November 15th, 2010
@do11face Rock on! Love both of them. Also partial to Ang Lee and Sidney Pollack. And I love M. Night Shyamalan - The Village was beautiful.
November 15th, 2010
@vikdaddy I never watched any Kurosawa,do you think I should? ...
@craigdtull "early" Tim Burton? ... :) i totally agree with that
November 15th, 2010
@spaceman Yeah, pretty much anything pre planet of the apes. Not so much since then :(
November 15th, 2010
@spaceman Rashomon is one of the best films of all time, and so influential... He's one of the greatest directors of all time, easily the best to come from the far east.
November 15th, 2010
@craigdtull His only decent post-apes movie is Big Fish and maybe Corpse Bride (allthough he co-directed that with someone else)
@vikdaddy Then I guess I definately need to check that out,thanks
November 15th, 2010
AAH I can`t believe I didn`t mention Tarsem Singh!
November 15th, 2010
@spaceman yeah, big fish was ok...didn't see corpse bride. Sincerely hope he gets his act together again one day...ed wood and edward scissorhands are classics :)
November 15th, 2010
@craigdtull ...Sleepy Hollow isn`t half-bad,either. But maybe that`s just me,because I love Christopher Walken,he`s a God! ... hey,he also directed this music video
November 15th, 2010
@spaceman Absolutely! Sleepy Hollow was great! As was Beetlejuice, Mars Attacks, Batman Returns...but i didn't know he had directed that video tho! :)
November 15th, 2010
@craigdtull Yeah,it`s his first and only music video,so far :) ....and I`m surprised you like Mars Attacks! I thought I was the only one in the world who loves it!
November 15th, 2010
@spaceman Classic! Ack Ack Ack!!! :)
November 15th, 2010
Batman 3 and 4 were awful!
November 15th, 2010
@vikdaddy If you`re reffering to the Val Kilmer and George Clooney ones,yeah they were! (Jim Carrey was the only one good in it)
November 15th, 2010
@spaceman Yup, those ones!
November 15th, 2010
@vikdaddy @spaceman @craigdtull so am I the only one who appreciated Alice in Wonderland!?! Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp rocked in that . . . okay, so I have a 9 year old and all I see in the theater are "kid" movies, but still . . .
November 15th, 2010
@lynnmwatson I admire Tim Burton but I wouldn't say he's a favourite of mine. He has a clear 'Burtonesque' style, but I find his films to be a bit too similar.
November 15th, 2010
@lynnmwatson I admit,I haven`t seen it.But from the looks of it,I`m not indending to.But I should.. hmm
November 15th, 2010
@lynnmwatson @vikdaddy @spaceman I didn't see Alice iwl either, but only because I've never been interested in the story. It did kinda look like the same movie as Charlie and the chocolate factory, so I tend to agree with vikdaddy about the similarities in his films. It's got to the point now where you know exactly who will play what part as soon as a new Tim Burton film is announced. Sad, because he's so talented.
November 15th, 2010
@craigdtull @vikdaddy @spaceman I guess I'm just "easy" (LOL) as I don't mind seeing Johnny Depp again and again and again . . . plus, I tend to be loyal . . . have loved Burton since Nightmare Before Christmas and so always give the benefit of the doubt . . . fun thread!
November 15th, 2010
@lynnmwatson I think jonny depp is great too. He was just amazing in sleepy of my all time favourite performances :) not too fond of Helena tho (sssssshh)
November 15th, 2010
@craigdtull Not really a big across the board fan of Helena's either . . . but she's pretty darn good as the red queen, great villainess . . . if you appreciate the visual you should check out AIWL, even if the story doesn't thrill . . .
November 15th, 2010
I would hate to be in poor old HENRY SELICK`s shoes,because most people don`t know HE directed The Nightmare Before Christmas .. Kinda sad...
November 16th, 2010
@spaceman you are so right, although it's considered Burton's baby . . . conceived, co-wrote and produced, but credit should be given where credit is due . . . I stand corrected!!!!!
November 16th, 2010
Ridley Scott
November 16th, 2010
David Lynch
November 17th, 2010
Tim Burton and Quentin Tarantino are the first two who came to mind
November 17th, 2010
oooh also Rob Zombie, Stanley Kubrick, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Mel Brooks, and the Coen Brothers
November 17th, 2010
David Lynch...doesn't get much more visually interesting that that. :)
November 17th, 2010
.....oh God,I forgot to mention Danny Boyle! Now that`s a visual director!
November 17th, 2010
Jean Pierre Jeunet (think Amelie, City of Lost Children)
November 17th, 2010
@brewash I`ve only seen Alien:Resurection,from Jean.
November 17th, 2010
Just watched a bit of Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. One of the most beautiful films ever made...
November 17th, 2010
@vikdaddy Yeah,it sure is a masterpiece.I hope they`ll never try to remake it.
November 18th, 2010
@vikdaddy Akira Kurosawa...I don't know how I could have forgotten him. Ran was amazing--visually and otherwise
November 18th, 2010
david fincher fan for sure!
November 18th, 2010
I thought Road to Perdition was really well lit, it was directed by Sam Mendes and the cinematographer was Conrad L. Hall.
November 18th, 2010
@do11face (Jill Montes): I agree with you completely - LOVE Coppola & Luhrmann!
November 19th, 2010
John Toll was the director of photography for the Thin Red Line, Terrence Malick directed it. Julian Schnabel directed The Diving Bell and the Butterfly.
November 19th, 2010
Tim Burton, Darren Aronofsky, Wong Kar Wai, & Pedro Almodovar....
November 19th, 2010
@dbev ...and the poor guy died,receiving the Oscar post-mortem :(
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