Will you start another album?

November 22nd, 2010
I'm curious if for most people a complete album is one time deal, or, if it becomes a way of life.
November 22nd, 2010
For me, I could do this for more than a year, but you never can tell. I still have half a year to go so I could be over it by then. I know some people are at their wits end and just counting down the days, if I got to that point I think I would stop, as for me, the main reason I do this project is because I enjoy it.... and if I stop enjoying it, then why continue? thats just my thoughts though.
November 22nd, 2010
I was wondering something similar. When people are done with their year do they simply leave, never to be seen again? I haven't been on here too long, but i've come to really enjoy seeing everyone's daily photos, and exchanging comments and banter. It saddens me to think that we're all on a countdown, and that with each day we're heading for the end :'( *sobs uncontrollably into sleeve*
November 22nd, 2010
I plan on still going once I hit August 1, 2011 (which is my official one year... I have started to go back and add in earlier photos, planning on going all the way back to 2005 when I'm really ambitious. But August 1, 2010 was the real start of this project for me). I think of it like a diary in a sense. It's fun to look back on earlier dates and see what I did/photographed/thought.
http://365project.org/sudweeks/365 Josh Sudweeks has been doing a photo-a-day since 2004 or so. Not all his stuff is on this site, but he is an inspiration! I really enjoy looking through all this photos. Now I call that dedication!
November 22nd, 2010
Unless I get hit by a bus when my "year" is done,I don`t see why I would stop.
But then again,who knows,maybe I`ll change my mentality?.....so far,it`s all going okay,and in the right direction,I hope.
November 22nd, 2010
I have enjoyed this soooo much! It has taught me to look around more, to look closer and wider and see beauty in many unusual things. I have found this nice, supportive community too. And looking back at my photos I can now remember many moments that might have otherwise been lost somewhere in my mind... so yes, another year for me, defenitively! :)
November 22nd, 2010
I hope to have the energy and inspiration to start a 365 - 2 album, but since I'm only about 7 weeks in we'll see! Love, love, love it, though . . .
November 22nd, 2010
@craigdtull - I have that same sad feeling. I know there are a lot of people I follow who will finish their year on December 31st and I don't know yet whether that will be the end or a "friendship." I hope not, I feel very much like I know and have a connection with some people on here, even though I've never met them and I don't like to think about losing it. FIngers crossed...
November 22nd, 2010
Yep.. carried on AND even started a second album just to make life even more difficult...
November 22nd, 2010
Earlier in the year, I thought I would. I'm close to the end now and... no. Truth is, it takes a lot of time. Time that I would like to dedicate to other things, like decorating and refurbishing my new home. (Also takes a lot of time!)

And while I love taking the photos and it has changed the way I notice things, and probably what (and how) I will photograph, it's too much pressure to do only 1, and every day. I think I'll keep a more leisurely photo journal...maybe not every day, and able to put up a bunch of favorites from one session (which people here do, too...by putting links to Flickr and the like.) BUT...having said that, I did enjoy it, love looking back on the year, love how my thoughts reveal themselves through the photos. Love seeing the seasons change before my eyes...like watching a movie of your own life. BUT.... no. Maybe not forever....but definitely not for another few years!
November 22nd, 2010
Nope, nope, nope!
The people here are just awesome, the online community is the nicest I've ever come across and its been good fun so far, but for me, a year will be enough.

I really will miss some folk tho :-(
November 22nd, 2010
@wormentude we need Ross to start his own photo-based facebook site, where we can just hang out and maybe post photos as and when we like...the rest of the time we can harass each other and pretend we're sat in a big circle drinking freshly squeezed lemonade :)
November 22nd, 2010
@craigdtull - Ooh, now that sounds like a good idea!
November 22nd, 2010
And to answer the question, I'm struggling with my 365 album, but I'm going to keep going past the first year and do a second, but I think I'm going to aim for 7 photos in a week, rather than one a day, so it'll be a little more relaxed.
November 23rd, 2010
I started this Project because my husband jokingly challenged me. (I've always hated being in front of the camera and consequently, treated anything camera-related like the plague.) However, now that I've kind of fallen in love with TAKING photos, I think I may keep going after Day 365. I'm at Day 202--he's kind of left the Project, my girls keep up occasionally with theirs, and I'm the last one standing!
November 23rd, 2010

Your makin me smile!

November 23rd, 2010
If it's not fun why do it?

If it is a chore, what do you have to do to get back to something you love?

I dont take pictures to please other people. I take pictures to please me. If I dont feel like doing it, I dont.

Remember your first love..

November 23rd, 2010
@barrymikhal Good philosophy. Like anything you want to get better at, it takes a little discipline. So far the payoffs are more than worth it. Mostly this project has been really soothing. I love how even on a bad day I can stop and day I can ask "what was beautiful, interesting different about today?" This might sound corny, but that little redirection is really helpful.

It's sad some people I'm getting to know might go away, but there's always Facebook and other ways to stay in touch.
November 23rd, 2010
I'm on year 7. (I don't even have half my photos up on this site)
November 23rd, 2010
I'm going to be sad to see people leave on December 31st, too When I'm done (in May), I probably won't start a new project, but I will continue to post. I just won't force myself to take a new photo every day. I definitely don't plan on leaving, any way.
November 23rd, 2010
i might ......
November 23rd, 2010
I'm here for a little over a month and I'm loving it so far, although it's not easy to find a picture everyday. I get frustrated with bad ones, but I'm trying to keep up the discipline and take and post one everyday. It's going to be a changing year for me and I think it will be wonderful to look back and see how it was. For now, I think I could do this for a long time. It's a great exercise :)
November 23rd, 2010
I'd like to think I'd stick around. I'm starting a second 365 on Flickr on January 1st because this one began on May 8th and that's just weird :P
November 23rd, 2010
For me, it's now a way of life! I can't imagine ever stopping - but obviously 'life' may get in the way at some point ...
November 23rd, 2010
@craigdtull Or maybe you should start your own International Sock Day FB page....
November 23rd, 2010
@indiannie_jones No weird at all! Who wants to be 'normal' and start at Jan 01 all the time mate? :0D
November 23rd, 2010
@barrymikhal Your comment reminded me of this quote I have:

“I take photographs with love, so I try to make them art objects. But I make them for myself first and foremost - that is important.”
Jacques-Henri Lartigue
November 23rd, 2010
@debmayne i would do that...if i thought for a second it'd attract more than two people. It'd look a bit sad if i was the only one celebrating ISD :(
November 23rd, 2010
@craigdtull Haha, well we are all trend setters and everyone wears socks... Embrace your inner ISDness. I dare ya! No, I double dare ya!
November 23rd, 2010
@debmayne hmmmm...i'll consider it. In doing so i would put myself under considerable pressure to remember the date next year...the only date i generally remember is christmas...!
November 23rd, 2010
@craigdtull Hahaha. That is what an infor page is for :oP
November 23rd, 2010
I plan on sticking around. I'm going to sign up for an ace membership as well. Its very enjoyable.
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