Re-photographing pics from 1870's

November 25th, 2010
This project aims to revisit the voyage of HMS Challenger between 1872 and 1876. HMS Challenger was a Royal Naval vessel but was borrowed by the Royal Society to research the depths of the oceans and study the marine wildlife that they dredged along the way. It was a very significant voyage. However, more important for us are the 500 photographs that they took throughout the journey. This project aims to re-photograph those scenes as they are today - from the same location if possible.

These photographs were taken by 3 photographers throughout the journey and documented the depth and breadth of the world and the variety of countries and cultures encountered. The collection is a held at the Natural History Museum in London but few people see these images anymore.

Places involved are: Lisbon, Gibraltar, Madeira, Tenerife, St. Thomas, Bermuda, Halifax, San Miguel Id, Porto Grande, St. Paul's Rocks, Bahia, Tristan Da Cunha, Cape of Good Hope, Sydney, Wellington, Levuka, Cape York, Dobbo, Banda, Amboina, Ternate, Zamboanga, Ilo Ilo, Manila, Hong Kong, Cebu, Admiralty Ids, Yokohama, Yokoska, Kobe, Honolulu, Hilo, Tahiti, Juan Fernandez, Valparaiso, Messier Channel, Magellan, Falkland Ids, Montevideo, Ascension Id. Tonga

I'm working on the pictures taken at the Cape of Good Hope during October - December 1873. Who else will join the voyage?

Visit SNS Challenger
November 25th, 2010
Cool - I did a similar thing with a few then and now shots a few months ago (see below)

By the way - your link is not linked correctly

November 25th, 2010
First, thanks for the link help.
Your then/now pics are really great. Love the way you've done them.
November 25th, 2010
Wow those are amazign!! Very well merged.
November 25th, 2010
What a great idea! So clever, and really just nice to see.
November 25th, 2010
Very cool!
November 25th, 2010
I did some a few months ago as well ...

November 26th, 2010
Excellent merged photos you guys! Very inspiring!
November 27th, 2010
@eleanor Sorry eleanor - we seemed to have hijacked your thread. :o/
November 27th, 2010
@hednod What do you mean "sorry'? These pictures are wonderful and really interesting. So now I want to pick your brains. I'm sitting with two pictuers I took today that I know are pretty much replicas because the profile of the muntain is spot-on. But how do you get the pin-point accuracy to make these types of collages? And I have another picture that appears to be slightly off. How do I get the right sport ... A gazillion picures - each one in a slightly different spot?!
November 29th, 2010
@eleanor I used photoshop. and is very much trial and error. Drag the old photo onto the new photo as a new layer. then make the top layer the old photo 50% transparent so you can see the new photo underneath . then resize and move the old photo about till its pretty much right.

Finally cut out bit of the old photo layrer and job done.

it takes some practice and you need to know a bit about Photoshop to do it, but all fairly basic PS skills.
November 29th, 2010
@hednod Thanks Murray. Guess I an going to have to crank up the PS skills :)
November 30th, 2010
@eleanor I've got pix to do a similiar project .... when I finish classes in a few days and return from Melbourne .... then I'll be into it. It's a version of this as I can't use the editing programs - everyone knows this by now!
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