Wanting Photoshop software insight....

November 27th, 2010
I hope Everyone is enjoying their Thanksgiving Holiday!!!
To the point!
My mom is buying me Photoshop editing software and we need feedback on which to buy!
We are doing a Poem book with pictures and we were curious on what software would be most helpful on still pictures?
We would love to hear everyones thoughts about PSE8 or 9 or Photoshop Creativity Suite?
Thank you in advance for all your thoughts and knowledge you all can offer us! The sales ends today so the sooner than latter!!!
Thanks to all!
November 27th, 2010
Dont know about creativity but pse9 is the latest version so if you get elements i would get it rather the an older version.
November 28th, 2010
We use PSE6, but yes always get the latest (pse9). Usually, if you have never had photo software, then the first one that you get, AND put time in on to learn, will be be your biased software. That said, PCS would seem to have more features for the high end photographer. PSE would be good for the book that you wise to produce. Tell mom, to look for specials with the Bamboo tablet, it might have the latest PSE packaged with it. The table it great for the fiddly-bits when editing.
November 28th, 2010
Photoshop Elements 9 has a simplified interface which is a bit more beginner friendly. It does lack a number of features though. I find the features it lacks also force you into poor image manipulation habits (destructive editing), where editing can not be easily readjusted at a later date.

Two features crucial to non-destructive editing are Image Layer Masks and Smart Objects. Photoshop Elements 9 does not have these. Other useful features it lacks is a Channels Palette and the Lens Blur Filter.

If you intend to learn how to use the non-destructive editing methods available in Photoshop CS5, you could perform more sophisticated adjustments to images in less time. If you're quite happy using destructive editing techniques (which most people are probably using unwittingly), then Photoshop Elements 9 is the go.
November 28th, 2010
Try them first. Adobe let you download a free 30 day trial of most of their software, so have a play and see what you like. :-)
November 28th, 2010
PSE9 is probably the way to go, unless you want to spend lots of money on a complex professional program (Photoshop CS5). You might also look at other options, such as Pixemator or Gimp (free, open source):
http://www.pixelmator.com/ http://www.gimp.org/
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