FBI:New Barbie 'Video Girl' doll could be used for child porn

December 4th, 2010
Personally, I don't quite know what to think of this, but thought I'd pass it along.

December 4th, 2010
I read the article and watched the video and I guess I can see the danger, but if you're letting your child be "lured" by men with Barbies (with or without a camera), you have probably been too lax in watching out for her.
December 4th, 2010
I was going to buy one of these for myself.. you know for the series only.
but at $50. I will wait for my birthday .lol
Never even considered to possibility of using it for anything other than innocent fun...
Pervs will use anything. and everything to hurt and destroy childrens innocence.. People that fixate on one thing. like this toy as a tool for pervs seriously need to pull their heads out of their butts. and know..
That even if you cut off a child abusers hands.. and penis or medically castrate them.. they still have their minds.. and imaginations.. this is where the abuse starts....
And I agree with Allison.. if you dont look out for your kids.. they will be more likely to be targeted..
Predators are every where.. in every circle of life.. in our neighborhoods. in our homes. in our families. in our schools and church's. and you would be surprised that one day you may find out you know one....
December 5th, 2010
Yeah, I watched the clip on the news last night, and I can see where it can be used for such a purpose, but come on, the pervert is going to have other ways to work theri perversions. I agree with Nikki to some extent, but truthfully a complete lobotomy should do the trick.
December 5th, 2010
@digitalrn lobotomy sounds like a plan.. could work for other criminals as well...
December 5th, 2010
jeez 0h
December 5th, 2010
In other news, having a willy can lead to rape, so let's cut them all off everyone just in case. Yeesh, FBI, talk about overreacting.
December 5th, 2010
@eyebrows xD

I read about this on msn a few weeks back, actually - if parents are going to boycott the toy stores that sell them, then they're idiots. They need to keep a better eye on their kids, rather than worrying so much about a toy. If someone wanted to, they could put a camera just about anywhere (including the back of their head, evidently).
December 5th, 2010
@indiannie_jones @eyebrows @tolpol @nikkers @digitalrn @allie912 - my thoughts are quite a jumble on this, so i'll just throw them out in no particular order.

* FBI is looking out for children and has access to info we don't
* Perhaps someone at the FBI was abused as a child and is behind this particular concern
* FBI has surveillance issues about who gets to do it
* Are we inadvertently teaching our children that we live in a world of reality t.v./live streaming video?
* Pedophiles don't need a Barbie doll to hide a camera
* These cameras could lead to the next Stephen Speilberg.
* Such cameras could actually protect a child in a dangerous situation by documenting the abuse and leading to an arrest of the perpetrator.
* Statistics from childhelp.org (US) indicate that 90% of child sexual abuse victims know the perpetrator in some way; 68% are abused by family members.
* Statistics from about.com on pediatrics (US) - living with their married biological parents places kids at the lowest risk for child abuse and neglect, while living with a single parent and a live-in partner increased the risk of abuse and neglect to more than eight times that of other children
* According to childhelp.org, neglect is largest type of child abuse at 59% of cases
* From about.com - In 2007, more than one-half (57 percent) of all child abuse cases and reports made to CPS agencies came from professionals who came in contact with the child, including teachers, lawyers, police officers, and social workers. Many people in these professions are required by law to report suspected abuse or neglect. However, many reports (26 percent) came from nonprofessional sources, such as parents, other relatives, friends, and neighbors.
* It seems that most children are abused WITHIN their own home, where the perpetrator is apparently being protected from prosecution rather than the child being protected from abuse ... so maybe that is the reason for the FBI's concern - to protect children from the adults IN their lives that they are supposed to be able to depend upon rather than random pedophiles.

December 5th, 2010
"These cameras could lead to the next Stephen Speilberg" or Stephanie Speilberg . :)
December 5th, 2010
@pinktornado39 I do *understand* the concern of the parents, but at the same time, in the other article I'd read, they focused more on what the parents were doing to the toy stores, which I think is ridiculous. Of course it's horrible to think how some twisted person could manipulate the situation but then I do feel as though some of their reactions are counterproductive.
December 5th, 2010
@indiannie_jones - i completely agree with you about counterproductive actions & didn't know about the parents protesting the toy stores. i guess some people (the ones protesting) felt more strongly about it than i did. i guess it's easier to target a store than Mattel - or actually work to protect children.

i actually never would have thought of the potential misuse until the news lead me down that path. i wonder how many who do have ulterior motives have been led down that path by the media and protesting parents ...

at some point maybe we have to question whether protests do more harm than good and also was this an issue worthy of protest.

lots of things to consider ...
December 5th, 2010
@indiannie_jones - and i agree with everyone who said that the toy isn't the problem. i just thought the FBI becoming involved was interesting ...
December 5th, 2010
RE The protesting the store... .. its sort of like the shows that show how robbers break into your house...so I can protect it against them... some will have that knowledge but a lot wouldn't. so to put it out there how to do it.. well that just helps the perpetrator.. same with this doll...
Some will use it for horrible means others will never consider it... so when people protest stores it just high lights to these people how to use something in a way that we wouldn't.
The other thing is most people who read these stories and go out and protest. really dont have the full story.. they get on the bandwagon and go off, without the full facts... there is your side. my side and in the middle somewhere is the truth.
So we dont know if the full facts that the FBI had got sent to the media or just parts highlighting certain facts..
The problem's dont lie with the tools they use.. its the judicial system that needs to be protested....
If someone has reported , and its been investigated , and they go through the courts... etc etc, and are found guilty, then throw them in jail and melt that key down and NEVER let them out again.... we have laws to protect, but it seems they only protect the guilty......
Im going off ... so will get off my soap box now...
One question though,, if the doll has been out since June, why 6 months later is this being blown out of the water?? and I know info got leaked but still why now??

Our world is so small these days with internet access to a wider number of people.
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