What inspires you?

December 8th, 2010
Recently I havent had any ideas for my pictures and they havent been very creative in a whilee:P
Anyways i think alot of people on 365 have really good, interesting photos and just out of curiousity, I was wondering..
What inspires you?:)
December 9th, 2010
I am finding I like to take pictures of the sky and roads and those are available all the time, day and night. I also like the challenges that are put out here like the a-z challenge of where you live and others I've seen. I check the daily shoot site everyday to see what the challenge is. [ http://www.dailyshoot.com/]. They always have something that can give me direction if I need it.

So far, I am not finding any issues with taking pictures because there is always something every day to photograph, every day. Now, that doesn't mean every picture is fantastic. Some days are better than others. So, those days I turn to an editing program like picnik.com to see if I can do something fun or new with what I have even if it turns a picture abstract.

Using these techniques and guidelines, for me, affords me unlimited options all the time. When I am taking pictures, which I do every day, I photograph something that catches my attention and then decide later how to approach the picture. Lots of those days, I see exactly what I want to post. Then I go about trying to make it work.
December 9th, 2010
I am inspired by the theme contests, the holidays, often I will be inspired to try a technique that I've seen someone else doing like captureing motion or taking water drop photos. Sometimes I am inspired by what is going on around me whether I be outside or inside, and very often it involves something my son is doing or saying, so looking at the world through the eyes of a child. Approaching something I was going to take a picture of and deliberately taking the picture from the opposite perspective than I had planned to...keeps me on my toes. Same goes with changing up the framing. But mostly I just take pictures and pictures and pictures, of anything from different angles. It is amazing what a new angle can give a subject. And of course I get plenty of inspiration from my fellow 365ers whose photos are always amazing and inspiring me. :)
December 9th, 2010
In the beginning, I found it difficult to come up with ideas for photos, but the longer I do this, the more excited I get about photography. There's always something new to learn. I'm finding it difficult, some days, to decide which one of the many shots I've taken that day, to post! Check out what your fellow photographers are doing and try to get inspired by that. Most importantly, don't second-guess what you think may be a great shot. Go with your instincts - if something moves you, shoot it!
December 9th, 2010
I'm inspired by the things that happen around me, and sometimes pictures will just "pop" out right in front of me! Also, I like looking at other people's pictures, especially on 365 because there's such a wide range and variety and it gives you ideas!
December 9th, 2010
Really, I love outdoor shots using natural sunlight, but with the shorter, grayer days I have to improvise. I like the theme challenges because I tend to look for subjects I wouldn't normally think to photograph . . . and when I can't get out I just wander around my house until something strikes me . . . good, bad or indifferent!
December 9th, 2010
MUSIC!!!! ^___^
December 9th, 2010
the small things - the detail and intricateness of items, nature. Look around you at what make up the big things ... then build up from there again.
December 9th, 2010
Visit the EXPLORE page on Flickr for inspiration - don't rip ideas off, but if you like something you see then try and put your own spin on it: http://www.flickr.com/explore/
December 9th, 2010
anything and nothing at all inspires me. When I'm feeling like there's nothing left to take pictures of, I grab the camera and start shooting everything in sight. Lint, the cats, water, the texture on the wall. Just anything. I never know what will catch my eye and turn out to actually be a cool picture.
December 9th, 2010
Sometimes when you are trying really hard to find someting inspiring, it is hard to come by. One thing photography has taught me is to look at the world from many different perspectives. The big things inlife, and even the smallest of them, all have something to offer to our inspiration. Sometimes I go out and just take photos of anything I see, and from all different angles. When I upload the photos I usually find something that stands out. There were times I just went out with one thing in mind to look for various subjects, and ended up focussing onsomething else. Of course there are days when absolutely nothing happens. When that happens. I just force myself to be satisfied with what I have, and thenlook at examples on here and other sites. That is what makes photography so much fun.
December 9th, 2010
I agree with Mac! @maceugenio For sure, songs on the radio or on my playlist make images run through my head and so I try to accomplish some of those images...especially when I have no ideas, I turn to songs.
December 9th, 2010
@amyhughes RIGHT! hahahha maybe that's an artist thing.. some find inspirations through nature or how did their day go and stuff... but mine would be, yes, MUSIC!!!!
December 9th, 2010
It really just depends on my surroundings. Nothing within my apartment ever works for me. EVER. I prefer being outdoors but at the same time, I get shy around people and put my camera away. So, it's hit and miss.
December 9th, 2010
well when I have been stumped, I have found websites with suggestions, I have to tell you though, for me this project should and is more about daily life, in that I mean, sometimes life is just life, it can be exciting, it can be sad and it can be boring....I am up to 320 photos here, I can honestly say that although my photos have improved, I have but one photo that really was interesting to a lot of folks, the rest are exactly what they, places I drive by, work at etc. Some of my favorite photos on here are the simplistic ones of everyday life. I have looked at your photos, and you are REALLY creative in your shots, but sometimes, just take a look at your bedroom, your kitchen, your back yard, you might be surprised at what you find, and with your artistic eye, you can turn the ordinary into extrordinary.
December 10th, 2010
Thanks everyone this is really interesting and I can relate to a lot of you!
And these are very helpful too:)
December 10th, 2010
it seems completely obvious, but light inspires me the most. natural light, and the way it bounces off of people or objects. my favorite photos tend to be black and whites with that scrumptious light that just gleams in all the right places.
December 10th, 2010
and people. people's expressions when caught off-guard, or when they don't know they are being photographed. i adore people watching.
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