Lunar Eclipse - Dec 2010

December 21st, 2010
Well I am starting an Eclipse watch for tonight... about 3 hours to go until the full eclipse... but we have clouds and snow right now!!! Arge... anyone with better luck?
December 21st, 2010
Cloudy and snow here in central MN. GRRR.
December 21st, 2010
We will see it on this side of the world in about 6 hours.So far clear skies here :)
December 21st, 2010
I have no idea what the weather is gonna be like at 1 30 in the morning, but I don't care. I plan to stand up late as needed to attempt to get a photo I like!
December 21st, 2010
I'm in florida and it's nothing but clear skies...the full brunt of it is said to appear around 3am. my mum said she would wake me up to take photos! ^_^
December 21st, 2010
Im in Missouri,,,,clouds and soft rain all night. They said we might see an orange glow is all.
December 21st, 2010
I am in California so it will be just after midnight here but I am going to try for it! We have had clouds off and on all day but they keep shifting and allowing me to get shots so I am keeping my fingers crossed. My picture for today is actually from this evening with the full moon. So pretty!
December 21st, 2010
Skies are clear here. I have the telescope set up outside allowing the mirrors and tube to acclimate to the cold. If all goes well and the skies stay like they are and (and this is the big "and") I can stay awake to 2:40~AM I should be able to get a shot or two through the tube. This is the first total Lunar eclipse on the Winter Solstice in over 300 years, so it is a big deal to me.
December 21st, 2010
Big deal to me too!! I'll be attempting a shot with my crappy little finepix : ]
December 21st, 2010
@natika @revjoel @autumnseden @miata2u @emileigh @prairiesmoke @kirsty @cadair8 Well post 'em if you got 'em

Skies are clearing here... I just handheld shot at 400mm to trouble... 1hr 30min!!!
December 21st, 2010
big snow here! i'm so bummed... would love to see some photos if anyone get a shot of it tonight!
December 21st, 2010
Nope I litterally yelled out loud at the sky because I was so frusterated. We are also supposed to get a meteor shower? But the sky is so cloudy I can't see anything!
Super mad!
December 21st, 2010
yea the stinkin' clouds ruined it for me =T :P
December 21st, 2010
Cloud and snow here to :(
December 21st, 2010
Here (in Toronto) it's clear skies (only ~2 cm of snow this month -.-) but unfortunately I can't see the moon anywhere in my house.
It's -10C outside and I'm a bit sick, so I'd rather not head out.

I'm actually really upset :(

I hope some people on here get some awesome shots! I can't wait to see them, super jealous!
December 21st, 2010
So far its OVERCAST! ( WYandotte, Michigan) I'm bummed... :(
December 21st, 2010
Clear and cold in Richmond, VA. at midnight. I think I can make it to 1:30 but doubt I'd be able to tough it out to the maximum eclipse at 3 AM. Just wish I had a better lens for moon shots.
December 21st, 2010
I'm in southern California, and it's been pouring rain all day, with lots of clouds. The news is saying that the weather is llikely to ruin our view, too. I'm totally bummed! My husband bought me a zoom lens for Christmas and gave it to me early so I could get photos, and now Mother Nature is going to foil my plan. Talk about disappointed. I'm staying awake to try, though. Good luck everyone!
December 21st, 2010
Weather looks promising in Idaho but alas, all I have is a point & shoot. Won't do much good for this event so I'll have to save the photos in my mind.
December 21st, 2010
clear as a bell here in florida..and chilly, too. i am heading out in about an hour; just trying to stay awake. *yaaaaawn*
December 21st, 2010
@laceyjogautreau That's why I started this thread... need emails chiming on my phone every 10 mins when someone comments!!!
December 21st, 2010
@ldpaul @natika

This does work... just set the binoculars to near infinity... and a few tries with the P&S and you can get something... easier if you can over right the full auto settings as they will tend to blow out the details... but heck... worth a try...
December 21st, 2010
well, here's another. ;) for everyone's information, watching tutorials for photoshop elements is not the way to stay awake.
December 21st, 2010
it has begun... here is my facebook album for now... I am updating every 20 mins...

not hi-res... but you can see the shadow in the lower left!!
December 21st, 2010
@icywarm Grrr...wish I had binoculars...thanks anyway. i'm going to try to use my hubby's canon powershot A650...wee...
December 21st, 2010
December 21st, 2010
@laceyjogautreau watching... wow that would be tough... was there at least back-ground music... for was it very peanuts... wah wah waa
December 21st, 2010
jordan, i'll have a perfect veiw for around 13 minutes in around an hour here in brisbane, and have no idea how to take the perfect photo :-// grr i just know this is gonna be a let down for me :(
December 21st, 2010
@taidster Don't trust the automatic settings... take test shots... I have variable cloud cover so my numbers are all over the map... but it will take less light than you think... good luck... remember to keep shutter speed around length... ie 1/250 for 250mm lens...
December 21st, 2010
oh thanks :)) um what about the aperture?? it'll be around 6:45pm here ... .thank you btw :))
December 21st, 2010
I'm in Michigan and so far.... clouds are ruining everything.
December 21st, 2010
Here is mine! The weather really co-operated. = )
December 21st, 2010
I had limited luck since I was fighting clouds but here is my bloody winter moon:

December 21st, 2010
clear skies and happening in about 15min but too exhausted after zombie critter (and 7 teens for a 2 day b'day party/sleepover) to even head down the road 5 min to take pix ... now that's just NOT me ... so tired my eyes are sore. maybe to bed early and a fill pic me thinks ...

Enjoy and ra ra ra ....
December 21st, 2010
In Lima - Peru I got a shot before the eclipse... now it's a total goner, the clouds took over quickly...
December 21st, 2010
hope to see it a few minutes from now.. :)
December 21st, 2010
these are the two best shots i got, i didn't get to a good vantage point to get it at "full" even though it was visible from Brisbane, bummer, but here they are:
December 21st, 2010
I'm so disappointed. We had nothing but full cloud cover. You couldn't see the moon at all. :(
December 21st, 2010
missed i due to early morning cloud ..
December 21st, 2010
@autumnseden @tamallamma @icywarm WOW you guys!! y'all make me wish I'd stayed up!! These are so good. You should be proud :)
December 21st, 2010
You are so lucky!!! We had clouds and I wasn't able to get a clear shot but I did get these early into the eclipse. After this nothing. The moon was not visible at all. I'm happy to have gotten anything at all to mark this occasion. Yay!!!!

December 21st, 2010
@autumnseden that's great... I had light cloud cover... once the eclipse started I lost everything!
December 21st, 2010
@tamallamma I'd say so... they look great as a series... and I love the blue...
December 21st, 2010
We had a picnic at the beach to wait for the arrival of the moon. But ... we fell asleep. I got a shot, which I'll post later. But this is our "welcome eclipse/first day of Winter picnic."
December 21st, 2010
@amyhughes @icywarm Thank you so much! It was tricky figuring out the best way to do it since I don't have a remote, etc but I ended up setting up my tripod and framing the shot and then setting the timer. I had a ton of throw away shots due to camera shake from the wind or shifting clouds but I did get a couple of nice ones. I wanted to get one posted right away so I loaded this one before I went to bed but I will go through the rest tonight. =D
December 21st, 2010
I got some shots, but I was half asleep, barefooted, and not too coherent. Something was lose on my tripod because there was some slight movement, even though I used the timer.
My before pics are great, and I have some cool moonset ones. The one of the eclipse are just blah. OH well. I'll be better at this by the time the next one rolls around. I'll post some after work.
December 21st, 2010
Here is the view from Denver, Colorado
December 21st, 2010
Had plenty of luck until the actual eclipse started (Ontario,Canada)...then the clouds rolled in.

December 21st, 2010
wow Ya'll did awesome! I am so jealous. I had way too much cloud cover. Sniffy sniffy. Great Pics All!!
December 21st, 2010
@becky_tamm yeah... but I hear you had warmish night for it... only about - 5?
December 21st, 2010
December 21st, 2010
@icywarm Yes, it was pretty decent. The moon was so bright and reflected off the snow so much it looked almost like dusk at 1am.
December 21st, 2010
@revjoel ah you woke-up... I was worried you'd sleep through it... glad to see you got some... they look pretty decent too...
December 21st, 2010
@autumnseden I don't know if I mentioned how jealous I was that you got to see the actual red moon... if not... I thought I'd mention it again!
December 21st, 2010
@itszaiii That's looking pretty interesting... is that a bottle of Blue Nun wine?
December 21st, 2010
@icywarm Thanks! Nope, it's a Schmitt Sohne riesling :)
December 21st, 2010
December 21st, 2010
@jeseniab where were you? Looks like a perfect night sky for it!
December 21st, 2010
@icywarm Northern Ca. It was cloudy off & on, but I was able to capture between the clouds.
December 21st, 2010
@jeseniab well done... I see you have the same shrinking moon illusion that I had... it looks like you started using a smaller and smaller lens... but I think it is just because you don't see the whole moon in the round... just like the moon looks bigger closer to earth vs up high with nothing to compare to it physically...
December 21st, 2010
@icywarm thanks!
December 21st, 2010
We had clouds just on the horizon here in south east queensland, still was able to see the very very end of it just before 8pm. A bit breezy on the beach, but warm enough with a sweatshirt.
Clouds made it a bit difficult to get the focus, as did leaving my glasses in the car (oops!)

Here it is as the shadow is leaving

December 21st, 2010
It was so cold even my scotch started to get cold.....I only photographed the first half.
December 21st, 2010
@gingersanders scotch... great scott... That's what I was missing!!! would have been way more interesting... maybe drink a cheap one... and with every photo mix the scotch to water in relation to the moon... half gone... half water...
December 22nd, 2010
This is after the eclipse.

December 22nd, 2010
Half frozen , and with a tri pod that wouldnt co-operate :) I managed a few descent ones.
December 22nd, 2010
I am so sad I missed it!!! I hav e a 3 month old and I just had to go to bed. I never know what nights she is going to sleep. haha All of your photos are just amazing! Great job y'all!
December 22nd, 2010
@richfletcher did you try any without the tripod... I gave up on mine... I was needing to shoot straight up...
December 22nd, 2010
@jjsooner that's is interesting with the trees and the clouds... and the colours are all very enjoyable
December 22nd, 2010
December 22nd, 2010
Wow some gorgeous photos!
Sadly I didn't see a thing, sky was completely covered by clouds :(
December 22nd, 2010
Too cloudy here in west Wales too :( Some great shots here though :)
December 22nd, 2010
@jjsooner love the trees in the foreground
December 23rd, 2010
It was a really cold night so that foiled my plans to take pictures. That and the hustle and bustle of Christmas never seems to leave enough time to get everything done. I guess that's why the stores here are open 24/7 during the month of December. Anyways, didn't get a picture of the latest eclipse but here's one from June 26, 2010.
December 23rd, 2010
@paulcleveland I had been hoping for something like this... but it just was not possible where I was... I really enjoy the flare...

@ronnie that is interesting how the shadow is top down vs left right
December 23rd, 2010
Since we have lunatics, no wait not the right term, moonatics, ok people that like the moon here can someone refresh my memory on what the impact crater that has a spray across the moon is called? I cant remember from my astronomy courses half a life ago if it has a name. Lately I've just been calling it the navel since it reminds me of the segments and navel of an orange >.>

Anyway, the 'navel' I've noticed is in different locations between my north america photo and my southern hemisphere photo. For instance in the photo @ronnie posted you can see it in the lower left, and if you scroll back up to my haze covered photo you can see it in the upper right (if you squint).

I know the moon is in a locked orbit with us but does that also impact the direction the eclipse appears to us?

Pardon my stupidity I've only had half a cup of tea so far this morning *lol*
December 23rd, 2010
@icywarm @neda Thank you both!

@paulcleveland I love this shot. I keep going back and looking at it. I think it's my favorite eclipse shot.
December 23rd, 2010
@gingersanders This is great, thanks for sharing, we in the south of Ireland had heavy fog, i did get up at 4.30am just in case but no joy..
December 23rd, 2010
@neda yes... directionality is import... look at a picture of a face about 2 M away... now bend side ways or tilt your head... consider how you see the face now... now stand on your head... how does the face look now... since all the aussies stand on their heads on the other side of a round object... everything is upside down... if you are in the middle some place you are sideways... ect...
December 23rd, 2010
@icywarm your argument is valid except the point of aussies standing on their heads :P

Of course since I'm an american I do get funny looks sometimes down here ;)
December 24th, 2010
wow some fabulous photos here ... well done all
December 24th, 2010
these are great photos! I was so bummed that I could not witness the eclipse. We were completely cloud covered (and snowing, if I remember right). I've missed all the major sky stuff this year. :0( But I knew the 365 friends would have evidence of how awesome it was.

Thanks for sharing!
December 25th, 2010
@gingersanders One must never allow ones Scots Whisky to get cold. That is anathema!
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