Popular Page

December 21st, 2010
Could someone clarify cause I've heard both.. How do photos get placed on the popular page? Is it based on views and comments or based off of certain people associated with the 365 project that select them daily? Just curious...
December 21st, 2010
It's a secret formula only known to Ross . . .
December 21st, 2010
@lynnmwatson ahh haha gotcha :) thank you Lynn!
December 21st, 2010
@emhoff LOL . . . There have been several threads on this topic without any real resolution. I believe Ross posted at one time that there are several factors plugged into a formula, and I think they include the number of photos posted (helping to put the newbies on equal footing), number of followers, number of views, number of comments, number of favs, and maybe a little element of subjectivity on the part of the monkeys!!!!! It eludes me . . . I've been lucky enough to have a couple of photos land there, but then others I've really liked that have gotten good response don't land there . . . Kind of makes it fun though, and I always like seeing the photos on the PP, a lot of great stuff I'd miss otherwise!
December 21st, 2010
@lynnmwatson wow that's a lot of factors haha.. Ya i couldn't figure out what made them on there but I also love looking at them. But for a while I was getting discouraged that I've never had one placed on the PP page, but then I just realized I need to get back to taking photos because I want too, not to impress the monkeys haha! But thank you!!
December 21st, 2010
@emhoff yepp that is what you need to do.. take photos...
December 21st, 2010
The Popular Page should also be known as the Don`t Take It Too Seriously-Page.
December 21st, 2010
@spaceman agree -----

@emhoff maybe payment of some kind? maybe living on the north side of the world, maybe having particular initials, maybe having lots of hits and comments and fav's, maybe taking dodgy pix, maybe being a brilliant editor, maybe taking awesome shots? apparently there's a mathematical equation but ... (raised shoulders and arms up with hands facing upwards) who knows? So don't sweat on it ... if it happens to you your hit rate will increase and some nice peeps will say congrats int's on the RPP.
December 21st, 2010
@emhoff "... taking photos because I want too, not to impress the monkeys "

That's about the size of it cause if one views the pix of the 'peep' who 'deems them good enough to be on the RPP' one must truly ask 'Y' or then understands the 'Y' ... lol
December 21st, 2010
it's an algorithm that works it out. it definitely isn't some dude randomly selecting what photos they like.
December 21st, 2010
What @vikdaddy said about the dude. It's a monkey :)
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