Did Anyone Else Experience This?

December 21st, 2010
I used to get quite a few comments on my photos, and at least some views. But now, hardly anyone comments on them, and they only get around 30 views. Did this happen to any of you near the middle of your project?
It may be me, though. I feel like I'm not as inspired as I used to be... but I'm hoping that will change when I get my D-SLR. Although, one of the big reasons I'm not as inspired is because no one is looking at my pictures. XD
I just just wondering. (:

December 21st, 2010
I am having this happen a lot right now and I have over 300 followers. I think it is just the season and everyone is busy with the year coming to a close. I am sure things will pick up again in January. I know I have not had as much time to browse and comment so I am sure this is right.
December 21st, 2010
Hey Steph, I dont think its a problem with your photos.. some of its due to people quitting, some due to more people coming along and having more content to look at.

I say do the project for you, and dont worry about how many people comment on your photos :).

P.S. I'm a guilty party, I used to comment on yours but life got in the way and I havent been able to spend much time on here
December 21st, 2010
I'm also going through this right now.. I feel like with me it's more because I haven't really been commenting on other people's photos as much as I did before I moved to Africa. The internet here isn't fast enough to spend as much time on 365 as I'd love to.
December 21st, 2010
Yep it has been the same here, but picking up a little now ..lol... I just put it down to my pictures really, ...
Its funny how the ones I think wont do well, seem to get more comments . perhaps its also to do with when we upload I tend to upload around lunchtime in the UK 12 noon -1pm & i have a feeling most people are in other time zones & miss a lot of my uploads ... ( that's my excuses anyway ..lol..)
December 21st, 2010
I'd love to get 30 views on most of my pictures! I average 20 or so really and I have over 100 followers. Sometimes I think it's the time of day when I post and sometimes I think it's just the pictures. Then I remind myself, that for me this isn't a populrity contest. I post the pictures I like for me and my friends. I try to leave as many comments for others as I can to encourage in the hopes that they will visit my pictures too. Ah well. I'll just keep taking pictures.
December 21st, 2010
It sounds like many people are experiencing this same thing, Stephanie, so it's definitely not your photos. My views and comments are way down too, with only my most diligent followers leaving me comments. I'm here daily and comment others, and for the most part I never hear back from them. The thing is, as people say, we DO the project for us, for our own enjoyment, but a little reciprocation is still a nice thing when you can find it.
December 21st, 2010
I did notice this as well......I hardly get ten views at this time. I am assuming it is because people are busy with the holidays. I myself have less time to get on here and comment as well....so I dont take it personally. Hopefully after the holidays, more comments will come.....otherwise I will take it personally.....LOL (just joking) Ill have to up the ante on the photos I take ;-)
December 21st, 2010
Totally agree with @toast, I think it has to do with people who usually comment are now gone and tons and tons of new people. But I say keep at it, I think the comments will come back.
At least that is what I tell myself!
December 21st, 2010
I feel like this always goes in waves for me. Every month, I'll have one really great week and then the rest seem to get ignored even if the quality of my shots haven't changed. Don't get down! I'm sure it will pick up again soon!
December 21st, 2010
it's probably just the time of year - people are very busy with holiday preparations and spending time with family. They'll be back in the new year!
December 21st, 2010
I think it's recently, what with xmas and everything...
December 21st, 2010
I agree with Weng, and everyone else - don't take it personally. It's part due to the season - everyone is so busy, a lot of people are quitting, too, and there isn't so much time for commenting. I am guilty myself - it's only these last couple of days that I manged to find time to do some catching up. Keep taking photos and I am sure they will get noticed! :-)
December 21st, 2010
@toast hit the nail on the head I reckon
December 21st, 2010
@autumnseden This is correct. If anyone is like me we are overwhelmed with shopping and the weather is not helping either.
December 21st, 2010
I agree that a lot of it will be due to the whole Christmas thing. I know myself I am so busy getting ready at the moment, that even getting my photo up each day is difficult and getting the time to view and comment is even harder!! Have a Merry Christmas and I will add you to my follow list :)
December 21st, 2010
Don't feel bad--some people don't comment, some drop out of the Project altogether. Out of my 555 Followers, I get about an average of 85-100 views on each photo and I'm not sure how many comments (less than the views, probably). Do you comment on other photos yourself? It's a reciprocal site--I comment on the photos of people that take the time to comment on mine. Plus, this time of year, I think people are just busy.
December 22nd, 2010
Just busy here but the fewer comments I have time to make, the fewer I get in return. Real life has chosen to get in the way of my Internet time for the past few months. Death, car problems, odd work hours, etc. I am even behind on uploading my pictures which is something I hoped wouldn't happen.
December 22nd, 2010
It's been happening to me too but I'm not as active on the site; commenting on my followers, I follow 200+ people so it's tough and commenting on peoples pics who I don't follow. I doesn't really bother me that I get a lot less views than I used to, I still get a lot of comments and those are usually loyal followers of mine that I know and like.
December 22nd, 2010
It has really been happening to me lately. I usually get about 30-60 views on my photos, and lately it has only been 7 or 8 :O
I hope it is just the season!
December 22nd, 2010
I'm sure it's the time of year. I know that I haven't had nearly as much time to comment as I'd like, and I'm sure that's the case with many others. I've also noticed, as others have said, that when I'm commenting more often, I receive more comments as well.
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