Don't you just love 365? :D

December 21st, 2010
Hey, this is just a big shout-out/thanks to whoever came up with this project, the owner of this site, anyone who's commented on my photos and to everyone who's photos I've commented on because I've loved! :) I'm 50-odd days into my project now and I'm just loving it so much! It's really giving me something to focus on and without the specific structure of the photo-a-day I'm sure I wouldn't have so much enthusiasm for photography.
I also absolutely love this site because of everyone else on it! You guys are really opening my eyes to the world with all your incredible photos! It's a complete pleasure to sit looking at them. :)
I'm gonna stop rambling now, but yeah, thanks to everyone on this site, Project365 is really making me happy! :D

You guys enjoying it too? :)
December 21st, 2010
It is great - a real commitment, but worth the effort! The idea for the project is years old though, this site however isn't...
December 21st, 2010
Well said, Abz! This site rocks!
December 21st, 2010
I agree wholeheartedly, Abz! Photography, along with the focus that 365 Project brings, has done great things for my life. Long live 365 Project, and all the wonderful people who share their photos here!
December 21st, 2010
Tooootally agree!! I've always wanted the idea of doing a photo-a-day, but was never able to--until the 365 Project came into my life! It helps me focus more and appreciate everything about photography. It's just really refreshing and I love it. The people are AWESOME! It's such a stress-reliever and such a fun thing to do. :)
December 21st, 2010
I agree, this is an amazing community :D
December 21st, 2010
I love this site and the people here.

This site has reawakened the photographer in me. I'm learning a lot and finding that I am more encouraged to keep trying new things because I am posting my pictures here. I have some subject oriented pictures on flickr and facebook which is fine but here I can step outside of those boundries and take pictures that are fun for me. It's a great venue for sharing.
December 21st, 2010
I totally agree with you Abz :) It's great fun! :) xx
December 21st, 2010
Agreed! Each day I look forward to taking a picture, looking at other people's pictures, and enjoying the 365 community. I've always loved taking pictures but this site and everyone on it, make it 100 times better!
December 21st, 2010
Group hug!
December 21st, 2010
@eyebrows count me in.
December 21st, 2010
Ah it's brill seeing all these comments! I'm so glad y'all are enjoying it too! :D
December 21st, 2010
I totally agree with all your comment above. This project has changed my outlook on photography and given me a new passion. I am learning so much from this wonderful community and find the photos really inspirational!!!
December 21st, 2010
yep abz, its a fantastic site hey :)) my boyfriend calls it my "new facebook" but its SO much more productive than fb'ing haha. i'm learning and getting better at something i love to do, and people have only been nice here, its just great :D
December 22nd, 2010
Well said @lala_land - it really is a fun community isn't it? So very inspiring :)
December 22nd, 2010
Yup. Like yesterday, would I have been out in the garden shivering taking a shot of a drip if I didn't have the inspiration from you guys to do that? No.

It gets you to push the boundaries on what you are used to doing, to learn the lingo, learn technical stuff, see new ways of achieving better pics. Once I get my DSLR back I want to get the courage to stop using the automatic - never used to on my old non-digi SLR but I have almost forgotten how.

I just love the fun banter and camaraderie that evolves between members, the extreme support (even when your pics are duds people keep you going) and the wonderful windows we get onto other people's lives and cultures - it's just fab. Oh, and then there is that thing of how it ripples out into your wider life, when you just notice so much more beauty, detail and emotion in the world. 365 has just totally enrichened my life.

Thanks Ross - it's just wonderful. @scrivener Ross has it excelled your expectations?
December 22nd, 2010
lol @eyebrows you'll do anything to get hugs wont you princess? :)
fair play mate, play on and oh ok... *group hug*
December 22nd, 2010
@toast Yeah :(
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