2010 365ers: Reveal Your Final Frame Count On Friday!

December 29th, 2010
I've been having some fun and games with some friends off-site and have asked them to guess how many shots my camera will have taken when Project 365 comes to an end on Friday.

I bought my camera specifically for this project, so the count it clocks up will be the number of shots I've taken. Some people have guessed woefully low numbers, others who know me or do a bit of photography have come up with more realistic ones.

But as we have a load of ideas in the mix already for those of us who have now become senior citizens ;o) I thought it would be fun to reveal in your final photo's caption how many shots you will have taken in total. I'm staggered at what my camera is reading at the moment - but I'm sure there are people who have taken loads more. Maybe post it in this thread so we can see non-friends and non-followers, etc, and have a count-off. :o)

And just to push the idea discussed elsewhere (because it's a great one): don't forget to tag your final photo with "365" or "final-photo" or something.
December 30th, 2010
i'm only 25% of the way into this project ... but your thread has prompted me to figure out why my numbering keeps resetting everytime i clean out the sd card, ie i keep starting at 001 again grr....might go do that now :)) thanks :)
December 30th, 2010
Ah yes, it can happen. My camera has an option for continuous numbering or a reset.
December 30th, 2010
http://www.myshuttercount.com/ May be helpful to some individuals... but would count all photos taken on the camera, not just for the year.
December 30th, 2010
@hellcat thanks, i tried it and even though it got he basic exif into it gave me this error ... and its an original file, never edited this photo at all lol :(

Error, no shutter count information in this file.
Are you uploading a edited/resized jpg file? The shutter count information may removed by photo editing software, even resize your photo. We encourage you to upload a raw file or a jpg file directly from your camera.
December 30th, 2010
No, I've only uploaded RAW or NEF files. I'm sorry it gave you an error message, that's not very helpful at all. I wouldn't even begin to know what to do to make the site work for you. Maybe try another photo or see if the site is limited to only certain cameras. I'm not sure. :( Sorry it wasn't working for you.
December 30th, 2010
@taidster oops...sorry, forgot the reply button... response above.
December 30th, 2010
I've used a p&s, an underwater camera, my phone, at least one of four webcams AND a dslr for this. I don't even now where to start O_O
December 30th, 2010
i'm in the middle of sorting out my 365 photos as they are taking my laptop away to rebuild it on 4th Jan and at the moment a lot of my photos are in a folder on the desktop. I also needed to remote back up as work won't store the 12+GB on the new server (can't think why not!!!) so i'm half way through sorting (and 16% through the project) and have an astounding number of files!! I will pull my finger out and finish sorting and post the final count tomorrow!!!
December 30th, 2010
I would've loved to do this, nerd that I am, but since selling my original camera to @artistmichelle there's no chance :(
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