Today is the last day for Kodachrome development.

December 30th, 2010
Indeed! End of an era.
December 30th, 2010
wow, that's quite sad...
December 30th, 2010
Wow... I don't know what to say ... How sad.
December 30th, 2010
I had no idea. How sad. Some of us still rely on our 35mm cameras and not just digital.
December 30th, 2010
@sytse - not to worry, if you don't get slides, then you're good to go.
December 30th, 2010
Sent my last two rolls in on the 14th.... Processing times are super long right about now, usually I would have them back by now, but I don't.

Velvia is a far superior, and still available, slide film anyway. I just shot some Kodachrome this year for nostalgia purposes, but it's nothing like Velvia, which is film GOD to me. I wish someone would write a song about Velvia, LOL! (Paul Simon has a song called "Kodachrome" for those who don't get what I'm referencing.)
December 30th, 2010
@hmgphotos - Sad/weird all the same. I still have a few rolls that haven't even been used. They are a continent away, so there wasn't much chance of shooting them.

I posted this specifically because I remember you bringing it up about a month or so ago. Would love to see how they come out. Be sure to share some with us.
December 30th, 2010
@crappysailor I definitely will! I have a blank spot on my calendar which I will put my last ever Kodachrome photo on the day I took it, and then I'll probably post a link to the others or something.
December 30th, 2010
@hmgphotos - Sweet!

I'm not crazy right? We did have this conversation not too long ago? And I believe you were perhaps looking to buy some more on ebay? Hahaha, man, everything is blending together.
December 30th, 2010
@crappysailor Haha, yeah, we had this conversation! I think back in November when I took my last roll out to thaw, and posted a photo of it. I was debating on whether to shoot the roll or not. I did in the end. But I'm sure the photos won't be great... it's all snowy and gray here a lot, so I ended up taking a bunch of photos of stuff around the house and my cats. My second to last roll should be better, as I took it to Nevada with me and took photos of the desert.
December 30th, 2010
Is this like the end of all film processing? What about if you have disposible cameras? I'm sure we have a fair few waterproof disposable cameras floating around...
December 30th, 2010
@naomi No, only Kodachrome (K-14) film. It takes special chemicals that Kodak isn't making anymore.
December 30th, 2010
Noon has struck in Kansas... !!!

Reading the flickr group, it seems like I was the only smart person to get mine in early, and not wait until the last minute. Not sure why people risked mailing it out yesterday?!

And supposedly they're processing over 700 rolls of film a day! I hope mine don't get lost! And that they don't lose my Velvia roll in the meantime of waiting for my Kodachrome to get processed...
December 30th, 2010
a sad sad sad day indeed
December 30th, 2010
Welcome to the world of digital. Kodachrome will be missed. Long live EKTACHROME.
December 30th, 2010
Dedicated my photo of today to it: :)
December 30th, 2010
@byrdlip film will not die... there would be riots if that happened. Plus, it still more economical to shoot film with a 20 year old camera than it is to keep up with digital technology. As much as I hate hipsters, I love them and their lomo cameras keeping the 120 film market happy.

Kodachrome just sealed it's own grave decades ago with print film and E-6 slide processing became more popular. Velvia killed it color wise, and prints in ease of use. I really don't think Kodachrome finally dying is an indication of film as a whole.
December 30th, 2010
@hmgphotos - yeah, the lomo marketing blitz is a bit annoying. But they keep film alive. And that is worth all the annoying hype. Although it has driven up the price of expired film. Or so it seems.

Plus I'd be lying if I said I didn't love toy cameras.
December 30th, 2010
@crappysailor I hate the outrageous price of expired film! It's cheaper to shoot brand new than expired, unless you come across someone who doesn't realize expired is so sought after. I love toy cameras as well, I have a Holga and a 1950s Lubitel. But I am very against the lomographic society... only they can take $2 Chinese film and sell it for $8 a roll as something special. Hence why I shoot more traditional pro films in the Holga... Velvia and Fujicolor 400H. But it does pad at least the 120 format market. Though I don't think it's 120 that is in danger of dying out since it's resolution still exceeds digital and it's still very much used professionally...
December 30th, 2010
@hmgphotos - I have to admit, I bought something from them about a week ago. They had some rollei red scale 35mm film. Now on the USA website it sells for about $6/roll (I think). But since I'm currently in Switzerland, the shopping cart defaults to my location. So the price turned up......$1.27/roll. Needless to say I bought 90 rolls. Applied some coupons. And put my order in.

I noticed though, that the shipping costs change depending on what discount codes you use. It actually goes up! Hahaha, so to your point about them buying cheap film and selling it to hipsters for $8. Yeah. Only they could get away with it.

Oh. And my film order got canceled three days later. They claimed they didn't have the stock. I'm sure when they tried to fill my order they realized the mistake.
December 30th, 2010
@hmgphotos - oh and it might sadden you to know that Impossible Project is an offshoot of Lomographic. They get a pass though. For now.
December 30th, 2010
@crappysailor I've looked at that redscale stuff as well. I can see buying specialty film from them, but just normal B&W or color stuff I don't get. I've been procrastinating on ordering more film, but I really need to as my stocks are quite low... I've found that (at least in the US) Freestyle Photo can beat B&H on prices.

I've almost bought film from the Impossible Project, but only stopped because I didn't want to pay $40 for film for a camera that I have no idea if it works or not. Got an SX70 for $3 at a flea market... I think I'd rather just leave it a mystery than waste money on something like that.
December 30th, 2010
@crappysailor thanks for the link... quite sad if you ask me... Photography used to be a delicate art. Now, with digital cameras, anyone can be a photographer.
December 30th, 2010
@hmgphotos Thanks, I did a little more exploring and found that B&W will be around for a long time. Gives me the motivation to finish the addition to the house, clean out the lab and fire up the B&W processing.
December 30th, 2010
@hmgphotos - AH! It kills me. Have you seen what they go for? A few years ago people couldn't get rid of them fast enough. I remember playing with one as a kid. The SX70 was more of a spaceship to me than a camera. The way it folded amazed me. :P

@meshinka - Sad for sure. Although, I must admit, I never really shot slide film. While I do have some, it is quite by accident.
December 30th, 2010
@crappysailor I have seen! At the same flea market someone had one for $70 for sale. I settled for the $3 one, and spent about an hour trying to figure how to open it up :)
December 30th, 2010
@natandhayley - much appreciated! Thanks.
January 8th, 2011
Got my rolls and scans back! Not happy with the scans, they look rather dull... so I might have to rescan some of my favorite shots. I posted up the last frame I ever took (well, second to last): for the day I took it.
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