Who's leaving tomorrow??

December 31st, 2010
Hey all! Just wondering how many of you are finishing your projects tomorrow. I'm doing my project for my 30th year, so I have until April. Curious though to see who is finishing tomorrow. If you are, do you plan to take a break or continue?
December 31st, 2010
I am. I'm done. I feel a little relieved, but so happy with the whole project on many levels. I'm not continuing....I'd like to make this year into a book and focus on other projects I want to spend time on. But...I think in a few years, I'll do it again. For now, I'll keep taking photos, without pressure to take any at all, and try to keep improving because while I do feel that I've improved I still have a long way to go!

Ultimately, I really enjoyed this experience. I can't wait to put it into a book, b/c it also recorded a year in my life!
December 31st, 2010
@goodnouc isn't it a neat feeling? i plan on putting together a book on shutterfly when i'm done...
December 31st, 2010
Im done tomorrow but I think I might continue.... :) when you make a book using shutterfly can you have the words you wrote for each picture on the pages of the book. too?
December 31st, 2010
@dmrams yes you can. (:
December 31st, 2010
@dmrams that only works for the ACE members?
December 31st, 2010
@dmrams @misschuff @emileigh wasn;t aware of that! thanks so much!
December 31st, 2010
@Della: do stay on! I am! I should be leaving January 1, but I just got an ace account and will continue in 2011. I just loved taking a picture a day and what it has done for my photography skills, but I will allow me a filler every once in a while (which I didn't in 2010)...
December 31st, 2010
I'm almost done, but I'm definitely doing another year. I enjoyed it a lot, it really challenged me to improve my skills and there are so many more things I would love to try, I'm simply not done yet :-)

Plus, a good friend of mine will be starting January 1st as well, and it will be fun to go out photo hunting every now and then. So, no rest for the wicked :-) See you all next year!
December 31st, 2010
Just uploaded my final photo! I will definitely be rolling over to 2011 though.
December 31st, 2010
I'm torn between the 365'ers - the friends - the photos - I don't think I have improved
at all, so I'm really on her noe for the close friendships, if I don't pick up new skills.
Hubby has been diagonised sort of with "Lyle you have a little Parkinsons so I want to get more tests done, there are other things that can be causing these symptoms." Well he may have said to the pregnant lady "you are a little pregnant" hehehe
Soooooo Lyle have MRI X 3 today - Brain, Neck and Spine. He has blood Tests to get done when the January month gets over the New Years Public Holiday. His High dosage Medication for his severe back pain cause by vertebrae breaking down - (real name???) he also has Diabetes; Sleep Aponea on cpap machine; Osteoporosis; had both eyes done for Cataracts early in 2010; raised PSA and being watched by specialist; DVT now on warfarin;
Today I had 6 Scripts to get filled for numerous meds, and lots are in a Webster Pack
so it's easy for me to keep check on him. For the last couple of years he has become more stressed by the pain that Dr's could not find the main cause, and spending the days in bed, sleeping so he can't feel the pain. Most of these all seem to dove tail as far as I am concerned, so that is where the DVT came from.. Anyway we are getting to the crux of the matter so he has also been on anti depressants since our car accident in 2003. Sorry this is really awful to read, just felt I needed to say why I might not be on here as much as I want.
We have just had 2 days no connection and now here I am trying to upload the two days and make the big decision.
I love this site and all you wonderful Amateur????? Photographers trying to get more skills, all I can say is wait for me, I cannot see me getting to the level of most on here as even the young school students do the most incredible shots.
Gotta get off tablets due.
Love & virtual Hugs to all my followers and Friends
May you have a Happy New Year and be loving and kind to each other, that is what I am Praying for, that God will give me Patience with an Airmail stamp on it. xoxo
December 31st, 2010
I am sorry for the bad puncutation. I also meant to say torn between hubby and the rest.
December 31st, 2010
I'm out of here. Today's my last day. I've got a bunch of alternative photos though and I think I can open up another album, so I might dump them in an "extended cut". Not sure how many there'll be - I need to go through them.

I'll still be popping in and out to comment on my fellow photographers' pics though.
December 31st, 2010
I won't be done until February but I don't think I'll be stopping. I think I'll just keep on going.
December 31st, 2010
I just finished up my last photo for 2010's project ... will be challenging myself to another year :)
December 31st, 2010
Today is my 365th day, but I think I'm going to stick around a while longer. I didn't get to post a picture a day, sometimes life got in the way, but I loved trying. I'm thinking about upgrading to an Ace membership just to help support the project. So the way I look at it is 365project round 2. Another fun year of trying.
December 31st, 2010
@misschuff What only works for ACE members? The text on the bottom?
December 31st, 2010
@msk1p2 sure hope to see you stick around! so love your humor and insights!
@madeline515 it is great fun, isn't it?? looking forward to new pics from you in the coming year!
December 31st, 2010
@goodnouc just wondering if a direct transfer from 365 to shutterfly book making process is available to ACE members or everyone? I've been copying and pasting the captions/words in word (along with pic) and then I'll determine which program to use for the book ..

Anyone any clues if need ACE to not have to copy and paste into a shutterfly book?
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