Needing to Do Things Twice

December 31st, 2010
This has happened to me multiple times now. I download my photos, then organize them, then save. It brings them up again with none of my changes recorded. There are no messages that I can't use a date...just back to what it was before I edited. The second time it goes through. This happens EVERY TIME. It's a little discouraging since I still have so much to do to catch up. Help.
December 31st, 2010
Not sure why this happens, but I have had the same experience and know how frustrating it can be. Something you might try if this happens again, hit the back button on your internet toolbar...this works for me when I am using my fiance's mac-book. It will take me back to the page with everything still entered and when I hit save again it will work...Unfortunately on my slightly older desktop this trick does not work, but it's worth a try!
December 31st, 2010
Thanks. I will give that a try. If it was just now and then, I'd say it's a glitch, but it happens every time I have more than one photo to organize.

I have another question. Formerly, this website had a differntly organized system. I could hit calendar and go to any month of the year without clicking through each month. Am I missing an obvious way to do this?
December 31st, 2010
It's too bad this is happening each time you upload more than one only happens periodically for me...hopefully this will work for you then!
As for the calendar, I don't see any way to go directly to a specific month anymore, but I could be missing a secret here too.
December 31st, 2010
I never knew you could go to a specific month before so its no different for me :-)
December 31st, 2010
I had a second post on the topic of the calendar navigation. No one else knew of a way except to change the last number of the url to the number of the month when in the month mode.
December 31st, 2010
I`m not exactly sure what you mean.Maybe you`re reffering to when you upload your photos here,and edit the title/info?
I have noticed that after I upload a photo here,and click on "add title/tags" (or something like that),if I don`t type in the info in about 5 minutes or less,then it`s all for nothing. I click "save",and it`s blank,the same page,and I need to set the info/title/tags/date,again.And quicker.

I`m not sure if that`s what your question was about so sorry,if I did not make sense.
December 31st, 2010
Yes, Martin, that's what I mean, only, it happens to me even if I do the editing right away and click happens every time I have more than one photo. I probably wouldn't notice if I were not adding so many photos the last few days.
December 31st, 2010
@cdhildebrand sounds like you have cookies disabled on your computer, or a browser plugin/anti-virus that is messing with the form.
December 31st, 2010
I find that happens to me when I put my captions on. When it reopens it will be in alpha Order, even if I have 10 from the same date ie: 12 Jan10 is how I put my dates.
I may have Sunsets and if I number them like sunset today no1 and then go on like that no2 no 3 they will stay in order. But anything else and it's alpha all the way.
Haven't bothered to find any solution. I store my pic in folders every year . so for 2011
I create a Glenys & Lyle blah blah blah and the title the create new folders, they will have among them Sunsets; Front Yard; Where we Live; Christmas; etc and any that I take of friends or family they will be in their own folders. I found it so easy to locate
now I've got it right.
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