Newbie photo safety

December 31st, 2010

What stops someone else from stealing your photo from this site?
December 31st, 2010
Nothing.This has been and will be debated over and over again.
Even with special signatures/watermarks,lame desperate loosers will allways find a way to take your photos,and from any website you upload.Once it`s online,it`s a risk you gotta take.It comes with the teritory.
Okay,there`s FlickR,that has more privacy settings and doesn`t let you save by right-click,but that`s no biggie.I snatched people`s photos from there with Windows Snipping Tool (wich comes with Windows). And before you acuse me of theft,let me say those photos are lame quality,compared to the originals,and I only snapped them to transfer on someone`s mobile,to use as wallpapers.

Anyways,if you stress too much about it,then don`t put it on the World Wide Dirty Old Sneaky Web,or maybe just upload 1% of the photos you make.

I`m not worried about people stealing my photos,at all,as long as they do it just to view them from their pc/phone. But if I do see a shot of mine in a commercial/poster or something that`s made for financial purposes/personal fame (and I highly doubt it), then heads will roll and rivers of blood will flow.
December 31st, 2010
i couldnt agree more with @spaceman
December 31st, 2010
Wow, that's fierce a reply.

I suggest you post your photos in the most minimum quality, resolution- wise, there's a dpi equivalent of that ... a websize or email size. I think that'll do the trick.
December 31st, 2010
@spaceman - Even though I completely agree with you I think it's hilarious how you describe people who take other peoples photos as lame desperate losers then go on to say that you take other peoples photos. :-)

Yep once you put photos on the web its a risk you take.
December 31st, 2010
*correction: "lame desperate loosers seeking financial and/or professional recognition by using the photos they steal and even claim ownership afterwards
December 31st, 2010
It's stuff like this that makes me wish we had some form of Internets Driving License, but then I realise that'd be worse than Hitler and I get angry all over again because there's no solution to the endless stream of internet-noobs.

Aaaaaaaaand relax.
December 31st, 2010
The Force.

And also, nothing but ethics.
December 31st, 2010
@spaceman - that makes a lot more sense and yes very true. Happy New Year to you.
December 31st, 2010
Though most people on this site are very nice.. and very helpful it's like a little family around the world.. I wouldn't think of it ever happening!. Happy New Year Everyone!
December 31st, 2010
Just to chip in here but my opinion is the same as everybody else's. It's an occupational hazzard of uploading your photos to an online site. There is no security good enough to prevent people from taking some version or the other of your work. If you have any worries about your photos being stolen then either upload photos that you are happy to be used by Joe Public, or don't do it at all. Simples.
December 31st, 2010
Okay thanks everyone. I am not that worried about anyone taking my photos. It was more of a hypothetical question, and I was not concerned about anyone on this site.

I was signed up at JPG a few years ago, and they have a little automatic copyright protection when you try to drag a photo to your desktop. I was just wondering if I was missing some kind of setting. I did not stumble upon the internet yesterday thanks. :) Thanks for all your replies.
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