Your favorite photo of someone else

December 31st, 2010
I've been enjoying the thread by @steveh about your best picture of 2010 so much, I thought it'd be neat to see what we think of other photographers work too. I know for me, picking my own has gotta be like picking which is your favorite child. Well, except I don't have children. But I love them all for different reasons, so it was tough. I have three photos by other 365'ers that either moved me emotionally or just plain made me say, "Dang. I wish I would have taken that one!" (or maybe, "I WISH I could take something that great!") Anyway, here they are...

Amy Hughes @amyhughes

Matt Murata @lintbrush

Laura Demko @pinktornado39
December 31st, 2010
this one is my all time favorite...

December 31st, 2010
Woah, that's so hard to pick.

This, by Krissy. Her kitty shots are somethin' else!

Pretty much EVERYTHING of Brenda's! Especially:

Aaaaand this needs no explanation :)

December 31st, 2010
As I look back through my favorites I am reminded as to why they are. They are fabulous glimpses of moments captured perfectly. I think that is what I try to do with my pictures, capture a moment that I don't want to forget because the moments are flying by.

A Boy and His Dog by Matt Murata @lintbrush

For some reason the code isn't coming across correctly. This is the link to the video on youtube.
December 31st, 2010
Oh there are so many to chose from but this one @cindy I really love, its so natural and it could be me and my best friend in 30 or 40 years LOL

This one for a few reason, mostly because I find all of Tiffany's photo's amazing and I think little Ivy is an inspiration! @tiggymooshoo

And this one - cos its awesome! :) @redfl83

Hope i have copied these links properly :)
December 31st, 2010
This is an awesome thread Terri! @girlincamo (and thank you for picking one of mine!!!!)

Here's my "best of 2010":

by Barry Mikhal @barrymikhal

by Andrew Wesley @wesley

by Kelly Webster @landmeetswater

by my cousin Terri Campbell, I still want this one framed in my house @girlincamo

by Laerke Thorndal @lily

and of course, the personality queen by Ed @edpartridge
December 31st, 2010
@dmortega OOOOHHHH!! I love that video of Matt's. But I can't watch it without what I call "snot bubble crying" You know, the good kind of cry where you literally blow bubbles of snot out your nose? (yep, probably sharing too much here) But yeah, I think Matt is brilliant- the video is a masterpiece!
December 31st, 2010
@amyhughes If I thought I could have gotten away with posting Kelly Webster's @landmeetswater whole project as my favorite I would have. She is seriously amazing! Couldn't pick just ONE of hers!
December 31st, 2010
It`s impossible for me to chose one and say "that`s my favorite!" many people ,with different photos,and each good photo is great in a different way.
Here`s one of the first photos that "touched" me,back,on the day I signed up here (if I recall correctly)

..I just checked and looks like that person suddenly gave up on her project or something :-(
December 31st, 2010
@girlincamo - Teri, I cannot tell you how humbled and honored I am that you selected my photo, "Let the Rain Kiss You." I am speechless ... and it takes a lot to make me at a loss for words. Thank you, Teri! I'll get back and post my three later when I have recovered sufficiently. Thank you!
December 31st, 2010

@koshi- this is stunning! love the b/w!
December 31st, 2010
I think these 3 are probably my favorites. But it is REALLY hard narrowing it down to 3.

By Laerke Thorndal @lily

By JennyLee @jennylee


by Amy Hughes @amyhughes
December 31st, 2010
I have many favs from Kim!



Loni's whole project, but this photo made me pause.

These are just a few, but I also love the projects from the following: Prairie Smoke, Rae Lowenberg, Teresa (pocketmouse) , and my brother
December 31st, 2010
I looked back through my favs, and I just love love love this one:

by Kimberly Reeves @kreeves23 and that was on her first day!!
December 31st, 2010
This one by James Tomas is award winning in my book!
December 31st, 2010
Ok I am a "fav junkie" and have 611 favs (more if you include all the one's of Malena's that don't show anymore), so narrowing down to one is impossible, so here are my top 2:

this one titled Fleeting by Theresa (pocketmouse)-

And this one titled If I Were As Mad As A Hatter by Amy Hughes-

December 31st, 2010
I've just gone through all my faves and, honestly, couldn't choose one if my life depended on it!
December 31st, 2010
This one by Nathalie Verbeken @niara is one of the best I have seen.

December 31st, 2010
This one by Yoori @yoori is one i would gladly pay for so that I could frame it and hang it on the wall. I'm blown away every time I look at it.
December 31st, 2010
@tamallamma @rebcastillo77 oh my goodness thank you two so much for choosing one of my pics as your favorite....that's so amazing. Thank you
January 3rd, 2011
So tough! Just took a quick look at my favs. To be honest I forget about the whole fav function so I know I've missed so many other great shots. Really any of them could be interchanged with the below, but here are few that stood out for me in 2010:

Rochele Cassidy (@rophoto). This shot just rocks. And unlike me who posts a bunch of dog and toddler photos, she's always got a fun diverse range of subjects.

Brenda Ashley (@liipgloss). Just an amazing collection. I could really abuse the fav button.

And lastly, one more vote for Tiffany Tregenza (@tiggymooshoo). I smile every time I see it.

@girlincamo @dmortega - I'm a little slow. Thanks so much guys! I would have never have seen this so thanks for tagging me!
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