2010 365ers: Over And Out

December 31st, 2010
This thread is dedicated to all of us who have completed our Projects today and are saying "goodbye". Pop in for a celebratory "drink". :o) It'd be good to pop over to non-followers final photos as well.

So how did you find it? To be honest, I never doubted that I'd finish it but I knew it would be challenging from time to time. And there are some seriously desperate shots! The most desperate is probably my pic of the clock on the microwave reading "23.59"!

Anyway, still have people to follow, photos to comment on. So it's not really "goodbye", just "au revoir". :o)
December 31st, 2010
I've brought Twiglets, where shall I put them?

Today is the struggle day as I'm trying to think of something worthy of day 365 ... And failing miserably.
December 31st, 2010
I too have been thinking and have ended up with a bit of a mess but oh well xD about to try and edit something of it... I brought pringles and cake :D
December 31st, 2010
Well, I brought some of my peppermint bark. :-) My ending wasn't a great one either, so what I have a whole new year ahead. :-) I look forward to seeing some really cool pic from all those who are staying. And I will miss all those who must travel onward to other things. :-)
December 31st, 2010
I've brought a clown and a mime for entertainment. Also a gun with two rounds in it for when they get boring.

I'll save my write up for my actual photo comment, but needless to say, it's been a year.
December 31st, 2010
@eyebrows - does the gun have a silencer for the mime?
December 31st, 2010
I'm finished!! Yay! On the whole, I really enjoyed it and look back with a certain sense of accomplishment. @electricwriter I agree...it was challenging at times! Really eeking it out. Then oddly, some days it was a flood..."which one to use?" and wondering what symbolized the day most.

For me, this was a project about recording every day moments, as much as I could. So I feel I have improved photographically (still need more improvement though!), and captured some really neat moments that I wouldn't have thought to photograph in another time. Have to take time off now, though...because it will take some time to organize this into a photobook!

Congratulations to everyone else who finished!!!
December 31st, 2010
@edpartridge Well it's a shotgun...
December 31st, 2010
For me, I got the greatest of pleasure out of making people laugh. Sheer desperation forced me to be creative and use the toys and action figures scattered around. They weren't necessarily meant to be funny, but they turned out that way and I'm really pleased that people enjoyed them. The toys and food shots have been the most popular with the 365 community, I think. Love it.
December 31st, 2010
I'm here! Brought some fizzy water cos I've had too much alcohol already this holiday!! :-) I've finsihed on a real boring note but it's done! I've found this place sometimes addictive, sometimes tedious but I am so pleased to have stuck with it. I'm actually planning to do another year in a different theme but we'll see if it pans out. Thanks to those of you who have given me a real laugh (looking at @edpartridge) and some who have made me thank my lucky stars. To @electricwriter wish I'd found you sooner :-) and thanks mostly to @scrivener Ross for making this site so user friendly in every way. xxxx
December 31st, 2010
I've brought margeritas along for the NY party - plenty for everyone, please join me in a toast to us all! (Photo will be up later, we've not made them yet, it's only 7.15 in the evening here in UK, but, mmm, that's getting close to margerita time...)
I have adored this project. I love looking for something different to photograph every day and wittering on about it in my caption. It's the perfect distraction from any work I'm meant to be doing at the time. I've loved meeting so many friendly/warm/funny/interesting people from all over the world and being invited in to sneak little peaks of all those different lives - I'm only sorry that over the last couple of months I've got so busy that I've not had the time to keep up with everyone and have been such an unmitigated disaster at commenting - my photos have been a bit on the rubbish side lately for the same reason...thank you to everyone here and especially for Ross for keeping this all going.
I'm having a rambling debate with myself right now about whether to continue wittering on right into next year or drop out for a while and come back in a couple of months when I have more time to do it properly - either way, I'll step up to ace membership to support the site!
December 31st, 2010
lol well I'm currently hopped up on T3s (Had my wisdom teeth taken out yesterday) so no alcoholic drinks for me :)

Congrats to everyone who's finished their 365 projects today! I hope to have my last photo posted soon :)

It was...for the most part a HUGE learning curve...but in a good way you know? Definitely glad I did it though :)

Thanks to everyone for the support, and good luck to everyone still doing it, and for those doing it again for 2011!

Cheers all the way from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

December 31st, 2010
@eyebrows @edpartridge very funny you two!!
December 31st, 2010
Final picture posted! *wipes away a tear of emotion* :p
I have a very addictive personality so it's prettyyyyy likely I'll be back tomorrow xD
December 31st, 2010
my final picture is posted!!! I'm sure I will still post every now and then--I enjoy it too much!! :)
December 31st, 2010
Just posted my final photo. It is a photo I took of an ad campaign my sister's company designed. It sums up how I feel about sticking to this project for 365 days. Some days were complete busts---as in didn't have my cam with me or battery dead or any number of other miserable excuses.

And just as others have said, other days were lush with photo ops. I accomplished my bit goal of learning more about taking photos (from many of you) and learning more about my camera. The biggest surprise and greatest outcome...meeting some great people on this site.

I will be back...adding comments to doing my best to finish up on another album I have going.

THANK YOU ROSS...and thank you to everyone who followed and commented on my photos.

Happy New Year everyone!
December 31st, 2010
This is epic! I've just discovered that TWO of my photos are on the Popular page! What a send-off! Thank you, monkeys!
January 1st, 2011
hey all and a BIG CONGRATS to all of us! I'm bringing in two bottles of champagne from my recent trip to France.
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