do you use smugmug? your favorite feature?

January 2nd, 2011
So I recently purchased a domain name and am hosting my photos via smugmug... I really love it so far, as it suits my needs at the current time. I love the features I am discovering (like I can have a "thank you print" and/or a sticker with my log placed in/on the packages that are shipped to people who purchase my photos. But I know there is a lot they offer than I am currently unaware of... so, if you use smugmug or are familiar with them, can you tell me your favorite feature? Thanks!

(Also, a shameless plug, my site is - please feel free to check it out and give me any constructive criticism you might have - is it easy to navigate? eye catching? pricing too low, too high? other suggestions?)
January 2nd, 2011
I just signed up for the site as well ... my site is I'm not on the Pro level, though, so I'm not concerned about making money from things just yet.

So far I'm pretty pleased with the site, and I'm busy looking through my files and projects for appropriate photos to upload. It's a good website with a lot of features; I'm still working on customizing my site. CSS style sheets brings me back 10+ years, so I'm rusty with it all.

As for feedback on your site, the large "proof" watermark through all of your photos is very distracting. Do you have a different option?
January 2nd, 2011
I was just looking at your site and it looks very nice :) I notice you don't watermark yours at all - are you planning to leave it that way? I planned to change mine to something smaller and less obtruse, but haven't created one of my own yet.

I've never done any CSS ... so I'm having a bit of a hard time with the customization beyond what is readily avail on their "easy customizer"...
January 2nd, 2011
@dawnetta Your site looks good! I like the fact that you have things grouped so nicely! I think the price of your photo prints is to low, and the price of some of the merchandising is to high, but that is just my opinion, I don't have experience with my own site, but just from a "consumer's" point of view. Good luck with your site :D
January 2nd, 2011
Thank you, Rebecca - I've been thinking of lowering the merchandise markups a little... Currently I have a set % markup on everything, and I think I need to change that. Thank you for your input!
January 2nd, 2011
@dawnetta Eventually I will. I've created custom brushed in Photoshop before on a prior computer, so it's on my list of things to do. I'm more happy that I'm finally displaying photos that I've taken over the past few years instead of just keeping them on my computer and posting to facebook.
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