Photo Organisation

January 2nd, 2011
HI! would love to hear from some people in regards to photo organisation, tips and tricks. I am taking sooo many now, family, work and play and get a little overwhelmed at times. I have a Windows PC but keep hearing Mac is the best for photo storage and editing. I feel my filing system isn't keeping up with what im throwing at it and I need a better way! please comment! Rxx
January 2nd, 2011
The idea that Macs are somehow better for general media stuff than PCs hasn't been true for a long time*, but people take a while to realise things.

What type of camera do you use? If you're rocking a dSLR and shooting in RAW, you can use Adobe's awesome Lightroom which can create its own library of every photo you import into it, organising them in dated folders if you want it to. It's a pretty neat guy.

*exception being high-end video production.
January 2nd, 2011
@eyebrows me thinks u must have shares in lightroom, touting it all over the place hehe ;) :P
January 2nd, 2011
I have Adobe Elements and all my pictures are nicely tagged and catalogued. Very inexpensive and provides all the editing that I want.....
January 2nd, 2011
I use Picasa, It's free and does a great job and has worked well for organizing my images. It includes some basic editing and includes a link to Picnik for editing as well.
January 2nd, 2011
I use Picasa too, and organise my photos in folders by date. It's pretty simple but ti works for me.
January 2nd, 2011
I use lightroom mostly. But my photos are also backed up on an external drive, organized by year, month and day taken. All of my originals are just lumped in one folder on there, because I rarely go back looking for them!
January 2nd, 2011
That's nonsense that a Mac is better... I've used a PC my entire life, and have no problems organizing over 50,000 photos I've taken. I just sort them into dated folders with a small description. For example, 2012-03-04-sammieinsnow. Then I can go down lists fast and find what I need. I have a weird ability to remember dates well, too, so I can find something quickly because I know at least the month something happened in.

My only issue right now is I have photos spread over 2 computers, an external harddrive, and a storage drive. I really need to take the time one day and get everything backed up into a central location.
January 2nd, 2011
I also use a basic filing "by date" system, but have now started tagging the photos with words too. That way you can do an easy search across dates because in time you can't remember when you took a picture, but you are more likely to remember *that* you took the pic and the trigger words. I especially use tags with people in the pictures - just makes it easier to find them when there are thousands and thousands!
January 2nd, 2011
Another vote for Lightroom. The workflow and cataloging features make it worth every penny. I import directly from the memory card via lightroom, and it then automatically arranges them onto my computer in a dated directory structure of my choosing. Then from there I can easily tag photos, assign to catalogs, assign ratings/flags, etc. It makes finding a photo among thousands incredibly easy.
January 30th, 2012
I've just been sold on Lightroom :)
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