Holy Throwback Batman

January 2nd, 2011
So, I wanted to do a bit of a different spin on 365project, but I wanted to also get some opinions from others on my idea.

I am sure I am not the only one that has thousands of paper photos stashed away from the days before digital. I have LOADS of photos that remain unscanned.

So my idea was, instead of taking a new photo every day, I would scan a photo from my past and post it. Ya know, things from my childhood and whatnot. That way, not only would I be participating in the project, but I would also be doing the one thing I've been meaning to do, which is scan/color correct all the photos in my huge bin of photos.

What do you all think? Would doing this defeat the purpose of the project? Or is it an interesting spin? I can't say I've found someone doing the same, so, yeah.

Opinions would be appreciated :)

January 2nd, 2011
Sounds good to me! The project is whatever you want it to be, so I don't expect you'll get any naysayers.
January 2nd, 2011
@jinximages Thanks! I didn't think I would, but it's always nice to know if there are :)
January 2nd, 2011
My attitude is, no one will fire you for doing it your way. It is public domain, there is advertising, so you are welcome.

It is a challenge to post one every day, though. Life does get in the way.

I like your idea. I have done that on some of my first year posts. It might be fun to have a separate album, as perhaps an Ace member that is a throwback.

I like that.
January 2nd, 2011
Sounds pretty interesting to me
January 2nd, 2011
@indynikongal btw, since you are from Indy, I started following you. I lived there for 20 years, and my house is still there, near Geist. Hopefully, it will sell someday!
January 2nd, 2011
@moncooga oh that's cool! I used to live in Carmel, so I know the Geist area kinda well. Good luck in selling :)
January 2nd, 2011
I think its a great idea - maybe I should consider it for my second album as I have zillions of hard copy photos lying around.
January 3rd, 2011
thats a pretty cool idea ;)) look forward to seeing your work :)
January 3rd, 2011
Sounds pretty cool.... maybe journal what that particular photo "sparks" from your memory or what motivated you to chose that photo that day? Sounds like fun!
January 3rd, 2011
If you're an ace member, you can have more than one project! :)
January 3rd, 2011
Thank you very much for the feedback everyone!
January 3rd, 2011
I like it! I think you learn a lot about a person from their old photos.
January 4th, 2011
Awesome idea, you should go for it. I'm going to include some old stuff in my 365 days project.
January 4th, 2011
@rmcbuckeye Thank you! I've already started :)
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