Just a little old digital.....

January 3rd, 2011
Hi, have just joined and am very new to all of this but this is the year I am getting a decent DSLR camera and learning as much as I can about photography - in the meantime I am just taking snaps with my little old digital Canon IXUS 75 - is anyone else out there the same or are the majority of 365'ers on DSLR cameras? Cheers
January 3rd, 2011
wide variety. some even use phone cameras exclusively. welcome!
January 3rd, 2011
I have done my whole project so far with my Canon P&S camera. I know there are a lot of others out there too doing the same, so rest assured, you are not alone =)
January 3rd, 2011
I was using my DSLR for the most part but got a new non battery draining P&S for xmas so I didn't have to grumble about the quality of my phone cam.

I switch back and forth. sadly my new P&S doesn't have as much manual control as most of my older ones did, but it's still tons better than a iphone3 camera!
January 3rd, 2011
I switch back and forth all the time as well. When I have the time and I want to make a real artsy photo, I break out the big DSLR. But when I'm just on the road or enjoying a very active day with many exciting things to see, I'm not dragging a huge camerabag with me. But the P&S is always right there in my coat's pocket, ready for a quick snap of a fun moment or a nice scene. P&S cameras can be excellent landscape cameras I have found.
January 3rd, 2011
p & s canon here.....it fits my style.
January 3rd, 2011
I love my P & S and will never get rid of it in favor of my DSLR - great for panoramas and on the run macro shots! as to which i use, it all depends on where i'm going and what i'm doing that day!
January 3rd, 2011
My whole project is done with my Fuji p&s...you are not alone!
January 3rd, 2011
@twokids I have a Canon SX10 right now, and am debating if I should go DSLR. However, I like carrying my P&S on a daily basis more because it is less expensive... Something to thing about if it gets dropped.
January 3rd, 2011
I use my Samsung Fascinate phone, point & shoot camera, and my DSLR - Anything I can use to get a picture! I'm flexible.
January 3rd, 2011
I use my point and shoot for all of my photos. I think lots of us do. It's the person behind the shot that makes the photo (in most cases anyway).
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