Ok dummy piping up :)

January 3rd, 2011
This is the silliest question ever so please dont laugh...

How do I post a photo in a discussion? Whenever I go to a discussion and everyone is posting pictures I go the reply box...and all I can do is type, there is no photo icon or anything, and I cant copy and paste it wont let me....


I feel like an absolute goose as I post things in discussion boards all over the place and never have any trouble....

thanks in advance for anyone that can help me :)

oh and while I am sounding dumb...why not keep going....LOL

Can you post as many photos as you want? or is it only one per day? I get that unless you pay then once you have too many photos not all will stay in your album for veiwing.... but as I am new (just joined today) my album is VERY empty!
January 3rd, 2011
On your page where your photo is displayed, on the right, there is a box with the html in it. Click in it and copy/paste that to the thread. :)

(The box is just above the Facebook "like" and Twitter "tweet" buttons.)
January 3rd, 2011
Oh ....and the penny drops... :) thanks so much
January 3rd, 2011
And if you're not sure what HTML means, it's the box with "Share" above it. D'oh Jinx has clarified his post now OK ignore this bit.

Yeah you can only post one photo to each day slot within each album, and when an Ace Member you only get two extra albums, but you can go over the 365 "limit" within each album and just keep going
January 3rd, 2011
go the the picture that you want to post. On the right is a box labelled share with code. Cut and paste that code into the comment box on the discussion thread that you want to post to. When you paste it into the comment box, you'll just see the code, but once you post, the picture will come up.

You can only post one photo with the same date per day unless you are a member and have multiple albums. But you can post to different dates. for example you can post a picture for today and yesterday, today.
January 3rd, 2011
Cool thanks for your help everyone! all good now think I am up to speed with how this works. :)
January 3rd, 2011
gardenia welcome :)) you've already got your answer ... but also, when you want to say something to someone, if you click "reply" it will put their @username in the box and this means they get a notification for it and will see what you've said :)) its something all newbies miss at first, i did haha ;)
January 3rd, 2011
of course, i didn't need to @ for you here as you own the dicsussion thread lol, that must have seemed confusing haha :-/
January 3rd, 2011
Cool thanks... I did see that when I was filing through posts!!!!
January 3rd, 2011

LOL no not confusing at all I got you!!!!
January 3rd, 2011
@taidster @gardenia just to add to Tadii's helpful tip, if you want to put commas or something after someone's @name , you still need to leave a space, or the system won't pick it up :)
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