My suggestions to newbies and maybe to some veterans too

January 4th, 2011
In browsing through some of the new members to this great community I would like to suggest two things to you.

First, it would be great if you would add something to your profile so we can all get to know something about you, why you are here, what you do and especially where you are from. This community is worldwide and that is one of the things I love about it; to be able to meet and make friends from anywhere.

Secondly, many people ask questions when they comment on someone's photo, but never go back to that photo to see the answer, either because they can't find it again or forgot. It takes a little time but you can answer someone's question by going to their pic of the day and answering in a comment to them. Just explain that you are answering there question so they don't try to figure out what the heck you are saying about their photo.

added 1/5 - Some have commented on the previous paragraph saying that by hitting "reply" on someone's comment that that person would be notified. I have not found this to be the case. To me all it does it insert an "@" with the person's name in your comment. The person still has to return to that picture to see the reply. So, I stand by my suggestion to go to their photo and reply there also.

updated 1/5 - finally I understand. Chris straightened me out. When I left in October there was no notification option in the menu bar. Now that I see it I know that hitting the "reply" actually does notify you. Duh!

Welcome and enjoy yourselves here.
January 4th, 2011
@rayswrld Thanks for the advice! ;) Luckily I figured that stuff out already!
January 4th, 2011
Good tips. Also, I would suggest that you don't post a new subject asking people to view your photos. View others and comment and we will reciprocate.
January 4th, 2011
Thanks! I always wondered what to do if someone asks a question in a comment.
January 4th, 2011
also, when you put (tags) on your photos, they are eaiser to get back to
January 4th, 2011
Yeh, I completely agree because it'd be nice to trace back replies to your comments so we can all keep the dialogue together.
*sneaks off to write a more comprehensive profile*
January 4th, 2011
Thanks for the tips... very helpful in learning to navigate this incredible (and VERY supportive) community. :)
January 4th, 2011
About answering a question : I use the reply button, so people get a notification. I used to answer questions on my pic and on the other person's last pic, before the reply button.
January 4th, 2011
Thank you for these tips. I have now added to my profile and got involved in a couple of other threads.

Although I'm only four days in I already feel part of something special.
January 4th, 2011
Thanks for the tips! I'd best go have a look and see what I wrote on my profile! This is a pretty big site (and a little daunting if I'm honest) so it's great to receive some excellent advice!
January 4th, 2011
thanks for the reminder to add my info to my profile. lol I keep starting it and never get it finished. :)
January 4th, 2011
great advice! thank you :)
January 4th, 2011
I added info to my profile yesterday, but I don't think I finished it.. Will get right to that. Thanks for the reminder.
January 4th, 2011
@rayswrld Would like to put info in my profile but cannot get a text box to come up when I go to the "My Profile" area. Maybe others are having the same problem.
January 4th, 2011
Thanks! Will keep in mind.
January 4th, 2011
@bpizzo I have checked mine and I can't find a way to edit the profile either.
January 4th, 2011
thanks for doing this ray, i'm always letting newbies know about the @ lol ... but i also like to read about a person too, why they're doing this etc etc :)) cool discussion
January 4th, 2011
@maola I am testing again. :-) Cynthia, I would appreciate if you get a notification for this reply could you come back to this discussion thread and let me know, or go to my page and let me know. I tried doing an @ to myself and it didn't work. I am sooooooooo confused. LOL
January 4th, 2011
@rayswrld ~ I've added to my profile info, thank you for the tips!! :-)
January 5th, 2011
@vikdaddy agree agree agree ... it's the absolutely last way you get me to look at a newbie's work ... it screams of a 'younger generation' new form of social media and I thought this was for perseverance over 365 days to take pix and [for me] improve across all bands.

@maola @rayswrld agree - hit the reply button to let the visitor know you've answered their question. that's my frustration that I ask a question and no response ... oh well ...
January 5th, 2011
@vikdaddy Here, here. Thank you for saying that. How many times a week to see that one being posted throughout the year.
January 5th, 2011
Great ideas. I'll try to flesh out my profile right now. When I first started this project I really had no idea how big it was and how it circumnavigates the world. I love that aspect and feel honored to see parts of our planet that I may never experience in person.
January 5th, 2011
@rayswrld thanks for the tips, I've just added a profile. And thanks for the welcome, I've tried to join a different photography site before but was scared off by the kinds of posts I was reading.. seems so much more friendly here! Looking forward to the year ahead :)
January 6th, 2011
I have a question...when I submit a photo for a certain day...will it always appear in the tab that shows photos for that date? I went through yesterdays photos and didn't see mine...but maybe not all of them appear? Just a I really don't understand all the "ins and outs". :-)
January 6th, 2011
Great advice! I've just added to my profile.
January 6th, 2011
@jpblanton I would assume all the pics for the day appear on those pages. For 1/5 there were over one hundred pages and today so far there are sixty. I am not saying you are wrong but that is a lot of thumbnail pics to browse looking for yours. I know I looked for mine once in the theme section and missed it and had to go through it again.
January 6th, 2011
ok, I are right! :-) I am not even sure why I cared!
I did update my profile...took your advice! Have a great evening!!!
January 8th, 2011
@rrt Do you know if there is a way to go back and add a tag once the photo has been uploaded? I have tried and tried and can't figure it out . . .
January 8th, 2011
@chamrick Rather simple really. Go to the picture you want to add to and click on the edit button above and to the right of the pic.
January 8th, 2011
@rayswrld Thank you! As a newbie, all advice is helpful. I've added a bit more to my profile, and will keep an eye on any comments.
January 11th, 2011
@rayswrld Of course! I always seem to make things entirely more difficult than they really are. Thank you :)
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