Odd fear of shooting solo.

January 5th, 2011
Hey folks - new 365er here.

Been shooting for years; only for two years with a DSLR. I'm fine shooting by myself in remote areas but I live in the city and came to the conclusion today that I have an almost paralyzing fear of taking out my camera when I'm by myself and snapping a photo.

I've always been a big photo walk person with my boyfriend/friends - exploring the city and snapping as I go. I decided to give 365 project a go as a means of getting over what I thought was just relative shyness when it came to public shooting solo. However, today when it came to take a shot when I was out and about I just could NOT do it.

Anyone else experienced this? I have no idea how to get over it :/

Cheers in the new year,

January 5th, 2011
wish I could help, but I'm almost the opposite. I feel liberated and free when I'm out alone. I kind of like being that mysterious person alone with the camera. I love wondering what people think. And best of all, I don't have to worry about who ever I'm with getting bored or impatient with me shooting the same thing a hundred times from twenty different angles. Best of luck to you, though.
January 5th, 2011
I used to be a bit that way. I would just keep it packed away unless there was something I just had to shoot, and then I'd do it as quickly as possible. But I realised that actually looks more strange than just walking around with the thing in the open.

Just do it for short amounts of time. Go somewhere, take your camera out for a minute or two, and totally ignore anyone else who might be around (unless they speak to you, that is). Build up from there. After a while you won't even realise you've just walked around for an hour with a DSLR in your hands.
January 5th, 2011
I felt this way at first. I was too embarrssed to pull out my camera and take a picture. I felt like eveyone was watching me. But eventually, getting the shot got more important to me. I figure my neighbors think I am crazy but I began not to care. Another thing you can try is if you have a good zoom lens, try taking the shot from your car. (I did this for a while). I began to think of it as lazy man's photography ;0 I still do not have the guts to ask a stanger if I can take a picture of them and I also worry about taking a picture in a store or something thinking I will get in trouble. Try going to a public place by yourself where it is thought of as "ok" to takes pictures like the zoo or a park feeding ducks or some kind of touristy type place. That may help. All I can say is the more you do it the easier it gets.
January 5th, 2011
I used to be a little nervous about taking photos in public and even felt weird walking around with the camera around my neck. Until I noticed the dozens of tourists doing the same thing. Now I just assume they think I'm also a tourist. Snap, snap, snap!!
January 5th, 2011
I have this fear as well. and it doesn't help that I live on a university campus because there are so many people around. xD
January 5th, 2011
I'm actually more nervous using my point and shoot in public than my DSLR! I think it's because when you have a big camera people think. "Oh! She's a photographer", as apposed to "What's that person doing with that little camera?" I think that DSLR's make you look less "tourist like", and more like you actually know what you're doing. Either way, when people see someone taking a picture, they usually don't give it a second thought...These days camera's are everywhere and it's not uncommon to see someone snapping a photo whether it be on a DSLR or on a phone. :)
January 5th, 2011
Me too. I can completely understand. Some days I can push through though, and I do that by simply ignoring everyone else and pretending no one else is there and just following my creative eye. :)
January 5th, 2011
Lisa de Jong - I have the EXACT same fears as you described!! I've kinda adobted Kim Ables suggestion - I work on getting past my fears and inhibitions by focusing on getting the shot vs. worrying about what people might think.
January 5th, 2011
Actually, yes! Today was the first day I took the camera with me when I went to work and I really felt odd about taking it out and shooting. But I did it. I did have a sense of "people will think I'm nuts" but I finally decided, so what? I'm doing this for me, not them and I'll never see them again anyway!

You'll be fine. :)
January 5th, 2011
I thought I was the only one who felt embarrassed taking photos in public!
January 5th, 2011
Thank you for the kind, encouraging words everyone! You're a warm, informative bunch - thanks for the motivation.
January 5th, 2011
Yes! I feel so out of place shooting out in public. I'm sure people around me don't care but I feel like they look at me like "what is she doing?" I've learned to just not care anymore. It's the pictures you capture that matter most
January 5th, 2011
I used to feel the same way and I had my mom or friend come with me to take my pictures at the beginning of my project, but not having someone to come with me every time I want a picture has made it a lot easier! Just keep pushing through and I think you'll find it becoming easier as well! :) Good luck!
January 5th, 2011
by a yellow and orange photographers vest that says photographer on the back in block lettering. No one will pay you heed. It is like event security no one notices them...
January 5th, 2011
I am so glad I came across this discussion. I just got my DSLR in March of 2010 and always had a point and shoot before then. I would take out my p&s with no shame...but my bigger camera, I am a little shy about it. Guess it is time to get over that. :)
January 5th, 2011
Glad I'm not alone! I find it so comforting and have found motivation from all of you lovely people relating to my situation. Telling my boyfriend how I felt when I got home from work today wasn't nearly as cathartic.. haha.
January 5th, 2011
That's me 100%

I'm VERY easily intimidated by people, especially being out alone. I've struggled with it throughout the project and have mentioned it in a lot of the captions of my photos. On Saturday, I was set on starting a second 365 project and didn't want it to be another mundane shot of a pen or another Christmas ornament, so as I got out the car and was about to walk into my apartment building, I turned around and walked to the beach instead. I was just wandering around when I saw another guy set up his tripod, despite there being heaps of people walking around (and plenty staring at him) and he just carried on doing his thing. It was comforting to see; if he could do it, so could I. So I did. I took my camera out and got a few shots before going home only to pick up my tripod... and then went back again :)

And again the following day.

And the day after that!

Sorry for the long ramble, but I think if you just roll with it and put it out of your mind, it'll feel more natural to do it. Also, try make it habit - I think if I were to FORCE myself to do it often, I would lose that sense of fear I have. Perhaps the same applies for you :)

Good luck!
January 5th, 2011
I think also that people look at you when you're taking a photograph because they want to know what you're finding so interesting. I was in Town before Christmas, just wandering around with my camera taking shots of various things. I saw a guy get out his camera and I wanted to see what he found photo-worthy, so I watched him. And then I took a photo of the same building he did. :-)
January 6th, 2011
@icywarm - lol! I need to get one of those vests!
January 6th, 2011
@jools - good point, I had not really thought of that!
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