Sensible investment in new equipment for beginners?

January 6th, 2011
Good morning dear 365project community!

I have been gifted with a bit of christmas money and am wondering what piece of equipment would make the most sense for me at the moment. As you all have been a huge help in improving my photography skills, I'd be glad to hear any advice that you are willing to give.

I would call myself a "bloody amateur". I bought a Rebel XS (1000D) last christmas. The urge to take more than snapshots was quite recent to me at that time, so I didn't want to invest a lot of money in case the enthusiasm was just temporary. I am still with it though, with even more motivation than before.

Equipment I am considering are a new universal lens (a 17-70 for example), a tele (18-200), a tripod or a flash. Do you have any advice on what piece of equipment would give me the most additional possibilities? Do you remember a piece of equipment that allowed a stepchange in your photographs?
January 6th, 2011
A flash that can work off or on camera with a tilt-able head... hands down... I am all for the other items... new lens... tri-pod(second choice/mono-pod if you do nature).. but an off camera flash opens up a world of possibilities...
January 6th, 2011
Seconding off-camera flash; I wish I had some money so I can try out stuff that's on Strobist:

A tripod isn't really necessary unless you're taking long-exposure pictures.
January 6th, 2011
we need to know what type of photography you're interested in to know what to suggest really. New lenses are always a good place to start, and the 50mm f/1.8 is so cheap and sharp it's always a good one to purchase first. A new flash is really useful for portraiture and some other types of photography too.
January 6th, 2011
Thank you for your input so far!

I don't really have a focus on special fields at the moment. I enjoy catching the mood or details of a place, rather than creating sophisticated setups. I really like Yoori's pictures in that regard (for example). I like street, city and landscape photography and would like to pursue portraits and high speed shots a bit more.

I thought about the purchase of a flash because I often tried to photograph people indoors, where the on-camera flash produced hideous pictures and without flash everything was blurry. On the other hand, I really liked some of the night shots of streets, architecture and landscape I saw which would point to a tripod. Why is there never enough budget for all the toys out there?
January 6th, 2011
off camera flash by far. The first time i used mine it was AWESOME!!!!! There is such a quality difference in my pictures from when i used my on camera flash. i have the 580 ex2 speedlite but the 430ex2 is another good one and half the cost of mine. MUST GET FLASH. Get the flash first then if you really want a tripod walmart sells them for twenty bucks and even though the quality of those suck at least you will have one till you can afford a better one.
January 6th, 2011
Brilliant post. I have the same problem and the same camera!

Looks like I'll be investigating an off camera flash then...
January 6th, 2011
I'd say the 580 EX2 as well. and if you like street photography at night, consider getting a remote shutter release., and at least some kind of tripod.
January 6th, 2011
@serafin ~ I agree with vikdaddy - 50mm f/1.8 is effective and economical!
January 6th, 2011
What advantages does a 50mm f/1.8 have in comparison to a zoom lens? Better picture quality in general and higher light sensitivity? Do you think that I am able to discern the difference between a zoom and a prime lens?
January 6th, 2011
Tripod made quite a large difference to me... but then so did my remote trigger... but then so did my macro lens... but then so did my 50mm f/1.8 lens... but then so did my wide angle... it's hard to say! Depends what you like most. If you're already rocking the stock 18-55 then I'd not bother with the 17-70 you cite, as the 18-200 will give you much better range. What's your budget?
January 7th, 2011
The budget is around 500-600€. I'm getting the impression that none of the options would be a bad investment. I guess the main problem is that I could essentially use everything of it and don't know my own focus yet.
But based on your feedback I think can cross the 17-70 lens off the list.
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