lensbaby scout - anyone tried it?

January 6th, 2011

*waves* i've not been around long, day 6 actually!!

Anyway wondering, since i dont have a few spare grands cash for the fish eye that canon is bringing out in march... if anyone has tried the lensbaby scout?


Basically, i want a fish eye lens... but i also love the aperture kit you can get with this - it appears to do what i'd like it to do, which is leaving your subject in focus while making the bokeh very pretty with certain shapes...

All that being said it looks REALLY fiddley!!

Anyone have one or tried one?
What do you think about the whole idea? :)

Any feedback or info would be greatly appreciated.


Sam x
January 6th, 2011
Have you considered a screw-on adapter for your current lens... do you have something in the 18-28mm range... there is likely an adapter that you can screw on for fish-eye... likely used for $50-100 or new at $150...

the pretty bokeh in shapes can be done with card stock and some cutting...
January 6th, 2011
weve got a 50mm, 15-85mm and a 70-200mm....

I'll have a look at screw on adaptors, cheers... hadnt really considered it (not sure why!).

The pretty boken - doing that and putting it at the front something like http://photojojo.com/store/awesomeness/bokeh-Kit/
this you mean?
The only reason i thought the aperture kit would work as i'd like it to was because the "cut out" is behind the lens if you know what i mean??

mmm! thinking cap and going to get my google on! Cheers Jordan!
January 6th, 2011
I have the lensbaby double glass muse, not sure how its different exactly, i'd love to get a scout.
i love love love my lensbaby, i love the effects i can get with it. i really want to get the creative aperture set too, would be fun!
if you look at my photos (i'm on day 10!!) there are some lensbaby photos in there :)
the lensbaby muse is a flexible lens though, its different to the scout.
January 6th, 2011
We have a the Lens Baby Composer, and the soft focus adapter. Love the Composer, the soft focus adapter...not so much. I'd love to get a Scout.

You know you can make your own bokeh lenses with some black cardstock...here's a DIY article...


January 6th, 2011
I've tried the bokeh thing, just with some cardboard and holding it in front of the lens and it worked quite well I think. If you would really follow the tutorial things could probably be a bit neater, but this was the result of my 3 minute DIY:

January 6th, 2011
Thanks for all the replies.

@Ria will check out your photos, great to hear from someone who has a lensbaby product and is stoked with it :)

@Beth thanks heaps for the link, i'll have to give it a whirl.

@Flore, that looks brilliant, do you think you'd be able to have something infocus at the front with that behind or would focusing be an issue you think? (iykwim?)

Cheers again,
Sam x
January 6th, 2011
@flore not to worry, worked out had a play an now i "get it" an how it works!! nothing like hands on to make you understand! LOL
sam x
November 15th, 2012
Ha.... OLD topic but yep i Still want a fish eye and i havent won the lotto yet... so the lens baby scout is back on the cards... anyone actually have an experience with the scout now??

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