What has 365 done for you? ..& why did you join?

January 6th, 2011
I remember a post similar to this one, but I can't seem to find it..

I started the project in June because I wanted some kind of goal, or target to aim for, rather than aimlessly taking photos, there was also the hope that my knowledge and skill in photography would improve.
After 6 months I feel like I have improved a lot, and I think I'm finally starting to discover my 'style' and what I'm best at. However, lately I can't seem to find the motivation or inspiration to get out there and take photos everyday. 365 project has definitely given me more confidence but now I feel like I take photos because I feel like I -have- to, rather than because I -want- to or because I feel inspired to. I vowed that the start of 2011 would mean a fresh start with the project, but now it's the 6th and I still haven't made that fresh start...

So I was wondering what everyone else's thoughts were:
Why did you join 365project? What has it taught you? How do you overcome those days or weeks where you're just lacking inspiration..?
January 6th, 2011
I needed a way to be creative. I get so bored sitting in front of my computer all day at my job. So with this it motivates me to look at things more to find some type of inspiration in the everyday. I'm hoping to find my creative spark again that I use to have when I was in high school. I want to create more. Starting by taking pictures and hopefully expanding to painting and printing. I need to find a way to break free.
January 6th, 2011
I only started a month ago, so I'm sure I'll hit some rough spots where I lose all motivation,( I took a picture of cheese crackers the other day, so it doesn't take much motivation for me I guess, lol) but I really like how 365 has caused me to pay really close attention to little details in the world. I feel like I'm looking at everything in a new light. Also, if I didn't -have to- take a picture a day, my camera would sit in it's bag for days or weeks between shoots. I like how it keeps me from getting rusty, and makes me experiment to keep things interesting.

Not to mention the community of such talented and knowledgable people that motivate you to keep going. Tis project is everything I hoped it would be and more!
January 6th, 2011
I started my 365 when I saw one of my teachers getting into it. I gave it a go, stuck with it, and here I am!

365 changed me (in the best way possible). I have done it for almost a year now and I have grown SO much!! its great because I can share my thoughts and feelings with friends who trully care. People are so encouraging on this site and give me confidence that I can be anything I want to be. The project has not only helped me to improve my photography overtime, but it has more importantly made me appreciate the simple things in life. Now that's my motto ;) I strongly recommend the site to anyone and EVERYONE! its great to look back on too. I'm making a book of my first year.
January 6th, 2011
I look at it from a different angle. When it starts to feel like you 'have to' take a picture, you may be pushed out of your comfort zone of things you usually shoot. The other day I saw a little kid playing with a street cat, usually that wouldn't get me to stop in my way to take a picture but then I thought it would make a good entry for 365 since I didn't post anything on that day yet.
It's normal for creativity to hit a wall every once in a while but if we actually stop, it can take longer to get that inspiration back. That's why I think 365 is a great idea to remind me of that.
January 6th, 2011
I joined because I thought it would be fun and sure enough... :)

I've gotten a lot more than I expected - discipline. I never stick with anything. I'm too quick to quit when I get bored or it gets hard. And before I get too into it (I could go on for yonks)... the best part has been the people. Princess Steve. Weng. Craig. Deb. Mallory. Hellcat. And the list goes on.
January 6th, 2011
I joined the first time I heard about the project from a friend. I have participated in 365 art projects in the past and I love the idea of daily creativity.

The best surprise for me has been the amazing and friendly people here. I absolutely love seeing photos from all around the world, it gives me such an interesting perspective to places I have never been (and won't have time in my life span to go).

It has also given me much needed motivation to get out and do something, or find something interesting in my every day life. It has helped me see the little town where I live in a new light and makes me enjoy it more. Finally this winter I have gone out on almost daily walks that I have avoided in the past during cold weather. I give 365 credit for that and I am glad I have been getting out more.
January 6th, 2011
I just joined January 1st. This is my first 365.

I joined in hopes of becoming more vulnerable with my photography. I needed a creative outlet where I could please myself. At the end of last year I feel into the rut of pleasing my clients and putting my needs as a photographer on the back burner. I need to remember how important it is to shot for myself and how to incorporate that into my work all the time.

I have so many crazy ideas just waiting to come to life. I'm really excited to be part of this community and share a bit more of myself, as a photographer. Today was the first vulnerable photo I've uploaded. It's a little freeing.
January 6th, 2011
Don't fall for the pressure of having to carry a burden that is not necessary like having to post everyday or it having to be a perfect pic every time.

I would guess you love taking photos. Keep that and let the rest fall where it may.
January 6th, 2011
I don't have any experience with photography at all and I haven't started my 365 to practise, even though I guess that is the point.

I've started my project because I think that it is a really fun idea and then at the end it will be a sort of visual diary! You usually only remember the big things from the year but this year I have a really good feeling and want to remember the small things too.

I see everyone's photos around and feel like my photo's are awful! I don't have any special camera, I only bought it to take photos of nights out, holidays, etc. but no matter what I know my 365 is special to me :)
January 6th, 2011
I am one of the many people who started this project on the first of the year. I started this project for many reasons. I usually dont finish things I start, this is hopefully going to be something I finish. I have an amazing camera and I want to use it more often. I love using photoshop and lightroom so taking daily pictures has also helped me learn more about those programs.

A little side note: I started the year sick so the pictures I took up untill yesterday were all taken with half the effort I can put into them. I think that the deep down lesson for me is going to be a visual difference between times when I put all my effort into a shoot and times where I don't. I think thats my inspiration... the want to learn anything I can about my favorite subject. Its like we have all been told... Everyday you learn something new.
January 6th, 2011
I like to upload pictures of what i like to do every like if i buy a particular top or cd or watch a particular programme.
January 6th, 2011
@barrymikhal I totally agree with this, 100%.

I started because my cousin @girlincamo was doing it. I was so in awe by her pictures and kept looking at the site thinking it would be fun. About a year before I joined 365, I hadn't touched a camera in 8 or 9 years.
I was so burned out of photography because of one bad (5 year long) studio employment experience. It was horrible enough for me to forget my love from high school, forget my degree, and literally not touch a shutter (not even for snapshots) for that long.
My best friend Jenny, bless her, asked me that year ago if I'd start taking wedding pics with her again. I agreed, and only because I didn't have to deal with the business side of it. She was giving me the opportunity to get my creativity back. I found there was still a major block for me creatively, and also I had damn near forgotten all of the technical skills I had worked so hard to learn.
But luckily it was like riding a bike. I joined 365 to get that creativity back and remind myself how to shoot good photos. I got a new camera. I began researching like mad, like I always do when I'm passionate about something, and low and behold, my drive for creativity was back. My passion for the camera was back. My wedding photography has gone through the roof, and I feel like I'm FINALLY using that degree my mom and grandmother paid for.
Jenny got the ball rolling with the wedding photography, but 365 was a God-send. I whole-heartedly believe that. And I'm only 100 days in. I can't wait to see what happens 265 days from now.

As far as losing motivation, I've been there. Not during this project, but I've been there for a long, dry 9 years. I forgot how much I loved photography and art, and truthfully expressing my thoughts in any medium. I let a bad experience ruin me. But once I forgot about all the crap, all the drama, and let 365 remind me what being passionate about photography was all about...I haven't been unmotivated one single day yet. In fact I have so many ideas, I don't have time to shoot them all. Just like Barry said, remember you love it. The rest falls into place.
January 7th, 2011
Thanks guys, it's so refreshing to hear other people's thoughts on the project and the website.. :) Hopefully I can get back into it properly soon.. Either way, I'm glad I'm a part of this community, looking back at the photos is an amazing way to reflect on the last 6 months of my life, a lot has happened in that time.. I agree with everything that everyone of you has said to be honest. There are so many reasons to stick with it.. :)
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