Do you post at the same time every day?

January 7th, 2011
While browsing through "latest" around the same time every evening, I've noticed that alot of you are posting around the same time.. I keep running across your photos! Do all of you post at the same time every day or do you like to mix it up? I think as it gets further into summer my posts will get earlier and earlier...
January 7th, 2011
My days are terribly random as to when I'll get time to post something, so my photos can show up at any time of day. Maybe 50% of them get posted in the late evening (between 8pm and 1am).
January 7th, 2011
I feel like I'm on here But it's probably more like jinx that I post at all times. Just randomly :)
January 7th, 2011
I must hit the hot time for uploading because whenever I finish my upload and then click the latest tab half the time my image is all the way at the bottom, half the time it's not there anymore.

Usually try to upload morning in australia, but if it's been one of those days it might not happen till evening.
January 7th, 2011
For me 365 is always on in the background and I post whenever my 3yo lets me :-)
January 7th, 2011
When I'm in school, I usually can't post until the evening. But on weekends I get bored so I'm here pretty much constantly.
January 7th, 2011
I often can't post until after 8 pm because of work, but I try to post around the same time every day and that's usually in the evenings. Sometimes if it's my day off or something, I will post earlier. It all really depends on what my day is filled with.
January 7th, 2011
I wait until the end of the day to pick my favorite shot. It's also the point in the day I can't procrastinate any more...
January 7th, 2011
I have a deadline for myself to post at each night ... sometimes it can take to the near end to find the photo that stands out for me. So yeah probably most of the time it will be around the same time lol.. guess a simple yes would have answered ;)
January 7th, 2011
It's normally around the same time for me. By the time I finish chores and dinner and such, it's normally after 8pm by the time I sit down to go through the day's shots and get to post them here.
January 7th, 2011
Do you post at the same time every day?

~sometimes ..... ♥
January 7th, 2011
I noticed that I don't. I usually post before midnight for whatever day the picture is intended to be for. I do know that I will be behind on weekends - at least miss Saturday and will post twice on Sundays.
January 7th, 2011
I really don't have time to post earlier in the day - especially as most photos are taken after work in the evenings. So it's any time between 10pm and 1am :/
January 7th, 2011
It's mostly in the evening for me but sometimes earlier in the day when I have a chance.
January 7th, 2011
Depending on times. Holidays at the moment allows me to post whenever, however when school goes back it will be between 8 and 12.
January 7th, 2011
No, tends to be random. Like to have it up by late afternoon or early evening.
January 7th, 2011
It's very mixed up for me... Could be morning, could be night. Or anywhere in between.
January 7th, 2011
i like routine so usually i do...
January 7th, 2011
I make sure I have taken my pics by midnight & try to have my shot posted by midnight local time......I'd say most of mine will be posted between 7pm & midnight.
January 7th, 2011
this is my first time doing 365 and I've made myself post when I get home from work. I grab my cup of coffee and head upstairs to the computer to see what the camera saw today. If I don't, I'll sit on the couch and never do it.
January 7th, 2011
I'm totally random most of the time but I do post during my daughter's nap time often since that's when I have a moment to myself. haha!
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