365 Rejects

January 7th, 2011
I know I can't be the only one that takes more than one photo day. The past few days, I've had more than one good choice and was torn deciding which to name. "POtD" so now I'm wondering, what do you all do with your rejects, although they aren't really the rejecting types!
January 7th, 2011
I submit to other sites - ie. www.deviantart.com
January 7th, 2011
Leave them sitting on my computer, until the computer fills up. Then I can have a new computer!
January 7th, 2011
Mine get posted on my facebook.. They all go on my personal one even the super crappy ones and the best get displayed on my business site
January 7th, 2011
I have an "alternates" album where I upload my second favorite shot of the day, when I have one. Otherwise, I save them to my hard drive and eventually print them, frame them, and hang them in my house.
January 7th, 2011
agree with jared..... or make another 365 account and u can upload it there....
you can also create an account in multiply, of flickr . ♥
January 7th, 2011
I keep a 365 album on facebook too, and I periodically update that with all my "good" photos. I also have an ace account here with a second album.
January 7th, 2011
I have a 365 album on my laptop and all my shots for here go in there. If I have trouble deciding what shot to use I will do a collage. and it seems that I have been having a lot of trouble lately as in dec and jan alone I have done 11 collages... I need to stop!!!
January 7th, 2011
I try to delete everything except the one I use for 365 and perhaps a few others for the blog. Then, they usually get deleted once they're used unless they are of particular value, for example, of family, church, friends or dog! Some I upload to Picasa where they will remain.
January 7th, 2011
Luckily I have storage a plenty and take lots of shots. Whilst changing hard drives on more than one occasion some of these have doubled and even tripled. However I have now downloaded lightroom trial and find it amazing for sorting and deleting these (though I still have to do it by hand, it's just faster)
In doing this I have found there are a lot of photos I would have classed as rejects before but now I look at them with a different eye I feel very different about them. Especially seeing as lightroom has some good postproduction tools. What has previously been an average photo has become really cool.
I took this and ignored it

It has now become this and frankly I love it.

My advice is, hard drive permitting, hang onto them all (except the ones that are an immediate no no, super blurred, camera went off by mistake, sixteen shots just test DOF and all those types of photos) and every six months or so and have a sift through them to see what you think. As we get older these memories have different meanings to us and it's ace to come across something you did passingly and dismissively and be wowed by your own work.
January 7th, 2011
@mrjuggles absolutely right. I have a couple in my project that are there exactly for that reason. On the other hand I also have deleted quite a few cause they really were BAD.
January 7th, 2011
I stick 'em on flickr and refer to it in my commentary.
January 7th, 2011
If I can't decide which photo for 365 I make a collage. The ones I don't use get deleted. My 365 photos are taken just for this purpose, so I don't really see a purpose in keeping the rejects for myself.
January 7th, 2011
I was JUST thinking about this last night as well! I think part, for me, is learning to be more critical (picky) in the very small details because I know I'd eventually like to get these printed and I'd like to steer clear of the collages. (We'll see how that goes.) As of now, the ones I REALLY can't decide between are going in my "filler" file in case something comes up and I can't get a picture taken that day. But, I'll do like suggested above and look them over again later and make decisions.
January 7th, 2011
Thank you for all your input. I also use Flickr. My pro account expired and I'm hoping to renew soon. I like the ability to upload/share as many as I want there and all the different groups are fun when you get stuck.
@mrjuggles I've done the exact. My eye and critique changes over time. I have a lot of storage too, but it freaks out my husband that I can fill a Terabyte. When he got it for my he said, "you'll never fill this in your life time." I just laughed.
Lightroom, wow. I keep hearing so many great things about it. I think it's time to add it to my wish list.
@kerrym fillers? I wondered if anyone did that. I don't know if I'd allow myself....this is my 2nd 365. My last on in 09 was fantastic until life suddenly went down hill in October. I struggled hard to stay with the project. At the end I figured out that I missed a handful. I never considered filling in the blanks with extras.
January 7th, 2011
I just finished my first 365, and I'm making a coffee table book. At the end of the book, I'm putting an addendum with some of my favorites that didn't make the cut.
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