Does anyone know...?

January 7th, 2011
Is there a way for people to view a project via a smart phone? My husband wants to view mine but is hardly on his computer and was asking about viewing on his BlackBerry. I was wondering if anyone knew. Thanks!
January 7th, 2011
just need a flash browser and he should be able to view it like a normal page... might format odd, and take a while to load, but I can view it on my phone.
January 7th, 2011
There's a mobile version of the site too. If you visit it from a phone it should autodetect and switch you to it, but if not, hrm I'm not sure how to access it directly. Will check on my own phone and report back, but just try accessing it and see what happens :)
January 7th, 2011
jennifer, the url that it it says on my android is so maybe try entering that direct. but usually it should point straight to it, OR load the regular page and scroll right to the bottom and it will have a mobile site link :))
January 7th, 2011
On my Palm Pre it auto detected, surprising me quite pleasantly. As with other mobile sites, it has its limitations.
January 7th, 2011
Jordan - I tried just now on my BB and it does load just like the normal site.. it takes a bit to switch between images but it does come up.

Steve - Like what I told Jordan, I just get a normal page. I'm going to keep looking and messing around cause a mobile version might run faster.

Tadii - I tried the link and it takes me to a blank white page. Perhaps because it is on an Andoid as apposed to a BB. Thanks though.

I'm sure it has a simple answer and I am just not seeing it, haha.
January 7th, 2011
@wyckedphoenix if you edit your last piece and hit 'reply' to each of the person's you want to reoly to then they will know you've made the reply. it doesn't work without the @ and their 'other' name. don't view on mobile but you've got it sorted...
January 7th, 2011
I checked it out two or three times with my phone,a while back,and it works just fine. (not even a smartphone,Sony Ericsson W995)
January 7th, 2011
@taidster static. is where some of the static files are kept, like images and things that don't change often, so it's not that. Why your browser's displaying it in the address bar I don't know, my stock Android browser doesn't.

Can't seem to find a direct address for the mobile one, seems it auto detects only. I can't even see a "mobile site" link here in my PC browser, at all...
January 7th, 2011
@eyebrows ok, so yep mine (ie the bookmark) only shows the www url and it auto displays the mobile site ... but i got that addy from press/holding the 365project icon at the top which usually takes me back to the home page quicker than tapping the "home", just thought it might help. but "ahahaa" that explains it, ty :))

i wonder if ross will make an app one day ?? that'd be pretty cool ;-))
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