Fav marks

January 18th, 2011
Can anyone here tell me why when I look at my account today so it looks like I have a favorite remark, but when I check my reviews then nobody has it as a favorite ...
Not that it as such means a lot to me if people make it their favorite, but it's weird .... !


January 18th, 2011
wish i could help but only an ace since yesterday... may be someone faved an old picture?
January 18th, 2011
Hey Helene

If anyone favs my photo I should be able to read about in my incomming comments I think !
January 18th, 2011
Okay I found out my falt sorry....
January 18th, 2011
If you look on the right hand side of your photos it gives you a link to your stats click on that link, and if someone faved your pic it will show up under that photos stats :D Hope that helps!
January 18th, 2011
As wrote just before you maked the comment Rebbecca Ive found out ...should I erase the question and the hole session ?
January 18th, 2011
@starfisher sometimes a user can fav a photo of yours then un-fav it, this can potentially still get sent via notification / email and appear in your stats
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