A pic that surprised you

January 19th, 2011
I know lots of time we plan out what we are going to take & post but I was wondering about pics that surprised you. Meaning maybe you took a ton of pics of whatever you intended to post but some random pic you just happened to take is what really spoke to you & turned out amazing. Let's share & who each other that pic that surprised you.

Here is mine. I was being all artsy taking pics of old snow covered swings, an empty red sled, trees, ice ect... My kiddos were having fun sledding & of course I had to take shots of them too. I really didn't think it would be a sledding shot that I posted but here was my surprise!

January 19th, 2011
@mikichelle ~ what a good idea ! i love your sledge photo ! the little lads expression is fab !

heres mine :

i actually had a vague plan that day and it was nothing to do with this what so ever , the camera was next to me as i was looking at settings ready for what i was going to do , my fella was feeding "kaa" and just said, "Rache get a pic of this for me" , so i did and then everything else planned that day went out the window !
January 19th, 2011

I snapped this with my phone because I thought he looked so cute curled up in a ball. I softened it up a little with the editor on photobucket. I didn't expect it to turn out as good as it did.
January 19th, 2011
Today's picture!
January 19th, 2011
The reaction this photo got on here surprised me. Mostly because I'd been having a bad day (literally just wanted to comfort eat all day; hence sweet tooth) and wasn't even going to post it but I hadn't taken any other photos so I had to.

January 19th, 2011
I was taking pics of my kids' feet when they turned on me. I didn't know I captured the mischief until I was downloading on my computer. Love the look on my son's face.
January 19th, 2011

Great job. The shadow, the blur, the colors...love it!
January 19th, 2011

I pictured this in my head but I didn't think the bubbles would come out so precise :) Happy about the coloring and the DOF too, I was happiliy surprised.
January 19th, 2011
@rwilliams0501 Thank you, Rebecca :)
January 19th, 2011
@flamez Thanks so much!

Thanks everyone for participating I am loving the pics!!
January 19th, 2011
I didn't expect the bokeh of the Christmas lights in the background to have such a dramatic effect on the picture. I was mostly focusing on her hand.
January 19th, 2011
That's an easy one for me, as it just happened two days ago! I took a bunch of fire pictures, and when I got to this one I was surprised, to say the least. I was happy with some of the others, but this was seriously cool! Completely unexpected, for sure.

January 19th, 2011

This one, I had all sorts of plans for pictures to remember my birthday meal at the OXO in London - views from the terrace of St. Pauls etc but it was teaming it down with rain - we took a wrong turn and ended up down some steps into the Thames and when i turned round here was this view. I've been amazed by the response from people about it. A lovely birthday present!! ;o)
January 19th, 2011
@eileenmabalot this is an awesome shot!
January 19th, 2011

my first attempt at using the remote for my camera....just set the camera up on hubby's low rider (sold for video cameras, but i use it too) and randomly focused on the couch where i'd be sitting...my hands were way more in focus than i expected

although to be honest, i'm surprised at all my pictures.....when i come across a keeper i'm shocked that i took it
January 19th, 2011
i was waiting in queue for my turn on the photo-booth but the guys who were in at that time were enjoying their turn too much, probably they forgot that others were waiting.. BLAH! i got bored waiting so i just took a photo of those guys for the heck of it. here's what i got! hhaahaha!

January 19th, 2011
I have two I think...today's pic....I was SO shocked that this one little guy was in FOCUS and that I even captured it at all seeing as I was trying to get lots of them blowing in mid air. So cool.

And then this one was also a happy accident. I was trying to take a selfie, just of my face. I laid down in the wrong spot for that to happen, but ended up with an awesome photo!!

January 19th, 2011
I had the ladybug on my hand and I was snapping away, and when he flew away it made me jump and I accidently took a pic and ended up with this! :)
January 19th, 2011
@ sabrina... your lady big shot is WOW!!!
January 19th, 2011
I'd taken so many pictures on this afternoon of pretty things that I thought were interesting.. When I walked past this patch of limbs I just snapped off one or two quick shots and kept walking.. When I got home and was looking thru what I'd done that day it just stood out to me.. Totally different vibe than what I'd been going for.. It was also the first shot I ever did in B&W so tis special to me..

January 19th, 2011

ive made it a habit for a while now to always have my camera with me...this is why. we were on our way to the gas station after work and just happened to notice this eagle sitting on some ice in the water. its definitely not something i set out to capture when the day started...nor is it anything id expect to see!
January 19th, 2011
I was taking Christmas card shots and took multiple pictures of my son and our dog in front of the fireplace, by the tree, on our front porch . . . this was an afterthought, I shot it quickly with no flash and it was the only shot I took with him playing with the lights for his tree and, of course, it ended up on our card!

January 19th, 2011

This was quite by accident. When I uploaded the picture and saw it I decided that it wasn't bad. I had myself an accidental abstract. So, I posted it here as a reminder of my time out in the dark, crawling around on the ground, trying to get pictures of the garden lights. All the while getting bit by mosquitoes. Ahhh .... the memories. ;-)
January 19th, 2011
Gosh, I'm surprised every time I upload photos to my computer. :)

this one was a real treat for me, I saw the blur on the camera and almost deleted (as the description on the photo says), but was glad I didn't when i opened it and found this very soft photo of my daughter in the snow. :) I played with the levels a bit, but it is otherwise unedited. Of course, it's best viewed large on black.

January 19th, 2011

I was trying something new and playing around with lighting. I certainly did not think I was going to the get rays of light that came off my ring as I spun it and snapped off a few pictures.
January 19th, 2011
I didnt think this idea would turn out quite as close to how i intended it to be.

January 19th, 2011
I was busy shooting flowers in the park last Sunday. I unintentionally looked up at the sky and saw a plane passing by with the moon behind it. I hurriedly set my manual focus for a distant shot. I was only able to take 2 photos as the plane was gone so quickly. I thought the capture was not good at all; luckily it turned out ok. This is probably one of my very precious photos. I was there at the right place and at the right time. This doesn't happen too often. :-)

January 19th, 2011
This one from my bedroom window.

January 19th, 2011
It was day 5 and it was desperation... Taking pictures of everything and anything in my house then I thought haw... someone said if you cover your flash with a finger it will go red. So I tried it and this is what I got on day 5:

January 19th, 2011
@tolpol im super jealous of your view. :)
January 20th, 2011
This one surprised me when I got home and went through the images that night, Chloe is quite quiet and bubbly, it was odd seeing her like this, weirder so having shot it.

This one too - I set my pint on her hat rim and it was just the way her expression and looking up worked out, admittedly I was just as amused with this hat discovery

For some reason that image is playing up - direct link http://killerjackalope.zxq.net/images/inpage/awesome/IMG_5529.JPG
January 20th, 2011
I have two that really surprised me. This one I took of some coloured bubbles in the surf, when I saw this on the computer I could see my self reflected in the bubbles

January 20th, 2011
The second one was of my son at the skatepark. He was showing a younger lad how to do a stunt, and I caught the shot as I intended. When I uploaded it to the computer I noticed I had caught the expression of the young lad in the middle of the trick.
January 20th, 2011
How odd! I couldnt see the pic of the beer on the hat, so I clicked on the link and viewed it. When I came back to this page it was there. And THAT's magic! LOL
January 20th, 2011
January 20th, 2011
@redkite Hah, thanks, no idea why it's not working, usually hotlinking to my server's fine, though they're 720 wide on my site, might just be too big.

loving the skate one, that's such a well set out shot, the expression just makes it that little bit special...
January 20th, 2011
@mattyb Wow amazing catch!
January 20th, 2011
@tolpol Nice view
January 20th, 2011

I was out bird watching and my cat followed. I tried getting him to go away so birds would come and I could take pictures of them. When he kept following me I decided to take his picture. I think the best part is the bird tracks in the background. He was out bird watching too, but for a completely different reason! haha
January 20th, 2011
Today I was trying to take a picture a boy redbird (cardinal) but he just wouldn't cooperate for me.. so I took a picture of this female, and it came out alot better than I thought! I even shot more pictures after this thinking this wouldn't be as good..

January 21st, 2011
I hadn't realised how much detail my little p&s cybershot could get.

January 22nd, 2011
TV screen Taken through a Thick glass bottle...Just trying to see what it would produce....Surprised me!
January 22nd, 2011
This was actually a mistake shot when I was taking pics of one of my dogs in the snow, but in the end, I loved the effect.
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