Favorite by someone else

March 7th, 2010
Inspired by the 'your favorite so far' topic, what's your favorite[s] by someone else?
So difficult to choose, but I think these two are my favorites, there are just so many amazing photos on here!
March 8th, 2010

Okay....this isnt necessarily my favorite in terms of skill or beauty haha, but it sure is the cutest one I have seen on here BY FAR :) it made me laugh the first time I saw it....and still does.
March 8th, 2010
I could dwell on this one for a long time!
I like several photos, for several different reasons.

Though this is the first one that comes to mind: http://365project.org/kellypea/365/2010-01-12
March 8th, 2010
I have 21 faves and I can't pick ONE!
March 8th, 2010
It is hard to choose so I am sharing a few different ones:

http://365project.org/theaterd/365/2010-01-21 This one is by one of my best friends and I just love the color in it. There is something to be said for simplicity.

http://365project.org/petervanallen/365/2010-02-25 Peter's work is just amazing. I literally start my day with a cup of coffee, what did Peter post? and then start my work programs. I love a good sense of humor!

http://365project.org/veralynnds/365/2010-03-03 *contented sigh* I do love wide open spaces and if this was available to me, I would have taken the same exact shot. Love this!
March 8th, 2010
I enjoy this shot by Jamie Walker: http://365project.org/jaminator328/365/2010-02-28

This one by Carl Rice: http://365project.org/thrillskills/365/2010-02-26

And my favorite favorite out of them all is this photo by Lauren Dahlhauser: http://365project.org/lauren211/365/2010-02-17
March 8th, 2010
this one, for sure. it's gorgeous.
March 8th, 2010
So many favourites. Impossible to pick one. Such a wide range of VERY talented photographers here.

Here are a couple that stick in my mind.

"Wishing It Was Spring" by Lauren Dahlhauser
( http://365project.org/lauren211/365/2010-02-10)

"Jaws in the bush" by Veronica Hurly
( http://365project.org/veronica/365/2010-02-20)

"Hidden Places" by Becca Daniels
( http://365project.org/oh_becca/365/2010-02-24)

"Untitled" by Robbie
( http://365project.org/enjoi2skate/365/2010-03-01)
March 9th, 2010
Ooo another difficult one:
http://365project.org/monna/365/2010-01-01 - beautiful painterly photo http://365project.org/kellypea/365/2010-02-03 - you can't not smile although this cat definitely needs to go on a diet ... http://365project.org/cindy/365/2010-02-02 - very jolly - just a simple idea that works
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