My project is 5% complete.....

January 22nd, 2011
and I didn't think I would post more than 3 pictures! *lol* Who else started in the New Year and didn't think they would keep to the daily pic? Also, do you think you'll make it until the end of the year?

Now, I cheated a bit - I misplaced my battery charger recently (just found it again)so needed to post some 'filler' photos. But, I'll be back to the daily pic tomorrow.

It's been a fun time so far - let's hope I'll be here at the end of the project. Thanks to everyone for the support! :)

January 22nd, 2011
Me! I'm very surprised I am keeping up with this! I am sure I will slack more in the coming warm months, a new baby in a few months-it's going to get busy!
January 22nd, 2011
me ! mines now saying 6 percent complete :) well chuffed with myself !

January 22nd, 2011
It's exciting to see the progress you make - and if you're anything like me - it's even better to know that you're sticking with something. I'm 260 pics into it... it's flown by!
January 22nd, 2011
I'm at 6% and I am enjoying this project sooo much!
January 22nd, 2011
Yey! I celebrated at 5% too. It's quite exciting, I think I'm going to wear a party hat for the whole day when I get to double figures!
January 22nd, 2011
A friend of mine posted New Year's Day on FB it's not to late to start a 365, so I checked it out signed up and posted my first pick from my cell phone. I now carry my camera everywhere I go. I wake up thinking about pictures to take, and often try to shoot before I go to work, after work and in between. I have ideas popping in my head of something I want to convey all the time. It has truly become my new obsession and I love it! I'm learning more about something I've always loved to do and I love the community here! I can't wait to make it to the end of the year to look back on all the fun I had trying new things!
January 22nd, 2011
Mines 3% i started late lol but i am soooo addicted!! My kids love it too we love checking out all the pics and choosing one for the day:-) its reignited my passion for photography and stopped me being so depressed
January 22nd, 2011
I started the project last year and posted only one or two pictures, so I thought I'd try it again. Now that I'm 22 days into the project, I find myself obsessed with it. I love browsing other people's photos for inspiration, but at the same time find myself slightly intimidated by the great work of others. I'm no professional, so going up against those who are is a bit daunting. But I'm having fun with it and that's all that counts.
January 22nd, 2011
@araminta Ha, I'll join you with the party hat! :)
January 22nd, 2011
I started two days before the end of the year... haven't missed a day and only one filler :)

I love it here
January 22nd, 2011
I'm at 32% and it has just flown by. Of course there are days when I haven't got time or inspiration but they are few and far between.
January 22nd, 2011
my first 3 or 4 pics were fillers.. the rest are daily shots just not uploaded daily.. my bad..I do hope to keep at it until done..

one thing I wish is that I had picked an overall theme.. for it to be consistent.. but I guess my way too random all over the place life is a theme.. lol
January 22nd, 2011
I'm well surprised at myself. I have never had a camera of my own (I still haven't - I just use a phone I got for Christmas which has a camera) and the whole caboodle is new to me. I love posting the pics and the whole site and the fact that I'll have a record of my life.
January 22nd, 2011
Same here. Started on Jan. 1st, 2011. I knew this project was going to take discipline before I even started. I prepped myself to make sure I'd stick with it. I'm pleasantly surprised to be here and definitely see myself completing it... I just need to make sure I keep up the good work. =)
January 23rd, 2011
I was going to celebrate at the 5% mark. When I saw your post, I looked at my project and noted that I am at 6%. Wow! I passed the 5% mark without me noticing it. I am glad that I am sticking with this project. I wish all of my New Year resolutions were as easy (and as fun) to keep.
January 23rd, 2011
I agree. I didn't think I was going to make it. But the opposite happened Taking a picture everyday is ALL I think about now. I wake up and start brainstorming and planning my day in my head to work in some free time to play around with my camera. I love this!!
January 23rd, 2011
I never thought I'd do it, but once I got into the habit of taking a photo every day, it was easy enough.. and I'm at 102% now :)
January 23rd, 2011
I'm very excited to be doing this project and hope I'll keep up with it.
I love seeing all the different themes people have and just the other pictures in general.
Myself, I don't have a theme. I think my pictures reflect my life and it's randomness!
January 23rd, 2011
I'm not sure I would have made it to 6% (as of today!) without this site. The support, encouragement, and inspiration keep me excited about my next photo.
January 23rd, 2011
I love taking pics - so that is easy. But this project has made me look for the less obvious subjects. More - the everyday parts of my life. It is a nice way to document me... I used to only take what I thought would be REALLY good.
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