Defining your day

March 9th, 2010
Some days it gets hard knowing what my day was about and I have trouble choosing a picture. So how do you guys define your day (for those that are using 365 for that)?
March 9th, 2010
I often ask myself the same question.

I choose my "best" photo for the day, then perhaps write down a few more comments to cover more of the day that didn't make it to my favourite image.

I guess I'll make a photo book or something like that at the end, complete with my comments/captions. Might be a good way to look back over the year.
March 9th, 2010
I guess writing a description just does it.

A photo book is great idea. I might also do it. :D
March 9th, 2010
Good question.

I have generally been reviewing whatever pics I took during the day and choosing the one I like most as an image rather than the one that defines the day. Even if one photo doesn't define the specific day, collectively, these moments represent a year.

I often go for a walk on the beach in the morning--my day isn't defined by it, because it happens frequently. But posting an image from this walk makes sense in a year-long project.

Last week I chose to post a photo I took while flying a plane for the first time--there were some other more interesting images that day, but decided to commemorate that experience as it was so unusual for me.
March 9th, 2010
I try to take shots while I'm out doing things that define the day (things that I don't do every single day of the week) ... but if they're not the best shot of the day artistically then I often choose the best one over the most representative one.
March 9th, 2010
I decided to use this 365project as my I always try to take and upload picture that define the day.
March 9th, 2010
@becky you took a photo while flying a plane for the first time?! Wow!! (I would just've been concentrating on flying the plane!)

I suppose (in answer to the op) I just look at any pictures I've taken that day, and decide which one best sums up what I've done that day... Sometimes it's an easy choice, sometimes it isn't - and sometimes there's no choice at all, if I've only had time to take one picture in the day, or not had time to take any at all!
March 9th, 2010
I take my camera with me just about everywhere. But as soon as I do something in my day which is different, I try to take a photo. I would then go through them and look through my photos to see which one of these gave me the biggest emotive response and that's what i figure represents my day. A few times i've been in the situation where a photo i've taken doesnt represent my day properly but its better than the one that represented my day. I always ended up posting the one that did represent my day since I'm trying to be honest.. but it was a tough call :)
March 10th, 2010
I don't know sometimes how to define my day

I'm actually a pretty private person so to attempt the 365 was...mostly at first frustrating because I just don't like a lot of people knowing things bout me.
I try to use a photo that sort of...makes me smile or something to commemorate the day but in all honesty, it just depends on my mood.

Try to choose a photo so when I look back, I can remember something funny, or why something pissed me off.

stuff like that. I have no clue if that even made sense lol
March 11th, 2010
I guess we all have our own interpretation of this project. That's what I love about it! =)
I define my photo by a simple object that sums up what I did. The more boring the day, the more boring the object. My challenge becomes; how do I make that object interesting? It might not seem important to most, but its funny how much I remember about my days since I've started this project.
March 16th, 2010
My 365 project is more like a simple journal for me. So the picture I post often reflects what I did that day,what was most important to me, or sometimes which one was prettiest! Typically if something rather private happened to me that I wouldn't want to share, I photograph something that I believe sums it up without saying too much. I also make sure my title reflects how I feel/felt that day.
March 16th, 2010
“Journals”. “Defining of days”. “Best photo of the day”. “Most representative of the day”.

This is interesting stuff to me.

When I began my first Project 365 in January of last year, the goal was to simply post a photo a day. What came ... well, would come. If I was able to have it be a definitive representation of that particular day, yippee for me. This was all a learning experience for me, the goal being – at first – whether I could rise to the challenge of actually posting a photo a day as opposed to “going deep” and having a haughtier goal. Being a novice at the entire process, I took what I was doing with a grain of salt, knowing it would be a learning process each and every posting.

And some of what I learned was rather surprising. Some of the most boring photos (I thought) were ones which garnered the most attention. (Go figger.) Some of the most dazzling (to me) weren’t commented on in the least.

There, in and of itself, lies a wealth of information.

I am not saying in the least one shouldn’t set goals on what they want their project to be and, ultimately, end up as. But for me, it was the education of the project.

I’ve just begun here on this site, but you can see my previous (and ongoing Year Two) projects here. Feel free to comment as you see fit. Nothing is out of bounds.
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