Fill Ins

January 25th, 2011
Anyone else feel guilty using fill ins? I hate to do it, but some days like today it seems like the only way!
January 25th, 2011
Melissa I'm the same way, kind of feels like I am cheating
January 25th, 2011
yes I do...but as a Mom to 2, working full time and helping my elderly parents it is extremly difficult to be creative and get a good pic, every single I take a couple shots on days I can and fill as needed:) its your project as you wish:)
January 25th, 2011
January 25th, 2011
I hear ya. I hate doing it, but it just has to happen some days :/
January 25th, 2011
I do, but have not used any filled in yet. If I am desperate I guess I can use a photo from cellphone!
January 25th, 2011
I used to but some days I just don't have time to take a photo. I use them alot now because I really hate gaps but I see real life and my kids as a little more important than stressing like I did when I started to take a photo.
January 25th, 2011
Guilty? THIS IS YOUR PROJECT! No guilt allowed! You take pictures to hone your craft, build your experience, improve your skills... to capture the moments, to seize a memory in time... You can take pictures ANY time you want! Of ANY thing you want... Erase that guilt. No judgment here!
January 25th, 2011
I personally have granted myself a 24 hr exemption , if the shot was taken within 24 hours of that day in either direction then it's good to go!!!
January 25th, 2011
If I don't take one for the day then I just don't take one(I even took a 2 month or so break from this project!). Eventually, I will have 365 photos.
January 25th, 2011
I figure if your fill in was taken within the same week it's okay.
January 25th, 2011
I started to feel guilty and then I realized that there are days where I take several shots the I LOVE and I have to pick just one! Why not showcase those on the days that I feel YUCK or I don't have time to take something that really is worth posting? I agree with Shaunery, this is OUR project...those images still reflect your work so show it! I just started in 24 days ago and I've already posted 3 fill in shots...and you know what? I'M OK WITH THAT! HA! :-) Creativity is an illusive friend so be gentle with yourself and have FUN!
January 25th, 2011
I agree with Shaunery. It is your project, your journey :) You can do with it what you like, when you like. Feeling guilty will only take the fun out of it.
January 25th, 2011
Personally, I have to take a shot, and I have to post it. That keeps me in the habit. However, once I have done that it can be replaced with a shot I took on another day :-)
As others have said, it's your album. Don't ever feel guilty over it because then it won't be fun for you either.
January 25th, 2011
YOUR PROJECT, YOUR RULES... Have fun, no guilt allowed!
January 25th, 2011
I also find myself hating to do this! My kids were horribly sick and that was the most important thing..So I shot around the house. Then the next week, I got pnuemonia, and you would be surprised if you have never had it. Picking up a camera or my head was far from an option. I had to use fill ins. I found that there were several photos I would have shared from the previous year if I was doing this project. So look on your hard drive and say in the is a fill in. It is your might find things that you want there at the end of the year! @mkraemer
January 25th, 2011
I made a promise to myself when I first started the project. That 1 photo per day,taken on THE day is necessary.I rather take a shot of my toe and upload that,then using a beautifyl/amazing filler photo I`ve taken in the past. Allmost 4 months in the project,and no fillers yet.. Hopefully never will be. In worst case scenario,I`ll use my phone,then fillers.
January 25th, 2011
@celticmystyc I love "erase that guilt" Damn right! @spaceman I made the same promise. I'm gonna conquer the world, be a great photographer, live for capture! Learn! Life does get in the way of that. My project is important to me. No matter how mundane my photos are. But, on a lazy Sunday afternoon while snuggling with the one you love, none of this matters.
January 25th, 2011
No guilt! I'm full of filler.
January 25th, 2011
I used to feel guilty about it but not anymore. It's my project after all. I usually say so when it's a filler. There are just days when I want to post something I've already done, or I was too lazy to pick up my camera. I'd say about 90% of my project is faithful picture a day activity. There are no photo/date police here. You do what works for you!
January 25th, 2011
At the mo I've been good and managed to take a photo per day but I have 2 albums I use and have used fillers in the second album. I only started tat album for extra picture I took in that day but sometimes I don't take extras and don't want to fill it too much with new ideas in case I run out later on.
January 25th, 2011
It depends what your objectives are. Mine is to stimulate ideas for subject matter and techniques, develop much better technical knowledge of photography, get an idea whether I am any good as a photographer, develop a habit of taking pictures and just generally enthuse about photography with others who understand the obsession!!

For all that, I don't think it is fair not to act in the spirit of what this site intended, which is to take and upload a picture a day. I do that, it is just that the picture I took for the project, isn't necessarily the one I took that day!!

My initial challenge was that my DSLR broke immediately I joined, hence my 365 album became a photographic review project. I set up a second album once I got a point and shoot camera. I am learning as much from my review album as from the dailies, certainly on the processing side. Most of the 'dailies' are that, although a few of them are a particular theme from a recent shoot, like my snow pictures.

What I consider 'poor' shots have to come with a question 'can these be rescued/do you see some merit in them?' as I don't want to take up the precious time of those kind enough to follow me with pictures I know to be seriously crappy and I know why. Instead, I'll put up another recent pic taken for the project that I'd rather get feedback on. I intend to aim to stick to the take a pic a day and upload a pic a day, but have the flexibility described. Setting objects can help dispel the guilt. Aim to do it but don't bust a gut if you don't. Most importantly ENJOY 365 otherwise you might give up.

Would I have written this much justification of my approach if I didn't also feel guilty about not sticking 100% to the rules? I doubt it. LOL!
January 25th, 2011
I guess technically two of my pictures are fill ins since they were done the night before instead of the day of. I don't feel guilty though. They are still my work and were done within 24 hours!
January 25th, 2011
its a pretty interesting topic that gets covered regularly... some people want to do it in the spirit that it was first designed as - actually taking a photo every day, others dont mind so much. End of the day, its your project so do with it as you will.

for me, I wanted to actually use it as a way to document my life for the year. I also believe that some skills only come / get better when you hit a brick wall and push through it so I forced myself take a photo a day. I only used one pic which was a "filler"

I've even posted ho hum photos of my dreary day

All up to what you're doing it for I guess.
January 25th, 2011
I'm new at this and things may change as I get 3 months into it, but I have so many photos I've taken in the past few years that have only been buried in the file folders. I enjoy taking pictures each day, but I'm also enjoying my search through older photos that deserve to be brought back to life. Its fun for me to consider processing ideas for these earlier gems, too. It's all part of the project for me. No such things as "fillers" in my mind. No guilt here.
January 25th, 2011
I also think this depends on how you see your project.

I don't intend to use any fillers myself. My approach of the project is documenting 2011 day by day. I´d rather post a bad shot than a shot that wasn´t taken on the day itself. I´m not even a month in and I haven't ran out of inspiration yet, but if I do I would rather post a random shot of my home/street/garden than a filler.
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