365 - But how many followers have you got?!

January 28th, 2011
Not being big headed - I only got 1

And you
January 28th, 2011
I have 163. I have had an influx recently, I guess with all the newbies but I am feeling guilty as I used to follow my followers but I am having trouble keeping up with commenting on photos of the people I already follow that I just don't want to take on too many more at the moment!! To all the people who follow me - thankyou so much and to the people I do follow, I am trying hard to take a look at your wonderful photos and I will try to get around to commenting when I can - bust getting ready for the start of our new school year next week :)
January 28th, 2011
I have a 117 and I follow 132 my follow list is growing all the time though.. for me its not about how many follow me but the wonderful talent that I can follow
January 28th, 2011
I dunno. I follow people who's work I enjoy. I assume people follow me because they enjoy mine. I try to check out who's following me and if I like, I follow back..

Hang in there, keep posting, keep viewing others, keep commenting...keep followers.. it will grow. :)
January 28th, 2011
I follow 503 and I have 466 following me. Hard for me to keep up these days and I've fallen a bit behind. I hope to get back on track starting Feb. 1st!
January 28th, 2011
451 right now, and I feel guilty every single day that I don't get time to comment on all their work (I don't even get time to comment on those I follow back just now, but that will change soon when things settle down). I had a massive jump in follower numbers with the influx at New Year. I've also noticed a few vanish from the list - some have left 365, and some probably just got bored with my work (or cranky with me for not commenting enough, for which I can't blame them). ;)
January 28th, 2011
I have 60 and am following 75. My followers get added to on almost a daily basis now, because I look around the site and try to find new people when I get time. If I like their pictures I comment on them and follow if their work is consistently interesting. Sometimes they follow me back. I am not bothered whether people follow me. I just like taking pictures.
I try to comment on them but dont get stressed about who has left or who has not commented. I only know how many I have because you asked the question and I just looked LOL.
Sometimes I pick some out and spend the evening looking through their pictures. I just dont have time to check up on them all every day. I do have my favourites though ;)

By the way you have some interesting pictures already and I am now a follower :)
January 28th, 2011
i have 15...more followers i had when i attempted this last year.....i'm following 10...i'm not the best commenter, but i try
i found that the more i was active on here, the more followers i got.....
January 28th, 2011
It takes a little while . . . I have 122 and I follow 132. When I started, there was one person I knew, then I followed some of the folks she was following, then I surfed around and found a few others . . . some people reciprocate and some don't. Honestly, I follow some people with loads and loads more talent and skill than I have . . . and while I can learn lots from them, they probably can't learn much from me, and they have hundreds of followers, so I don't really expect reciprocity. I try to follow most of the folks who follow me, just to see what they're doing. Keep following others if their pics catch your eye from the Pop Page or theme-entries, comment, and the followers will follow!
January 28th, 2011
I've got 249 and I am very grateful to everyone of them.

I've had to ask what following is about. For me it is about learning from those whose work resonates with or challenges you and from which you can learn and enjoy. You can follow 10,000 if you just want to press the follow button for every nice picture you see, and of course. However, I want to do justice to those I follow and 70 - 75 is my limit, and even that is hard to keep on top of in terms of viewing and commenting meaningfully.

You will soon pick up that you can follow people who appear regularly in the PP pages and you don't need to have them on your follow list. When I was 'rationalising' my follow list, this was one of the criteria for my 'clean up'. For example Jinx appears regularly in the PP so I will get to click through to his work without having to have him on my feed and he comments on a lot of people I follow, so he is highly visible and easy to click on.

As for those who follow me, whenever they comment I try and look at their work and the I go through my list ever few weeks to see if I've been missing someone.

I don't follow people because they follow me. See my profile for more of my what 'policy' is around following.
January 28th, 2011
Apparently I have 822 following me and I'm only following 533...geh!!! Gotta get on the ball and start following more people!
January 28th, 2011
Hahaha Steven, I'm only new to this as well. I only have 4 followers, I'm currently following 18. I'm not too worried, I don't have a lot of photos yet ( obviously ) and figure that as I add more photos, more people will become interested. I'm just having so much fun looking at everyone else's photos.
January 28th, 2011
17 people follow me at the moment. I usually post a comment on their pictures if I've anything creative to say.
January 28th, 2011
haha, i just started and appreciate the 8 followers who have found me and find time to comment on my photos. I am only following 16 at the moment and they inspire me so much on a daily basis! Im afraid I'll be attached to my computer 24/7 if I followed more!
January 28th, 2011
Steven - I started at the first of the year. I am following 72 people and I think 42 follow me. I have some special followers that found me in the beginning and care enough to comment on every photo - I haven't told them but they're my personal fan club (thanks you guys - you know who you are) and I am so grateful for them and their kind comments. Sometimes it's not quantity but quality. :)

Hang in. Follow people whose pictures you really enjoy and let them know and you'll get followers. :)
January 28th, 2011
I have 14 followers and I'm following 44. I hope to get some more followers to get more feedback and so I can share my work to more people :) but I'm doing the project more for me then anything. I love the community here. Thank you everyone for being so kind!
January 28th, 2011
I have 94 and following 62. I try to follow most that follow me but I already have enough trouble keeping up with those I do follow. Will have to try to follow some more soon. In saying that, I love all the comments and support my followers give me, without them I would have lost inspiration months ago :-)
January 28th, 2011
My friend is new to the site, so am I, but shes newer haha. She only has one follower and its me. If you would check out her few pics, and show her a warm welcome that would be great :) Thanks everyone.
January 28th, 2011
i have 86 and am following 56... im totally STUNNED completely gobsmacked at the amount of followers i have... hoenstly didnt think my photos would be interesting to anyone else at all!!

I love the support and community here! :)
January 28th, 2011
I have 13 and follow 10.... I am glad that people like my photos... I honestly thought that I would only get 2 and both where my friends.
January 28th, 2011
I am a newbie. I have 9 followers and I follow 28. A lot of good photos on here and great ideas. I am having a hard time to take a photo everyday but I put up one I have taken previously that I like. Hopefully, I will get better at taking and posting every day. That's the goal anyway.
January 28th, 2011
I dont know. I haven't checked in awhile, but I dont follow many. I haven't browsed in awhile. 55 I think.
January 28th, 2011
I only have 21 stalkers, um I mean followers but I'm only Day 27 into it so hopefully that number will grow! I always follow people back too because I figure it is a good way to see different approaches to the project plus I'm just a nice person and I love all the photos from the people I'm following!!!!! :-)
January 28th, 2011
apparently i have 194 followers and i am following 124 ....... now i feel bad i MUST go through my new followers photos !
January 28th, 2011
@steviesteve @jo365 @silverhorn @celticmystyc @chevymom @jinximages @redkite @dkg @lynnmwatson @miranda @amyhughes @nicolelouise83 @jwest @denvela @nanascraps @jessleeca @sam_cr @matejaseliskar @pontiaclady @amorton1437 @shutterbunny @flamez

I have 159 followers.
I follow 13 people.
But listen here,people,some people who you follow may be dead! (or simply quit this project) ...
A rather nerdy fella` from here,The Steve Allmighty ( @eyebrows ) created a really useful scanner.
So go people,you can check out who is really following you,and who is... dead!!
Here: http://25tolife.net/sites/365scanner/
January 28th, 2011
@spaceman @eyebrows
hahaha that was fun!
only one zombie who follows and one zombie im following!
January 28th, 2011
( I have 10 dead followers & one dead followee )
January 28th, 2011
Apparently 142 Followers and I Follow 179.
January 28th, 2011
@spaceman I totally forgot about that sweet app. I have 51 zombies following me. :( That's a little over 10%. I cancelled a few of the zombies I'm following, so I'm down to 56 now (including a couple of zombies who might find a cure). Guess I need to go through the 300-ish new followers and find some more people to follow! :D
January 28th, 2011
Yeah I follow, if there are a few shots I like, but like most peeps seem to say, its hard trying to keep up with the peeps you follow. As well as come up with a shot you think is good enough to uplaod
January 28th, 2011
I have 11 followers! (none are dead - yay)
January 28th, 2011
Mine fluctuates a lot depending on how active I am around here (which I've not been, lately, thus a drop) and the photos' level of suck :)

I have 871 followers right now though.And I follow 118.
January 28th, 2011
@spaceman haha I mentioned that in another string last week. Haven't checked my zombies lately. Thaks for re-posting :)
January 28th, 2011
@indiannie_jones 871??? What are you feeding them on? LOL
January 28th, 2011
@redkite :D I have no idea!
January 28th, 2011
I often wonder how people get so many followers and especially, the newbys. I have 34 followers and am following 72. Where's the love? Are my photos really that bad or that boring?
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