The best and the worst.

February 1st, 2011
Even the best photographers have bad photos, post your worst photo from last week (24th - 30th Jan 2011) and say why you chose that photo. A little bit of self criticism never hurt anyone.

Here's mine:

It was a very last minute shot, just before I was about to go out. I put almost no effort into it and I don't think it's done well. I find parts of the background distracting and I think with better lighting, angle or background, I could have got a better photo.

Now you go
February 1st, 2011
Sometimes what may seem to be the worst shot has unforgettable sentimental values :-)
February 1st, 2011
@Kirsten, I don't think your picture is a bad one! Sometimes, when we consider a picture as "bad", I wonder if it depends on the mood we were in when we took it. We associate moods, or situations with our photos, and that makes us biased.

My pick for this week would be this one, I really hate it:

It was for the hope theme, really tiny leaves, and they were soo hard to capture! I've tried so many things, even covered the wall with some fabrics, but it still looked crappy!
February 1st, 2011
@shadowdancer I really like your photo, I love the simplicity of it and the colours are wonderful.
February 1st, 2011
It seemed so much more powerful in my mind.

February 1st, 2011

I captured the body language I wanted to. However, I did not catch the facial expression I wanted to. I was also upset that I was unable to fade the floor in this SOCC shot. I agree that our emotions I feel really do influence the way I feel about a shot. I find it difficult to critique a photo when I have an emotional involvement with that photo. I also overlook flaws in the photo when I like the subject matter.
February 1st, 2011
I could just choose my whole weeks worth of photos lol. They are all great family snapshots but terrible photographs. But this one bothers me more than the others because it sucks and I did something weird in editing and it looks all out of focus. I hate this one.

But the one on the bottom right bothers me in this one. The background is just really messy

February 1st, 2011

deffinatley this one , its lame :(

id had a busy day and rushed the shot , the annoying thing is i can actually do quite good splash shots so i was gutted this failed :( its slightly blurred , and messy , on the whole very sloppy :(
February 1st, 2011
I'm probably going to say this shot. I had an idea in my head and it didn't come out as I wanted and the light was bad too. My model though was superb.

February 1st, 2011

as it was a last minute shot at the end of the day and was struggling for something so it could've been a lot better
February 1st, 2011
The worst one in that week (and probably all my photos, in my opinion) is this one:

To be fair I tried something new, but I messed it up quite a bit. (as you can see around some edges and in the lower corners) Also the picture just looks uninspired, and it tells you nothing. The unedited version probably looks better. :P
February 1st, 2011

So boring, but I didn't want to do sunset-sunset-sunset...and I've seen such good cake and coffee pics on here, try harder next time i think.
February 1st, 2011
@amorton1437 You're crazy, your photos last week were some of the best that came on my home page, they seemed sincere and they were all original. Okay they were very family orientated but with your husband going away again that was your theme, thats what you'll want to remember when you look back and reflect. Keep doing good family portraits!!!!!
February 1st, 2011
@amorton1437 I quite like those photos actually, they've got good composition, focus points, colours and emotion :) i don't think you really did anything wrong, you're quite a talented photographer.
February 1st, 2011

I had a few stinkers last week since I was traveling and only had my phone with me. This was supposed to have my Tree of Life pendant in it... but I just couldn't get the shot.
February 1st, 2011
I love every photo in that week EXCEPT this one... so this is a no brainer..

I had absolutely no inspiration. I mean I like my content. but I could have done something a lot better then taking a pic of a drivers manual:(
February 1st, 2011
I have 2 horrible ones for the week... Really disappointed in both of them. I was aiming to do Australian theme pics and my pie pic is just BLEH to me !

My second pic is of a Bubble o Bill ice cream... this is all i wanted to take for my picture that day, and I was so disappointed when i opened the packet to find a less than stunning "model"
February 2nd, 2011

It's just not anything special.. Kinda pretty to look at but boring..
February 2nd, 2011
I have quite a few photos i don't like but this is the only one i hate with a passion :D
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