Finding time...

February 4th, 2011
I have searched and searched and I could not find a post on this subject so I thought I would throw it out there.

How do you find or make time to take the pictures you want to take? Do you include your kids/spouse/significant other? What do you do if you want to take pictures that don't involve them? I am and have been finding it hard to go out and get the pictures I want with work and family responsibilities and I am looking for ideas on how to make it happen. My wife is very supportive of my hobby but there always seems to be something else more pressing that we need to get acomplished. Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated.

February 4th, 2011
I take my camera everywhere and grab the most random photos through out the day. If I haven't managed to capture something that I feel is "the photo" then I normally start looking at staging in the evening. I won't just put up any photo. Two days ago I used my daughters stuffed giraffe lol - but it was used as a learning photo
February 4th, 2011
@all71s I try to take my camera everywhere I can and am always on the lookout for photo ops. If I don't see something on the road I usually do a close-up/macro of something near or at home. It's quite amazing what you can find when you look close up.
February 4th, 2011
I am a father of 3 and usually have only weekends for my family. By the time I get back at night they are usually in bed already.

It really depends on what you mean by "the picture you want to take". I usually don't have a clue as to what photo to take for that day except if there are some interesting things going on around where I live.

Anyway, what I do is I take my camera with me most of the time. In the care in the morning and evening, sometimes take photos during red traffic lights when I find something interesting or stop the car and get out if I see a great settings. At the office there is not much chance so usually I skip. If there's no car-window photos before I get home, In the evening I usually stop by a few places and take photos there - mostly malls, backstreets, markets, etc.
February 4th, 2011
I agree with all that has been said. Take your camera with you and be mindful of your surroundings. You may be surprised things that you pass everyday can be a very interesting photo. Yes, I do include my family on occasion.

I don't however, let this project get in the way of my everyday life. Sometimes there are gaps in my project when life happens. With two active kids, taking that daily photo is sometimes easier said that done, but I do make an attempt at taking everyday, and posting when I get the chance. I have said it more than once, for me, sometimes the random shot of a busy day are more interesting than the staged photo shoot. There are a lot of talented people on this site, and all as much interesting in their own way.

If you let this project help, instead of hinder, and by that I mean, take your camera with you everywhere, everyday, but do not over think it, and stress about it, you will find the picture when the time is right. Look over others and see what they are shooting, what interests them, what shots did you find appealing, and then try your own version. This project is only limited to our imagination, mine is not the greatest, but I get a ton of inspiration from everyone here, and hopefully you will too.
February 4th, 2011
@silverhorn @viranod
Thank you for the ideas. I have been struggling to get in the habit of taking my camera everywhere. I feel self concious about it but that is something I will get over sometime. I get ideas in my head or see something and then never seem to be able to make time to go back and get "the shot" or set it up.

@elephantgirl A macro lens is on my short list of equipment to buy. I have an lens adapter that I recently re-discovered that make it a 1:1 ratio so I am going to experiment with that. I love macro photography so I am hoping to get more macro type shots in the near future.
February 4th, 2011
i try to take my camera out and about with me (altho the weather has be awful here lately)
i involve everyone , oldest child is often cheif light holder , middle and youngest are often in front of the camera too :) and my fella helps whenever i nag him to or whenever something im doing sparks an interest with him lol !
February 4th, 2011
I sacrifice sleep . . . LOL!
February 4th, 2011
@all71s I don't actually own a macro lens either, I just play around with filters and extension tubes, cheap alternates that do ok if you don't mind some weird things at the edge of the pics. I think it looks fun usually.
February 4th, 2011
@wjw1741 @flamez
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I am definitely not a slave to the project, I get more frustrated sometimes with the lack of changing of scenery for me. Go to work(at a office no less) before it is light, come home as it gets dark, hang with the kiddo, got to bed, wash, rinse, repeat!
I am definitely not trying to make excuses. I just need to take some time for me I guess. I want to find solutions and you all have been very helpful.
February 4th, 2011
I am a stay at home mom with 2 school aged girls. So i guess time isn't so much an issue for me during the week, but on the weekends when everyone is home I struggle. My husband works out of town a lot of weeks and on the weekends I just want to send my time with him. I've found that including my husband (even if it's hanging out with me while I'm taking the photo) helps me find the time.
February 4th, 2011
I have much to learn, especially in that area.. thanks
February 4th, 2011
@all71s It can take awhile to not be so self conscious over it so don't worry. I take each shot as it presents itself to me and that is the one thing about having the camera handy with you is good for. My camera very rarely sees the inside of my camera bag unless I am actually travelling or in the evening after cleaning it if I've had a busy day with it. It sits beside me at home
February 4th, 2011
It's hard enough for me without all the responsibilities that come with having a partner and family, so I can't imagine where you find the time - but I guess the best you can do is just try to take a camera with you everywhere and hope for some good opportunities. Although it is important for you to set aside YOU time to do the things you enjoy.
February 4th, 2011
@flamez If I just put DITTO to your comment, can I use it as my own? lol

I take my camera EVERYWHERE! I get funny looks, I get moaned at by the hubs and kiddo "ohhh nooooo not again" "why you taking pictures of that?" "will you get that flash out my face" "get off your belly and walk, people are staring at us!" "Get down off that wall before you fall" haha but I dont care, I click, I upload...I am happy! :o)
February 4th, 2011
Haha, I'm glad you aren't as self concious as I am. I am doing this project partly to break out of my shell. I need to get going on that, a little chip at a time!
February 4th, 2011
As a mother of three and wife I've been straddling the fence on taking "artistic" pictures and photographing "life".... Because I scrapbook I take a lot of both... Scrapbook are for the family and 365 has become "my" place.
My goal regardless of WHAT I photograph, is the quality of the shot. I noticed my everyday shots were blurred, poorly lit and etc. So when I don't get THAT shot, I focus on getting a better shot of my kids. I take the camera everywhere now and to hell with people looking at me. I have my iphone handy too for those odd discreet shots too. Okay enough rambling... hope this helps!
February 4th, 2011
@celticmystyc and everyone else above
helps immensly...confidence level and idea list growing!
February 4th, 2011
@flamez Yea all that. Minus the kids helping, mine is only 15 months old and he could help by just sitting stll but that rarely happens.

I basically take them with if I want to go out and snap a few of them, a few of this building, that flower, now back to taking shots of my kiddo.
February 4th, 2011
@judifff ~ hehe ! i could actually use your reply as mine too lol !

i took the graffitti shot i did in the middle of a busy lunchtime trade town centre lol , my middle boy had met me for lunch and was happy posing until i laid on the floor oppsies lol !!
February 4th, 2011
@all71s Take your camera with you everyday, ALL the time. You've got so many pictures waiting! If you take transportation, buses, trains, subways. The elevator at work (those 40-some buttons). The sidewalk, the water fountain, the sky.

The things you see don't have to change everyday to make them interesting. The way you take the picture makes it interesting. Do you get to leave your office some time during the day, like for lunch? Go outside, point the camera at the left, straight ahead, right, up, and down. DON'T look at what you're shooting. Go home and look through them, not on the camera. This sounds crazy, but some of my fascinating shots were done this way.

You don't really have to make time in your day for it. Shoot while you're doing what you do. Now, if someone can tell me how to make time to view and delete all the photos I take each day, I'm all ears.
February 4th, 2011
Camera goes everywhere, I'm self employed so I set some shots up in the shop while I'm quiet (Feb is a month of sweets He He) and the kids chip in with ideas and help when they feel like it.

As I have a mind like a sieve I write down all my ideas,also fav shots I'd like to try and hope to tick most of them off as the year goes buy.
February 4th, 2011
I do have the oppurtunity to leave, but I stand out, wearing my military uniform so I try not to be seen taking pictures in my uniform, that being said, I can go someplaces w/o very many people around. As soon as I get my hands on a delorian and some uranium I'll let you know.
February 4th, 2011
@judifff That sounds really familiar, as I take my camera everywhere, and I get all kinds of raising of the eyebrows, or the long sigh, oh well, I do for me, not anyone else.
February 4th, 2011
@wjw1741 yeah I used to hide and act all shy. but now I just go out and I act like a tourist, picture EVERYTHING and dont care :o)
February 4th, 2011
@judifff See, I take it a step further, people have actually come up to me asking if I was a photographer, of course I said YES, then they leave, they never asked where or for whom, for which I would reply, MYSELF.
February 4th, 2011
@wjw1741 Why do we feel so awkward when taking pictures in the public? I love what your response would be. And how a simple question/answer satisfies people on the street.
February 4th, 2011
@jeancarl I dunno, I guess I am bit self conscious about it, but I am getting over it, a little at a time.
February 4th, 2011
I agree with those who counsel take take your camera everywhere with you. I have a p/s which is always with me and I often take photos of pretty mundane stuff. But, I figure I am documenting when/where I was or what I was thinking about that day.

This would be harder with an DSLR camera, but I know someone who is so rarely seen without his SLR that everyone gets completely used to him having it. It has become an appendage and I think because of that, he gets some awesome people shots.

The think that I find most time consuming...but also most interesting, is the give and take and feedback on the site. I don't know how some people manage to follow so many folks and do such a wonderful job of leaving feedback.

Hang in there. Enjoy the project, don't let it become another ball & chain in your life.
February 4th, 2011
@ldpaul Thank you for the wise words. This seems to have turned into a quid pro quo thing btwn us!
February 4th, 2011
I guess that's what community is all about, eh? Have fun.
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