DAY 50

February 5th, 2011
For those of us who started on 1 Jan - 19 February will be day 50. This is incidentally also the day we are moving back to Australia after having lived outside of Oz for 12.5 out of the last 14 years.

I started this thread for people to comment how they are going to celebrate Day 50 and to post their best / favourite photo (so far)

Here is mine (because it is very different from anything I would have done before this project)

February 5th, 2011
Wiet, this is such a great thread. Not sure what I'll do to celebrate day 50 I usually don't worry about what I'm going to do until the day. Haha. Might have to think hard about day 50 though! This is my favourite one that I've done. I was really happy with how it turned out.

February 5th, 2011
I've got a (very, very flexible) calendar of weekly themes that I've put together for this challenge, because I found after just the first two days that I needed some sort of tool to help me focus. Since day 50 falls in the week beginning on 14th February -and because I'm just sappy that way- the photo on the 19th will be something related to the Valentine's Day-inspired "Hearts" theme.

My favourite one so far is the one below, from 4th January. The theme that week was "cold", which was rather difficult to depict since the temp was actually fairly pleasant at the time.

February 5th, 2011
WOW day 50?! Hmmm don't know what I will do with that. Have to see what the day brings as for MY favorite has to be this one...
February 5th, 2011
ohhhhh ive not really thought about day 50 !! , im a jan 1st -er too:)

my fav to date is between this :

and :

February 5th, 2011
Good thread, we should show off our day 50 pics too. make them good! :P

February 5th, 2011
Ooh I'd better get thinking about what to do for Day 50. Can't believe it's nearly coming round already!
Here's my favourite pic so far:

February 5th, 2011
@shutterbunny @davidchr @mikichelle @flamez @andrewdearling @wrighty thanks for sharing your pic's. I like them. Agree with Andrew that Day 50 has to be something special.
February 5th, 2011
Day 50!! wow, how time flies.. will have to put my thinking cap on for that one.. my fav from my list so far would have to be this one of my niece.
February 5th, 2011
im a jan 1st'er too... however i cant pick one photo! LOL!
day 50... mmm... i'll have to put my thinking cap on!! :)
February 5th, 2011
Congrats, everyone!
February 5th, 2011

I have amazed myself so far with this project. Great topic.
February 5th, 2011
50 is a little ways off but will certianly be a milestone for us rookies. Congrats on the move Wiet @wietpruim. My fave so far is one that includes my dog and one of my kids, who are featured quite frequently in my shots. Happy Weekend!
February 5th, 2011
YAY!!! Congrats to all of you guys on your 50!!! That's so cool.
February 5th, 2011
@mattyb this photo is still so insanely good to me! I think about it often...and how in the world I could recreate something like this. !! great shot :D
February 5th, 2011

I think this is my favorite because I worked so long on this one, in order to get the picture to look right.

Wow! I hadn't thought about celebrating 50. I was thinking about celebrating making it through 10%. Then, I realized that today marks my 10% mark. Wow! Now, how do I want to celebrate? I definitely think we need to celebrate when we get to the 50 mark. I like the idea of selecting a photo we like at that point. I can already tell that I have improved so much.
February 19th, 2011
I just noticed that today is day 50 for many of us. In December, 2010, I bought a digital camera, with hopes that I would be able to make close ups of flowers. My long held dream was realized, as I was able to make pictures like this.

At the same time I started the 365 project, I realized that I would be able to take pictures of my winter bird friends. I would be able to look at these pictures and fondly remember my bird friends when they moved north for the summer. However, if someone would have told me 50 days ago that I would be able take pictures like this one, I would have laughed my head off.

The members of this project are so supportive and encouraging. You "push" me to be more than I thought I could do. This project is AWESOME! Congratulations to everyone who has reached the 50 day mark and those who have gone beyond the 50 day mark!
February 19th, 2011
It's my Day 50 as well, and I want to make sure it's a good photo! I'm so pleased with myself for sticking at it - only 315 days to go lol!
This is my favourite shot, I've had it printed onto canvas, and it's on my living room wall :)

February 19th, 2011
@minxymissk I like this shot of yours. I can see why you placed this photo on your living room wall. Nice!
February 19th, 2011
@daisy Thank you, I am still shocked I captured this, handheld on a P&S!
February 19th, 2011
This isn't my first day 50 on here, but here's the 50th photo of my second project :)

February 19th, 2011
ok, so day 50... not going to post that one cause im just not feeling it - was really not feeling it yesterday so meh...
my fave photo from jan 1st to yesterday... wow hard choice so many i love...

mmm maybe 2...
my fav of my kids

and my fave "arty" shot...
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