Confident with the Camera ?

February 11th, 2011
Are You confident with the Camera to go out and about taking Photos ? Im not, I took it this morning had my 2 Little Ones in Pushchair, they are 2 and nearly 1, Tried to take Water Drops on Tree Shots but the Oldest was shouting "Cheeeese" quite funny but people were looking so I gave up, Always worried about what I can and cant Photograph to.
February 11th, 2011
I don't even care at all. I guess that means I'm confident...I've pulled over on the side of the road, gotten out and rolled the window down so my son could watch me take the shot. (I was right next to the car within reaching distance of him).
I also pulled over one day when I didn't have him, got out and climbed up to the railroad tracks to get a shot of graffiti on the side of a train. Man, I'll do anything when it comes to getting a shot...sometimes I laugh at myself and make a big fool of myself on purpose so others will laugh too if it's something outrageous. But no, I don't mind at all if people look. If they look it means I'm getting a hell of a shot :D
February 11th, 2011
@amyhughes Thats the best way to be, I need to be like that, I didnt care when I was a Studen taking Photos for when I was doing A Level Photography so dont know why I care now, I may get a T Shirt made saying "Taking Photos for the 365 Project" Haha
February 11th, 2011
@lisahutchinson oh my gosh that is a brilliant idea!! haha!! We could sell them on here for anyone that needs one. :D lol!
February 11th, 2011
Don't Mind Me...I'm just taking pics for my 365
February 11th, 2011
I have always been confident with taking phots, but then I am one of those that doesn't really care if people stare at me, they can see what I am doing so if they feel the need to stare then thats something they have to deal with as far as what you can and cant photograph the rule of thumb is as long as you have permission if on private land or you are photographing the subject while you and they are on public land and are not causing an obstruction then you can photograph pretty much what you like, where the law comes into effect is when you do cause an obstruction are obsessively photographing an individual or shooting on or into private property that you do not have any rights to (so shooting people through their windows is a no no really.) other than that knock yourself out. There are websites that explain the law and photography out there, if you are worried about taking a shot look it up and see.
February 11th, 2011
I'm lucky in that I have a large group of friends that allow me to snap them whenever it takes my fancy. As for random location shots, I haven't tried it in a while but I'm planning on it this weekend. I usually don't have any problems with it
February 11th, 2011
Yeah, forget the other people. I know its easier said then done. They are probably paying less attention to you then you are to them. I have this issue from time to time when I am out of surroundings I am familiar with (like a recent trip out of state). So I can relate.
February 11th, 2011
if you can see it, you can take a photo of it, doesn't matter, catching a once in a life time thing is priceless, you don't want to miss that
February 11th, 2011
@amyhughes Fab Idea LOL
February 11th, 2011
Bit of a masochist in this regard...have pulled muscles climbing trees, I've bruised knees, scraped elbows, got sunburnt, got into other awkward positions - Ive laid on my back in Times Square - and got seriously odd looks. I'm forever spontaneously jumping out of my car or friends' cars to take (in my eyes) the perfect shot. I've missed some stimulating conversation and dashed off because something has caught my eye (I have very patient friends, thank goodness) etc etc. Not sure if it's a confidence thing - more like I'm oblivious to it get my shot. If I'm not hurting, injuring or disrespecting anyone or living thing......then I just go for it. I'm so-called 'suffering' in the name of my art... or that's what I tell myself. ;)
February 11th, 2011
I'm with bluegnu- I've crawled on the ground on my belly, waded in water, stopped to take pictures of mud puddles...anything I see that strikes my fancy. Don't really care what people think...

You'll never see those people again- so who cares? And if you do- and you got the shot- SHOW THEM!
February 11th, 2011
I don't really care who stares.. in fact, the more the better! I'm happy to tell them what I'm doing and if they think it's funny then they don't have to stay. I've climber trees in high heeled boots and a miniskirt to get the shot I want.. I am always walking around carrying a rubber duck, randomly placing it somewhere I think would look good, and the whipping out my phone and crouching down to get some shots.. yeah I get funny looks but it just makes it all the more exciting, I think.
February 11th, 2011
@katiegc24 ~ ill bet u get some really weird looks for the duck shots hehe ! but we all love greg :)

Lisa ~ u know me i dont give a monleys what people think of me lol ill do what i want no matter what anyone thinks , but u know that already hehe ! xx
February 11th, 2011
I don't feel weird taking photos of objects, but I get scared about taking photos of strangers so I've only done that a couple of times... all the time with my heart pounding. I take a lot of photos at school events of kids, but I have "official" status as the PTA photographer and that helps me to feel confident even taking photos of relative strangers.

February 11th, 2011
ha ha ha ha reading all this experiences you had is very entertaining , very cool , before i was that so shy shooting pictures whenever i walk around somewhere because i have this feeling that I'm not a professional photographer. But now these days , i agree with Beth, who cares , I'm doing it for myself and not for them and beside i know it could give me the contentment and satisfaction afterward. yes it's true i also experienced holding something and putting it in any place and looking for a good angle to shoot at that item I'm holding. I do look stupid ha ha ha ha but rewarding at the end LOL!
February 11th, 2011
@katiegc24 Am I right in thinking You go to 6th Form, Gorleston ? I live just around the corner, suprised Ive not seen You and Greg about.
February 11th, 2011
LOL . . . It takes a while, but now I don't hesitate to lay down on a sidwalk or climb up on a chair in a restaurant to get the right angle!!!!! Incidentally, my son instinctively now just says "chees" any time I raise the camera to my eye, even if I'm not shooting him!
February 11th, 2011
My husband loves me to bits but ia a n oldfashoined reserved type, I guess I feel his embarrasment and it transfers to me. Thanks for sharing , perhaps i'll be more open in the future.
February 11th, 2011
@travelingbabe "You'll never see those people again- so who cares? And if you do- and you got the shot- SHOW THEM!"

^ TOO right!

But then I'm quite intimidated about it, although I have started to feel more comfortable in the past few weeks.
February 11th, 2011
i had my compact out in town today and was taking some pics of some of the floral displays in the florists,i was snapping away merrily,set off to go to the sweet shop and got called back for them to ask what i had been taking pics of,i expained and offered to show them and delete them if they wanted as i hadn't asked first,all they were concerned about was if i had ben a rival florist and had prices on my snaps. i think i might print some of the pics and give them to them if they are any good as a gesture of good will
February 11th, 2011
@lisahutchinson - I do indeed. I haven't taken many photos in Gorleston itself.. just one on the beach. I have done some in Yarmouth, Happisburgh, Winterton, Acle and Horsey though.. so all quite close but for some reason I just haven't done any in Gorleston!
February 11th, 2011
No. Got funny looks, strange looks, shouted at, thrown glass bottle at, etc... otherwise how can I take a pic?
February 11th, 2011
@katiegc24 Not really anything exciting in Gorleston really, Although I was told today if You go to Rec Ground behind 6th Form through a gap You can get to Trees and an Old Railway Track so that may be worth a look.
February 11th, 2011
I was for the first wee while but the more I pushed myself to do it the better I felt. I have no problems in going out now
February 11th, 2011
@lisahutchinson - Oh really? Sounds good.. where exactly? I might have to make a trip there sometime soon with Greg..
February 11th, 2011
I'm starting to get over it. Most of the time I take photos in the house but I'm getting out and about a little more. I was really scared at first but i'm coming out of my shell, in fact I end up having conversations with people when I'm out. I'm wanting to get out more and go further afield. Wish I could drive though.
February 11th, 2011
@katiegc24 Not 100% sure but apparently at the back of the field theres a gap that You can get through, Will have to check it out. Greg might like it there.
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