How Do You Decide?

February 13th, 2011
When picking your picture for the day, how do you choose? Do you just take one photo a few times and pick the one that is the best? Or do you take a few different pictures and choose the one you like the most?
February 13th, 2011
I take a few pictures and pick the one I like best. Sometimes I have a picture in mind, take a few pictures of that subject and something else just jumps at me to take a picture of and to post.
February 13th, 2011
@cirasj Nice!
February 13th, 2011
I get my kids or hubby to pick if i can't decide as they did earlier!
February 13th, 2011
I always end up taking more than one and it can depend on the day too.. sometimes I have a plan in mind like the last two days and sometimes they are random
February 13th, 2011
usually the one I like best, if there is more than one I number them and write the numbers onto scraps of paper that I fold over and put into a bowl :)
February 13th, 2011
I take photos of a few different things and a few times. Unless I am dead certain about what I wanted to capture that day. I get into trouble when it comes to picking THE photo for the day, my Fiancé normal has the deciding vote since he isn't as attached to the photos as I am. I will admit sometimes I do go against his vote =D
February 13th, 2011
I usually have a specific shot in mind. I take a few and when I think I have the shot I want, I'll look through them and decide. Somedays I take shots of multiple things. On those days, I usualy edit all of the ones I like and then I eventually might use them later in the week if I don't have time to take a picture on a certain day.
February 13th, 2011
I've got a great group of friends who help me out, don't know where I'd be without them, lol
February 13th, 2011
I don't tend to have this problem - I don't usually have more than one photo from each day that would be worth uploading!

Sometimes, I don't even have that!
February 13th, 2011
I take loads, and then select just the ones I like, usually about 3 or 4.. and then I put two of them next to each other on my computer screen and decide which one is more eye-catching/interesting and delete the other one. I go through all of them doing that, choosing the best out of two until I end up with just a final 2 and do the same with that.. and often I ask people what they think. I think it helps having them next to each other to compare.
February 13th, 2011
Initially I decide what I like most. Then I realized I like more than one... normal problem I supposed. Then I use all the Ace's 3 albums - one for street, one for people/portrait, and one for general..
February 13th, 2011
I take one shot and it's always perfect as is! What decision is there to decide on? Doesn't everyone do that? ;-) j/k!

Actually, I take pictures of all kinds of things each day. I pick a couple, and then narrow it down to one. That goes for the photo of the day, and the others get posted on my blog and occasionally on a second album here. I seem to get a sunset, a flower, water, and animal shot each day. Sometimes it's easy to pick, other times, well. Narrowing it down to a handful and then selecting one seems to be easier.

Maybe one day it will be easier.
February 13th, 2011
I Flip A Coin, Do Some Magic, Edit Them Until They Are Perfect, And Ask You For Your Advice :)
February 13th, 2011
I take between 50-100 shots per day (slow time of year for me). Sometimes, I shoot with something in mind and sometimes just take pictures of something that catches my eye. I select between 2-12 of my favorite shots. Since I am trying to use shots that I have done no to just a little processing, I look for any distractors and for good composition in the 2-12 shots. If my husband is not too busy, I have him make the final selection or narrow the selection down. He has a really good "eye". Sometimes, I just know which picture I like the best for my 365 project. I usually pick an image that looks good in a thumbnail image. (some images just do not show up well in the thumbnail size).
February 13th, 2011
@cirasj I'm like you. I wish I could take lots of pictures each day but time doesn't allow it. Also, to get some really great shots, I'd have to drive some distance. I like trying to find things to shoot in my neighborhood but even that is a challenge sometimes. Some days I have a lot more pictures than others. Once they are uploaded and I can seem them in a larger size it's easy to start eliminating. Sometimes one will immediately jump out at me and other times I have to go back and forth between several before I make up my mind.
February 13th, 2011
I usually have a image in mind that i would like to shoot... i will take multiple shots and adjust settings on the same shot (if doing a setup shot)... i will look through all the shots from that day and decide which is the best one to post
February 13th, 2011
If I go out I take loads then choose the one I like best at the end of the day. If I stay home I either have an idea or I wander around the house looking for ideas then I take lots of the same thing and choose the best.
February 13th, 2011
Im lucky that like kirsty says above , Theres actually 4 of us doing this project together , so we use fb to chat & decide which shots to use :)
February 13th, 2011
@flamez @kirsty1975 As Rache and Kirsty said, wouldn't know where I would be without them and also @lisahutchinson. It's great to have such wonderful friend to share this experience with but to also have helping choose. I also have hubby and my eldest son Callum helping. I also like to take a few different shots to choose from because what looks good on a camera not always looks the same on a computer screen.
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